Bem-vindo ao Rio

(Y/n) POV

The sun was shining.

Tony cruising as the others did the same.

Ahhhh, not thing can ruin this moment~

"This is unreal,"

Tony says as he looked amazed.


I heard Frostee say.

I looked in my mirror as Forstee poked his head out of the car window.

"So, what's the plan? How can we find Layla and find out what these gangs are up to?"

Cisco asked as he had the monkey on his shoulder.

"We've got all we need,"

Can you see the formula?"

Tony flexed.

"Or do you need me to magnify it for you?"

He flexed again but zoomed in on his fake tattoo.

"Are you flexing?"

Echo asked.


Tony responded.

"(Y/n) has a real one! She should be flexing,"

Cisco butted in.

"Which one? I have multiple,"

I said as I flexed my arm tattoos.

"Anyways, you two are gonna walk around trying to act like a body builder?"

Frostee pitched in.

"I'm not sure that'll work,"

"I'm not a body builder, I'm the man with the formula tattoo everyone's been looking for,"

Tony says with a smirk.

'Ahem' I faked coughed.

"Oh, and (Y/n) too,"

He chuckled nervously.

"Damn, T. Forgetting your own girlfriend like that,"

"Funny, Toretto,"

I said as I leaned back in my seat.

"I just need to make sure the right people meet... Marchelo,"

He says cooly.

"Marchelo who?"

Echo's voice came on.

I laughed my ass off.

"I'll answer that when I find where I wrote down my cover name,"

Tony says as he glared at me.

"Who the fuck writes down their cover name?"

I said as I put on some chapstick cuz a Bitch's lips are crusty.

We all parked.

Tony got out first then me, everyone was crowded around our cars.

"Looks like the locals have great taste,"

Tony says as he looked around.

"Yeah, great taste for (Y/n),"

I heard Echo say.

I notice half the men looking at me.

I smirked and made my way over to Tony.

"Woah! Awesome! Can I take a picture with your car?"

Some random local asked.

"Yeah, of course,"

Tony responded.

"With the girl too?"

The same guy asked again.

"Sure! I would love too,"

I said as I leaned on Tony's hood.

The guy took a couple of photos.

Then the guy took a couple of pictures with Tony and I.

Tony flexed his arm with the tattoo.

I flexed my other tattoo on my stomach.

"Oh, obrigado! Thank you!"

Says the guy.

I smiled at him, while Tony smirked.

"If everyone is that friendly, this is gonna be easy,"

"Yeah, pretty friendly with your girl,"

Forstee added.

I notice that couple of guys were taking pictures of me, I smirked as  I'm going to have so much fun here.

"Whatever. Let's go find the gang, and go find my brothers. Before, they find us,"

I say with Tony's hand in mine.

"Yeah. While you show off your tattoo, we'll scout for underground types looking for shady formulas,"

Cisco says as he pets his monkey.

"Yeah, what could go wrong with that?"

Echo says unsure.

"Dude, are you really keeping him?"

I asked as I made my way over to the four.

"What? Oh, Donut? Yeah, of course!"

Cisco says as the Donut chattered.

"Whatever, come on Tony,"

I said as I felt someone is watching us.

"(Y/n)? You okay?"

Tony asked as he caught up to me.

"Yeah, just feels like someone is watching us. Perhaps it's just me,"

I said unsure, I squinted but couldn't see anything because the sun.

"Time to reveal Marchelo's and Angélica's backstorys,"

Tony says to me.

I sighed as I felt embarrassed for him.

"Tony, it would be to obvious, ever tired being-"

"(N/n), I know what I'm doing! I'm like a practical pro that backstories,"

Tony pointed a finger at my lips to shit me up.

"Unlike that time in 4th grade,"

I mumbled.

Tony made his way to the men that were watching a soccer game on the TV.

"Hey guys! How's it going? Names Marchelo,"

Tony introduced himself as he stepped infront of the guys TV view.

I mentally slapped my self.

"¿Qué estúpido puede ser?"
(How stupid can he be?)

"Yeah. Just got out of prison in the States,"

I overheard Tony.

"My god, he's making a fool of himself,"

I whispered to myself.

