That Sinking Feeling

(Y/n) POV-

"The other agent that I assigned down there... are your brothers Santiago and Rohan,"
Those words were ringing inside of my head.

I felt the plane tilt as I felt my stomach boutta be sick.

"Listen up, everybody. You're being insured into a hot operation theater," Nowhere started.

I got up and stood next to Tony.

"Spider!" Cisco screamed causing me to get out of my trace.

"Cisco, put down that laser cap!" Nowhere shouted.

"He's killing my brooch!" Echo shouted.

"That thing belongs in a brooch motel," Cisco says.

Echo got onto her knees, "it's not just jewelry. It's a tracker, it's a camera, tracker, and... it's a friend,"

She picked up that crawls thingy. Real or not, I would never touch a thing that has more than four legs.

"Guys! Check this out! Look at me! I'm invisible!"

Frostee screeched.

"I totally see you," Echo said with an voice irritated.

"You got it inside out," I corrected him.

He mumbled and put it one right.

"Bro, we got invisibility cloaks?" Cisco screeched.

"Nah, that's magic, stupid!" Frostee corrected him as he messed around with the cloak.

"In any other words, it's a fiber-optic mesh poncho that bend light around its wearer," I explained with an irritated tone.

"Can we PLEASE get back on track?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"We've already lost contact with one agent. And two others in hiding waiting for us,". Nowhere says darkly.

"Your mission is to ascertain if Layla is missing, flipped-"

"Guess where I am!" Frostee singsongy.

As he took Nowhere's purse.


I was cut off  by Toretto...

"Hey, nice! Check out the gloves,"

He says as he put them on.

"What does it do?"

He then punched Frostee as he was in the cloak.

Electricity was crackling as Frostee screamed.

Was all gathered around him, "I think it's a shock glove," he says in a haltingly voice. He then whimpers.

"Your hauler's been upgraded with increased armor so it can take a bit from a tank and still survive," Nowhere explained to us.

"I've also loaded all our intel for your mission onto its encrypted hard drive, so when you forget your objective you can easily check back in,"

"You're making it seem like we can't handle this,"

Tony says from behind me, I turned and saw him trying to balance the shock glove on his head.

"Woah! Ow!"

"Am I? I know (L/n) would handle this just fine on her own, but we need inside intel, her brother Santiago is undercover as we speak. While Rohan, is hiding out back at some old mans place with the old timers grandson,"

"We upgraded all your cars, too. Except for yours, (L/n). Turns out you completely made a reck of it and need a new one from scratch. Shipment won't come in till three week. You get to ride with Toretto on this one," Nowhere says with a faint smirk on her face.

"And you, we had to completely rebuild yours," she says as she handed Tony his keys.


"Since you seemed to drop it out of the sky so often, we installed some more thrusters," Her arms were folded across her chest as she stood next to Tony's new ride.

It had a new sliver coat that was so shiny that I could see all my pours.

"I knew it was missing something,"

"You'll need to learn your new cover identities,"

She then handed a book with our new identities to Tony.


"You're the tattoo man from L.A. your three are his crew,"

"And me? What am I?"

I asked with my arms folded.

"Your his girlfriend. Since you also have the same tattoo, we are using you as-"

"BAIT!? Since when am I bait?! Why can't I be the tattoo guy? I could totally look like a dude and sound like one. And even act like one,"

I complained as Nowhere handed me my identity profile.

"You need to make contact with the favelas, use Tony's cover story to infiltrate the gang, and find Layla,"

"Your secondary objective is to find out what the formula does,"

She Then eyes Tony and I.

I felt him give me a side glance then sighed sadly.

"(L/n), here,"

Nowhere threw me a cropped shirt with shorts.

"What is this?"

I asked as I messed with the fabric.

"You have to show off that tattoo somehow,"

She smirked.

"Alright. Another new identity!" Echo cheered.

"How many identities do you have?" Frostee asked as he looked over her shoulder.

"Don't answer that, it's classified," Nowhere answers quickly.

I looked inside my new undelivered file...

" Angélica Rojas? Wasn't Rojas the one I busted on the drug ring back in Mexico?" I asked Nowhere as she glared at Frostee.

"Yes, since his sister was messing around with the tattoo man, thought it would be better for you to be that girl,"

You gotta be fucken kidding me. I glanced over to see Echo laughing at me silently. I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved her as she did the same back to me.

... "Woah, you invented him that never loses its flavor?" Echo says in amazement as she looked over at the gum.

"That's existed for years, but never hit the market thanks to Big Gum.

