Despite it being late, Edmund, Avelyn, Peter and Collin were all summoned to the headmistress' office.

She didn't have a clue as to what happened. She was clearing her office, getting ready to head for bed when Peter burst into her office, holding Collin by the back of his collar.

Both the boys' hair was a mess, their shirts untucked and Collin and a purple bruise under his left eye.

Now, back to the were they were,

"I presume there's an explanation for all" the headmistress paused "this ruckus"

She looked sternly at each one of them.

Both Peter and Edmund knew Avelyn wouldn't be able to talk about the situation, so they explained what happened for her.

"Is this true ms. Knight?" She asked once the boys were done.

The girl simply nodded.

"Very well, Collins?" She stood up "you won't be sleeping in your dorm today. You'll sleep in one of those single servant rooms, locked up, in the south tower. You'll be sent for an inquiry tomorrow"

She looked at the rest of them "that will be all. Dismissed"

"Sent for an inquiry!?" Edmund wisper yelled as they headed back to their dorms.

Avelyn told Edmund and Peter about what he'd spoken before they'd got to her. About him being Agramon.

"What else can they do?" Peter sighed "can't just kill him. He's a boy, not a demon like how he was back in Narnia"

"He sure did act like one" Ed snapped "I swear if I had-"

"It's fine" Avelyn softly spoke "no harm done"

"No harm?" Peter looked at her "Aves what he tried to do was barbaric"

"I'm tired" Avelyn lied to stop any further conversation. She knew that they'd reached close to Peter's dormitory.

"Good night Aves" Peter hugged her "we're here in you need to talk"

Avelyn smiled at Peter before he walked toward his dorm.

"You aren't tired are you?" Ed asked softly.

Avelyn just nodded.

The boy looked around before walking a few steps toward a window. He opened it and climbed on to the windowsill and jumped.

"Edmund!" Avelyn yelled as she ran toward the window only to find to him standing on a ledge.

They were on the fifth floor and there was a tiled edge which was broad enough for 3 people to stand. The ledge lead to a gargoyle which had an even wider ledge around it.

The only thing was, their school was built upon a hill and so, even though they were on the fifth floor, when you looked down from the ledge it seemed to appear as if you were on the 9th floor.

Edmund walked a few steps away from the window and toward the broader ledge.

"Aren't you coming Aves?"

The girl climbed over the sill and onto the ledge but started having second thoughts once she looked down.

"I don't think uh.." she fumbled as she backed up toward the window.

"Don't look down" Edmund turned around around carefully walked towards her and took her hands in his "look at me"

"Edmund I'm not sure-"

"You won't fall" the boy assured "I won't let you. And if you do, sor- I'm kidding. Now take a step forward, look at me, uh, if that helps"

Avelyn walked along the ledge. She wasn't sure what scared her more, she falling down or the fact that Edmund was walking backwards on a ledge at such a height.

She went with the latter.

"Almost there" Edmund said, stepping on to the broad ledge "see? Wasn't so bad was it?"

"It was terrifying" Avelyn muttered.

The both of them sat down oh the ledge, neither of them spoke for a few minutes. They stared of into the distance in silence, letting the cool breeze blow past them.

"Do you come here often?" Avelyn asked, looking at Ed

"Yes," the boy smiled "almost every night"


"Look about the letter" Edmund sighed "I know it was stupid of me to just shut you out and I know it sounded like I didn't care about you anymore but the reason I didn't send it was because I did care, despite the fact that I wanted to move on. I just couldn't get myself to do it. And I don't mind if you don't want to talk to me or if you want to punch me or push me from here- no actually, don't push me from here"

Avelyn laughed, something she hadn't done in a long time.

"Shut up Edmund" she chuckled.

"Make me" the boy smirked as he turned toward her.

"Alright" Avelyn cheekily smiled. Just as he was about to further say something, she leaned in and placed her lips on his, gently nibbling his bottom lip for a few seconds before pulling back.

"I- uh, um.." Edmund stuttered as he blushed furiously.

"Shut you up, didn't I?" Avelyn smirked at the now very flustered Edmund.

"I think you need to shut me up again"
