Avelyn tossed and turned, not quite able to fall asleep. She didn't know if it was because of the change of place of because of Luna's mild snoring.

Either way, it was hopeless. She sat up straight in her bed.

"Psst," Avelyn tip toed into Edmund's tent "are you awake? Edmund?"

"Well," the boy sat up and rubbed his eyes "I am now. What's wrong?"

"Nothing" she walked toward him "I just can't sleep"

"Do you want me to sing to you?" Edmund sassed.

"No thank you" Avelyn gave him a look "I don't want to die just yet"

Edmund rolled his eyes before looking at her. She seemed to be troubled about something and he knew exactly what.

"It's because of today, isn't it?" Edmund shifted to let her sit beside him "because the white witch threatened war with Aslan"

Avelyn nodded, sitting down next to him.

"It'll be fine" Edmund gave her a sad smile "Aslan will find a way out of this"
Avelyn heard the remorse in his voice. Edmund blamed himself for this entire thing.

"It's not your fault" Avelyn gently laid her hand on his "you didn't know-"

"It hardly matters now does it?" Edmund sighed



"What do you think happens if we die here?" Avelyn asked, lying down next to him "will everyone be looking for us back in our world?"

"I don't know" Edmund pondered "maybe we disappear into nothing. It'll be like we were never existed"


"Why are you asking?"

"No reason"


"You know," Edmund smiled to himself "back at the mansion I assumed you didn't speak much because you thought you were too good for us. But you know, your not so bad Avelyn"

He waited for her no respond.


"Avelyn?" He turned toward her to find her asleep, her head slightly resting on his shoulder

"Hmm?" The girl yawned " sorry did you say something?"

"Uh" Edmund looked the other way "I said goodnight"

"Good night Ed"

And with that, they both drifted off to sleep peacefully. Thinking everything was well, unaware about Aslan's sacrifice.

Avelyn sighed, thinking about that time. But that was in Narnia, not here.
Since she wasn't able to sleep, she decided to do something stupid:

Roam the school.

She put on her slippers and dress robe before walking out. There were candles lit in the hallway so there was no reason for her to carry her torch.

The only person she had to look out for was the night guard.

She tiptoed past the girls' dormitories and made it to the stairway. She'd made it to the last step when she heard a creaking noise.

Someone was climbing down too.

She rushed toward the back of the stairway, toward a statue and his behind it. The last thing she wanted was to get into trouble.

She observed from the shadows as the night guard walked down the steps. He looked around before heading the other way.

The girl let out a sigh of relief.

"I see your unable to sleep" a voice chuckled from the darkness behind her.

The girl screamed out of shock, but a hand covered her mouth to muffle the sound.

"Are you crazy?" A male voice whisper yelled "you'll rat the both of us out"

Avelyn was still in panic and started to thrash her arms to get away from whoever that was.

"Oh for heavens sake" the same voice snapped before flipping the switch of his torch and flashing it in his face.

"Edmund?" Avelyn gasped before smacking his arm "you scared me you swine!"

"Ow" the boy winced "what is it with girls and their arm swatting. First Susan now you. Who's next, Lucy?"

"Shut up!"

"What are you doing here?" Edmund stepped out from behind the statue.

"I could ask you the same" Avelyn crossed her arms.

"I asked you first!"

The girl scoffed. She didn't have time for Edmund and his childish tantrums. She pushed past him to walk the other way.

"Why are you acting like this?" Edmund snapped with frustration.

"Me?" the girl asked, raising her voice slightly "was I the one who started acting strangely?"

"I had my reasons" Edmund mumbled, averting his gaze.

"Of course you did" Avelyn said briskly "and I have my own for acting the way I am"

"I'm sorry okay?" Edmund jogged up to her "I thought that if distanced myself-"

"Shut up Ed" Avelyn yelled "you can't use the same argument twice. All you care about is yourself and your own happiness, and you'll do whatever it takes to bring yourself that. No matter what price the others have to pay"

"Avelyn please" he pleaded "I know I made the wrong choice but I'll fix it"

"You can't" Avelyn sighed "we're done. Thanks for not leaving, just like you promised"


"Stop it! I hate you!"

"What's gotten into you? Back in Narnia-"

"That's the thing Edmund!" Avelyn yelled, almost close to tears "we're not in Narnia, we're here, as classmates. Nothing more"

"You know that's not true, Avelyn" Edmund tried to keep his voice steady

"Face it Ed, we've lost what we had" she sadly looked away.

"Then let me find it" Edmund stepped closer "I want to fix this mess I made, Avelyn i-"

"Who's there?" The night guard called out from a distance.

"Shit" Edmund quickly turned off his torch before grabbing Avelyn's hand and running off.

"We can't out run him" Avelyn softly muttered as she heard the guard yelling 'stop' as he ran toward the pair.

"There's this broom cupboard" Edmund took a sharp turn "we'll hide there"

Just as Edmund had said, there was a cupboard toward the far end of the hallway.

The boy quickly yanked open the door and pushed Avelyn in first before getting in himself. He left a small crack open.

"This is so crammed up" Avelyn mumbled.

"What did you expect? The western woods?" Edmund chuckled "it's a broom cupboard not the wardrobe to Narnia-"


The two held their breath as they heard the guard approach. He ran past their closet, panting and yelling 'stop you rascals'.

Once he was out of earshot the two looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Why are we laughing?" Avelyn asked in between her fits of giggles.

"I don't know" Edmund laughed.

The boy flipped on the torch, illuminating the entire cupboard. He looked at Avelyn and smiled. It felt good to see her laughing.

"What are you staring at?" Avelyn tilted her head, smiling slightly.

"I missed you" Edmund gently touched her cheek

"I wish I could believe you" her smile faltered.


"I'm sorry" she sighed as she backed away from him "but I'm done trusting people"