"That's actually true,"

"(L/n) loves to chew gum, we had to invent a gum for her not to waste. She can get through those big pack of gum under 1 hour," Nowhere says as she threw me the gum, I caught it with my right hand.

"Wait, you were keeping tracked?" I asked as I popped in the stick of gum.

"Yum, Tutti Frutti," I hummed.

"Okay, the drop zone is coming up. Here's your brief,"

Nowhere then handed Echo the big binder to Echo.

"I thought the intel was on the main frame in the hauler?"
Echo asked as she tried to hold the book with both of her hands.

"It's is, but it's invaluable to have a binder too. A binder ek t run out of batteries, need upgrading, or break up with you via text,"

Oop, that hit to the core...

"Uh, you okay?"

Echo asked as we all looked confused.

"Fine! You have your instructions. I'll be on my own mission,"

Nowhere's voiced cracked a bit. Then stomped off.

"You still have to go on missions?"

"Have too? Duct-taped in a shipping crate for hours, waiting for a pero to leak just the right information before I burst out and start cracking skulls?!"

Nowhere smiled as she groans.

"I can feel my blood pressure dropping already,"

Damn, no wonder her therapist told her to see another one.

"Anyway, call me when you have an emergency," Nowhere walked away.

"Uh, don't you mean if we have an emergency?" Frostee asked.

"Enjoy your duct tape, Ms. Nowhere. We've got this totally under control," Tony says as he placed a hand onto Frostee shoulder.

I mentally faced palmed myself, Toretto is going to get us killed.

"Why did you flash your tattoo?!" Yelled Echo.

I was pacing back and forth.

"I told you a Toretto will get us killed," I said as I leaned on the dash board.

"He asked if we had any guns,"

Tony did a flex with the arm that has the tattoo and kissed it, and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Ugh, why didn't I ask Nowhere to do this mission alone?" I groaned as I hit my head.

Echo seemed tired of him. Frostee just face palmed himself.

"Only now, they think we're in a gang!" Screeched Frostee.

"Exactly! That's what our cover I'd supposed to be. Don't worry, we got this!" Tony tried to hype us up.

"Ever thought about TELLING US?!" I yelled at him.

The guys seemed to flinch when I banged my fist into the metal table. Leaving a dent.

Fucken cops.

Fucken Toretto.

Fuck my life.
"Yeah! Let's do this!Who-hoo!"

Tony yelled as I sat in the passenger seat.

"How did I get myself into this?" I muttered.

He began to put the car into reverse and flew off the top of the spy van.

Then landing on the side of the two cop cars.

"Let's cover them with our new smokescreen tires," Tony says as he looked in his mirror.


Echo came up behind us, she stepped on the gas and came next to my window.

He used his emergency brake and drifted with Echo, to creat a smokescreen.

I pulled up my mask, knowing the plan.

I took off my seat belt and went through the window and onto the roof of the car. I slid down the glass and onto the back.

I took out my two guns, and I shot at their tires, couple of them flatted and crashed. Echo and Tony began to zig zag and I tried my best to hang on.

I heard humming coming below me. I threw my guns away and onto the street.

I turned my body as my back met with the fin of the car. I held onto it with both of my arms out and my hands grip the bars that held it.


We last Echo as she grinned at me with envy.

I could form a smile due to the wind blowing into my mouth.

My eyes watered a bit.

I heard a scream. I looked over the roof of the car, the bet I could. And also screamed.

Cops were formed in a messy line, blocking out way.

Tony made a big U turn, once that happened, they followed us. One by one.

I was still hanging on!

I made my way slowly onto the roof of the car and back into the window, where I came from.

"Time to serve some chicken and waffles!"

I heard Tony yell.

Once he zoomed, I jerked forward and flew onto the hood of the car.

"Let's catch up with the oth-"

Tony stopped as I felt myself dent his car.
Tony screamed as I screamed.

He began to lose control of the wheel.

Once he gained control, he looked at me shocked.

"Dude, a little help!?"

I yelled as he took one hand off the wheel and tried to grab my hand from the window.

I then grabbed his hand. He pulled into his window.

I flew onto his lap. My face was on the passenger seat as my wast down was on his lap.

We both 'oofed'.

"Nice view~"

Tony says as he poked my ass with his finger.

I began to get mad. I got up as best as I could and kneed him in the groin.

He held in a cry as he rested his head onto the wheel.

"What is the matter with you?!" Tony groaned.

"What's the matter with me!? After what you said to me-"

"Woah? What did I miss on La Asesina a Sueldo Espía Amantes Corral?"

Cisco asked as if he wasn't on mute.

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat.
