"Where the hell have you been??" Donghan asks me as I walk over to him, woah this is the first time he spoke to me without being formal. He was standing in front of the hotel with his arm crossed and a really angry look on his face.

"I'm sorry Donghan. I just needed some fresh air." What I said seemed to anger him even more as he comes straight up to me.

"You needed fresh air for four hours?" I nod my head and give him a firm look, not wanting to push the conversation any further. He just nods his head and let's out a huff. "Did you come in your car or do you need a ride?" I ask him making my way to the valet to tell him to bring my car.

"My friend dropped me off and he's already home so if it's not too much sir, can I get a ride?" I just chuckle at his question and his quick change in mood "Of corse I can, I was the one who asked you anyway." He chuckles as well but before we can get into my car someone calls out my name.

"Jeon Jungkook."


I take in a deep breath and I turn around to see my father standing there. "Yes father?"

"I don't care where you ran off to, I guess it was such big news that you just needed a little breather. But just know that once you become CEO of my companies there is no running around. There will be no mistakes made, I didn't raise you to break the rules and do what you please now did I?" He asks as he came closer to me and stops until his face was right in front of mine. "Did I?" He says in a much scarier tone but I knew I needed to keep myself together. "No father." He nods his head in satisfaction and pats my shoulder.


He walks away, with his men beside him, to his car and leaves.

Once he was out of sight I let out a huge breath I didn't know I was holding. "Are you ok sir?" Donghan asks and I just wave him off and get it in the car with him following.

I carefully place the box that Tae gave me in the back of the car and looking at the box made me smile. Bringing back the wonderful memories that I just shared with Tae.

"Oh my god, are you actually genuinely smiling sir?" I quickly wipe the smile off my face and set my face to neutral and start the car. "No I wasn't." But of corse that was a huge lie, how could I not smile after meeting Taehyung?


I look down at the papers that we're just sent to my house, since I decided that I wanted to work from home today, and let out a little sigh. Seriously no one needs this much paper work. I continue going through each pile until I felt I couldn't stand to read another word.

I set the papers down and get up to go to the kitchen for some water. Once I get to the kitchen I see the box that Tae got me. I decided to open it to see a white folded paper on the top. I pick it up a little confused as to why a piece of paper would be here. I unfold it to see numbers written down on it, to be exact Kim Taehyung's numbers. He gave me his number!

Wait, I had completely forgot to ask him for his number, what if he didn't give me his number? It would have been harder to get in touch. Not really, I could just ask someone to look it up for me but I'm glad he gave it to me on his own and I'm glad he thinks a couple steps ahead. I look back into the box and take out a chocolate and eat it. I take out my phone from my pocket and put his number in so I wouldn't lose it.

Should I text him now? Or do I finish all the papers that I have to have finished by tonight?

I'll just text him before I go to sleep because I need to finish the papers now.

I go into the fridge to grab a water bottle then I make my way back to the living room where I hade my papers sprawled out. "Let's see." I look at the remaining piles and decide which piles I should start first.

I decide to take the biggest one and work my way down but before I could actually even pick up the pile someone barges into my house.

"Hello my little one." And of corse it's Jin.

"Hey Hyung." I don't get up to give him a greeting as I had so many papers to get through. 

"Oh wow! That's a lot of papers! I'm the CEO of my company but I've never had to go through that many papers." He ruffles my hair and sighs sadly at the papers, taking a seat on the couch across from me.

"These papers are from my fathers company which will be transferred to me in a month when he leaves to manage his other companies world wide." I don't even know why he wants me in charge of his companies when I barely know a thing about them. That's why I'm here studying about the companies to make sure that I have every detail down. It's not like I didn't know what his companies were it's just I didn't know details and of corse I won't be able to manage his companies if I didn't know the details about it. But of corse my dad doesn't care about that, he expects me to know everything anyway.

"Yes, I heard. Congratulations!" I look at him and just shake my head no.

"It's not something to congratulate me on. It's not something that I want to do."

