"This is hopeless" Avelyn muttered to herself as she flipped through her book on sailing.

Her class had read about 'Moby Dick' in English and had been told to talk about sailing in their next class. Avelyn however, found it rather too boring and couldn't understand anything besides the terms 'port' and 'starboard'.

Edmund had agreed to help her and they'd decided to meet in the library.

The boy had suggested a few books from the library which she could read to understand the topic better.

She'd taken two books from his list and sat at a table toward the far right of the library.

The girl sighed. She couldn't remember anything. She got up to take the next book that Edmund suggested. That alone took her another 20 minutes. Edmund wasn't there yet since he had a class.

Avelyn put down her book and took a seat herself. She pushed the previous book aside but right before she'd closed it, she noticed a piece of paper sticking out which wasn't there before.

She took the paper, which was folded, in her hands. The girl unfolded the paper and saw that it was in fact a letter, to her.

Dear Avelyn,
                      I know that I've not been myself lately and I've not written to you in so long but that's because as I said, I haven't been myself, at all.
It's been difficult to move on from whatever happened in Narnia.
                     The white witch, Aslan, Agramon, you. It may sound rude but if it wasn't for you, none of this would affect me the way it is right now.
You'll hate me when I say this, you probably already hate me,but I just think it's better if we forget eachother.
                    We're probably never going to see each other anyway and I won't lie, it's driving me to insanity. I hope you understand the decision I've made.


Avelyn blinked twice. Did Edmund blame her for whatever he was going through?

Edmund, not knowing that she'd read the letter, walked in looking happy as ever.

"I see you've already started" he spoke as he sat down across her "what do you need help with first?"

"Kicking you out of my life" Avelyn snapped.

"Funny" Edmund chuckled before he looked at her expression "oh you aren't joking. What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing" the girl laughed mockingly "I just think it'd be better if we forget each other"

With that, Avelyn slammed his own letter on the table in front of him.

"I hope you understand the decision I've made"

And with that, Avelyn walked past Ed, and out of the library.

That was honestly a very stupid thing to do. Say that he couldn't find himself because of her? If anything, it was she who made him.the better version of himself.

Edmund sat there, still shocked by her outburst. He slowly picked up the paper once shed left and gasped.

It was his letter.

The one he didn't send off. He looked around, confused. How did it even get here?

He sighed as he shoved the letter into his pocket before running out the door himself and after Avelyn.

But just as soon as he got out, he ran right into Peter.

"Watch it" he groaned as he steadied himself and looked over Pete's shoulder to find Aves gone "aw shit"

"Where were you going in such a hurry" Peter asked, looking at his brother in such an annoyed mood

"After Aves. We were supposed to study together but then she read the letter, the one that you took and, hold on" Edmund eyed his brother. No one besides his siblings knew about these letters.

"I can't believe you!" Edmund yelled, shoving Peter "you knew I regretted writing that, how could you do this!"

With that, Edmund shoved past his older brother and continued to look for Avelyn.

As expected, she was headed to her dorm.

"Avelyn!" He called out as he ran up the stairs "please, I can explain-"

"Then explain!" The girl spun around from the top of the stairs "tell me that it wasn't you who wrote the letter, that this is just some prank, that you didn't really cast me aside because you were feeling gloomy"

"Avelyn I regret all of it-"

"So you did mean it" Avelyn looked away from him "you left me, wondering what I did wrong, making me question if I wasn't enough, if I meant anything at all because you had to 'find' yourself? Edmund, I've helped you get there countless times"

"I know" Ed took a few steps "I wasn't thinking straight. I thought that-"

"It's fine" Avelyn cut in "I think it's best if we just forget each other. We've anyways caused one another more pain then anything else"

And with that, Avelyn left the boy to grieve over his past decisions.

The only thing that Edmund felt apart from the pain of Avelyn's words were his siblings' betrayal.

One thing was clear for Ed: he would never forgive them for this nor would he trust them ever again.