"You know how it is. The big house, right? The joint,"

At this point, I would hang myself already...

"Hard time,"

Tony leaned on the table.

"Anyway, I'm down here looking for my birth father. Rumor has it he got amnesia on a fishing trip,"

Oh my lord.

I was stifling a laugh, with both hands over my mouth.

The worst backstory of them all.

Worse than my first one.

"Yeah, yeah, he got hit in the head with a flying fish,"

Tony went on.

The two guys weren't even paying attention.

Their attention was on the game.

"His friend yells 'duck', but Pops just thought he saw a bird,"

Tony then faked yawned.

"Yep, anyway, I'm pretty tired. You know, from the joint,"

Tony says as he flexed his tattoo again.

"No! We missed the goal!"

Yelled the big man.

He threw the table to the side as they glared at Tony.

"They'll show the instant replay!"

Tony says to them as they backed him up to the wall.

"Um, (Y/- I mean, Angélica!"

He shouted my cover name.


I shouted, as they looks towards me, I then pointed to a random object.

Tony ran as I ran with him.

"I see what you mean now, (N/n),"

"The art up in this place is for real,"

Echo says to us.

We finally made it back as a group .

"I saw a bunch of smaller pieces that make up this huge mural of a woman,"

"I learns capoeira. Actually, the music started playing, and my body already knew what to do,"

"Donuts in a food coma. That's how good these açaí bowls are,"

"We have ah-SAI bowls in LA,"

Tony says as if he didn't know that they were.

"I learned that, to never let Tony do his own backstory,"

Echo laughed as she nudged me.

"Hey! How was I suppose to know that I said to much,"

"T, your Tony Toretto,"

I responded as he had an arm over my shoulder.


We all laughed.

I hugged his side as it began to get chilly.

"Well, not like the ones here. And it's ah-sag-EE,"

Cisco went on about the açaí bowls.

"That's what I said. Ah-SAI,"

Tony repeated again.


Cisco argued.

"Ah-EE! I'm not hearing the ah-EE, dawg! You need to-"

The monkeys tail was shoved into Cisco's mouth.

Frostee and I sniggered a laugh.

"Think those açaí bowls are good with fries?"

Frostee asks all of us.

"Tch, there's only one way I find out, my dude!"

I said as I had an arm around Frostee.

"We're getting off track. Our friends needs us out there. We need to find Layla,"

Tony says in a worried tone.

Since when does he care about Grey?

"Who knew international spying would be so hard?"


Echo and I said.

Motorcycles began to circle us.

"Oh, snap..."



Tony chuckles nervously.

"Bem-vindo ao Rio,"

"Marchelo's backstory did the trick,"

Tony whispered to us.

"Tell me Yu didn't talk about the flying fish,"

"Yes, yes he did,"

I said as I heard Echo sigh.

The guy began to walk towards us.

"You sure these are them?"

Asked the man.

"Look for yourself,"

Says the same boy from today.

The guy then grabbed Tony's arm and looked at the tattoo, he then went over to me and lifted up my shirt a bit to see my tattoo.

"Follow us, amigos. We're heading back to HQ,"

He says with a thick accent.

"The boss will meet us there,"

"Lead the way,"

Tony and I made our way back to his car.

"Tank am for the picture. I'm saving up for a car like yours,"

The boy says to to Tony.

Tony just smiled as I got into the car with him.

We then began to follow the people.

"We might face my brothers,"

I said as I have an uneasy feeling about them.

"What about them that makes them so scary?"

Echo asked.

"They are the top 10 list for the most wanted in the world, besides Dom,"

I explained.

"Just searched it up (N/n), seems like your 11th most wanted in the world, right behind Dom,"

Frostee says to me.

"Pretty much,"

I shrugged.

"Damn girl. What did you do?"

Echo asked me with a laugh.

"Blew up the capital of Russia and Germany... that's why I've been in prison,"

I said as I looked at myself in the reflection mirror.

"(Y/n), this isn't Mulan,"

Laughed Tony to try and cheer me up.

"Hey! At least Elsa when you looked off into the distance back in the Desert,"

I joked back.