"Well did you tell your father that?" He asks giving me a stern look. I look back down at the papers with a nervous look. I know if I tell him the truth he's going to scream because I didn't speak up and if I lie he's going to know that I lied and he's going to scream. So either way I'm going to get screamed at. Might as well tell the truth.

"No, I just froze up when he was talking to me." Jin just scoffs at me and sits up straight on the couch giving me a scary look. I put my papers down and gulp getting ready for him to scream at me.

"Really Kook? You have to stand up for yourself! You need to speak up or he's not going to know what you feel. You can't keep taking this much responsibility if you know you can't or don't want to handle it. You haven't even been having some fun in your life for God's sake. When was the last time you've went out on a date with a girl?" I mumble out a small never which he didn't seem to hear as he patiently waits for me to answer.

"I've never been out on a date with a girl." He starts to laugh probably thinking I'm joking but I'm actually far from it. Once he sees that I'm not laughing with him he stops and looks at me confused for a couple of seconds and then he opens his mouth in shock, letting out a little gasp.

"Wait, you're serious?" I nod my head and look back at the papers in front of me.

"Is it because you don't have time or is it because...you know...you don't...you know?" I look at him as if he was stupid.

"Are you trying to say it's because I don't like girls?" I ask and he nods his head while his ears start to turn a bright red. Is it really that hard to say?

"Well you're right I don't like girls, I've never had and I never will." I say it so calmly as if it's such a normal thing to say. Jin let's out another gasp and gets up from his spot from the couch and sits right next me.

"Really Kook?" I nod my head still looking down at my papers, slightly afraid to look up at him. Afraid that he doesn't fully accept me and also this is my first time coming out.

"Aww Kook, look at me." I slowly look up at him and I see him smiling so big and proud. "I'm so happy for you Kook, so happy that you know what you want in life. And I'm guessing that I'm the first person you've told." I nod my head smiling as well. "Well I'm honored that you told me first." He brings me into a hug and hug him back burying my face into his shoulder.

I'm glad he accepted me. Well we are friends with Yoongi and Jimin and he accepts them but I was still afraid to come out. Especially with my dad. He might act like he's ok with it and that he supports gays but he really doesn't. He just pretends because one of his biggest clients is gay and he wouldn't want to lose one of his biggest paying clients.

Jin pats my back and then backs away from the hug with a smile on his face. "Well why don't you finish up a least one more pile while I make us some lunch?"

"Thank you Hyung."

"Anything for you my little one." I chuckle at the nickname and go back to working on the papers.

As I was immersed in my work I hear footsteps coming in my direction and I look up to see Hyung holding my chocolate box in his hand. "I wanted to know if I ca-"

Before he can finish his words I snatch the box from him and hold it protectively in my arms.

"Woah, clam down I was just asking if I can have one. Anyway I thought you didn't eat chocolate."

"I don't." He looks at me amused by my answer.

"Ok well who's number is in there?" Damn Jin why do you have to be so nosy?

"Nobodies." I say and sit back down on the couch and I put the box right next to me.

"I know it's not nobody, tell me is it a guy?" He lifts his eyebrows up and down and I laughed at how terrible he was doing it.

"Y-yea." A small smile reaches my lips and I couldn't help but blush thinking about the way he smiled.

"OH MY GOD! YOU'RE SMILING!" I laugh at his reaction and just shake my head.

"Well whoever it is I suggest you take a small break and text the person while I'm cooking because I haven't seen you smile like that in ages. It's such a beautiful smile. I'll help you with the papers later if you just text him right now. Please." Why not, Jin said he'll help me out later anyway. I pull out my phone and say, "ok, ok. I'll text him right now." He walks away squealing for some unknown reason all the way to the kitchen.

I get all happy as I type out my message and I burst with happiness once I hit send.

"Hey Hyung, it's me Jungkook. I just saw your number in the box and I'm glad that you put it there."


Hello lovelies!

After this chapter it's pretty much going to be just a lot of Taekook moments so prepare yourself for some cute moments!
