
(Y/n) POV-

Tony, Echo and I, zip lines over the houses.

"Streets are crawling with Layla's buddies,"

Echo says as she helped me down.

"Don't worry, this is Don's safe house,"

I reassured her.

"We gotta change your bandages (Y/n). Before those cuts get infected,"

"I got it Echo,"

I said as I undid the now bloody one.

"You know we can help right?"

Tony says as he got down onto one knee and helped me.

"Echo, can you get the first aid kit?"

Tony asked.

"On it,"


"Don't Tony me. Remember, you have us. Your friends, and your boyfriend,"

Tony cracked a smile.

"Catch, T,"

Echo shouted as she threw bandages and alcohol.

He caught both of them.

"This is going to hurt,"

He warned me.

He poured at least half the bottle, I didn't move or whine.

He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Assassin, remember?"

"Oh yeah,"

After bandaging me up. We went down to business.

"There's no where safer than this,"

Tony says as he sat on his hood.

"Didn't Dom get caught in this safe house?"

Echo asked as she looked around.

"Only because that's what he wanted,"

"AnywYs, we gotta figure dour how to talk to Layla without blowing her cover,"

Tony says to us.

Echo and I looked at each other and back at Tony.

"Dude, she's all up in her cover. She will try to at least kill us,"

"Yeah, T. (Y/n) is right. We should just lay low for a bit,"

"I don't know, T, she looked mad when she was chasing you guys,"

"Like cene madder than you look when you're chasing her,"

"When am I chasing her?"

Tony asked as if he was offended.

"Like when you chased her through the construction site, or in the mines,"

"Aw yeah, the mines! You were behind her, like, the whole time!"

"That was a mission! Other wise I would have been in front!"

Tony yelled.

Tony sighed as he looked frustrated.

"Yeah, mad like that,"

Echo says as she messed with her skate board.

" Hysterical enough,"

I pitched in.

Tony groaned as I sided with them.

"Look, Layla's probably in charge of this gang now,"

"She is a criminal,"

Echo sounded out criminal.

"We only met her because she helped steal the keys to a super weapon,"

I added as I stretched across the hood of Tony's car.

"But then she stole the from Shashi. That's, like, stealing good,"

"Oh, one time she asked me to 'borrow' a tissue. That rubbed me the wrong way... it's not like she was gonna give it back!"

"Anyways, I agree with the girls. She's a criminal,"

Cisco finally went back on the topic.

"I thought that you and Layla were friends, (Y/n),"

Tony asked with an irritated tone.


I corrected him.

"There's one way to be sure,"

Tony pushed, trying to convince us.

"If I can talk to Layla, I can find out what's going on. We need to find her,"

Echo and I looked at each other.

"We know where she is,"

"You guys do?"

"Yeah, Echo has a racket on her since the mansion,"

I responded.

I jumped off the hood and made my way to Echo.

"Didn't anyone place trackers during the mansion fight?"

Echo asked with her hand on her hip.


I said as I popped the 'p' at the end.

"Great, let's go find her,"

Tony changed the subject.

"Okay, but if she kills us, we told you so,"

Echo snickered a bit to me.

Tony looked worried for a sec but snapped out of it.

"Echo and I will hit the streets. You guys lay low at Veto's until the coast is clear,"

Tony told Cisco and Frostee.

"(Y/n), I want you to go and find your brothers,"

"The gang know what your cars look like, so y'all are gonna need new rides,"

I told them the obvious.

"How bout this?"

Echo says as she took off a cloth, to reveal a motorcycle.


Tony and I sat in awe.
Tony tried to turn on the bike.

"Uh, have you ever actually been on a motorcycle?"

Echo asked with arms crossed.

I'm sitting over here laughing.

He's so clueless.

I went over there, and turned it on for him.


"Technically no, but I'm a Toretto! How hard can it be?"

The motorcycle revs as he twisted the gears the wrong way.

Tony exclaims as he was circling in a circle.

In the end, his face was met with a pillared.

He groaned but recovered fast.

"This is hard! This is very, very hard! Argh!"

He exclaims.

I laughed a bit while echo seemed to be having fun.

Echo was the driver while I sat behind her then Tony.

"(Y/n), what do your brothers look like?"

Echo asked over her shoulder.

"Rohan, he has baby blue eyes and jawline, with porcupine hair. Santiago has brown eyes and jawline with brown hair. He smokes a lot,"

I described my brothers.

I could feel Tony's hands travel down to my thighs.

I elbowed him by 'accident'.

"Toretto, not now,"

I gritted over my shoulder.

"Don't blame a man for trying,"

He whispered in my ear.

"Wait till I tell Dom,"

I said to Echo.

"Dom can't know about this,"

Tony said to me and Echo.

Echo sighs as I giggled.

"Time for Spy vision,"

We stopped behind a wall, we saw Layla getting out of her car and walking into a building.

"This is my chance,"

Tony says to us.

"I got look out,"

Echo called dibs.

"I'm going with you Tony, might be something fishy. I'll be in the shadows,"

I followed.

Tony and I began to sprint to the building.

"Tony, (Y/n)! Someone's coming!"

Echo says through our spy watches.

Tony and I hid together in the invisibility cloak.

I felt his breath on head.

He shield me protectively.

Tony and I got up as we looked over the trash cans to see what was going on.

I saw two three body guards, Layla, and another person.

That tattoo...

Two of them...

"Rohan? Santiago?"

I whispered.

"That's them? They don't look that tuff,"

Tony whispered to me as if they aren't buff.

Tony's hand slipped.

He gasped at bit, but I put a hand over his mouth for him to shut up.

Layla took notice of the noise and Came to see.

"Thanks Echo,"

I said in my watch.

Echo used her spider thingy to make a distraction.

"Who's that? What's he doing over there?"

"I don't know, but the two guys that look similar are (Y/n)'s brothers,"

Tony said to Echo.

"Got it!"
Tony lifted up the cloak after Layla and the other people left.

Tony and I sprinted to see where Layla was going la

Echo pulled up after Layla.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know. We just gotta follow Layla. Move over, Echo,"

I said as Echo moved so I could drive.

"Shouldn't we find out who they are?"

Echo asked me.

"If you want to, but I'm going after my brothers,"

I said as I re-fixed my helmet.

"(Y/n) is right, we also need to talk to Layla. Let's go!"

Tony sided with me.

Echo wrapped her arms around my waist as Tony did the same for Echo.

I zoomed off as fast as I could.

Tony, Echo, and I, made it to where Layla was.

The others where there.

We all wore masks, Layla began to fight this other turf.

I glanced to look at my brothers, they just say on the sidelines.

Both their arms were crossed over their chests.

Santiago had a cigarette in hand, while Rohan had a phone in his hand.

They were speaking Spanish, but I couldn't make out due to the cheers.

"Gary, I'm not happy, am I?"

Nowhere says with a stressed tone.

I sat next to Cisco on the stairs in Dom's hideout.

"This seems like a trick question,"

Gary says sarcastically.

"Why am I not happy, Gary?"

"Because they were out of the Paco's Pork Pies you enjoy so much?"

He responded unsure.


"M'm-hm, you get the piggy without breaking the bank. Ah!"

Forstee sang.

"It's a little traste of hog heaven,"

Echo dreamed.

"Advertising, bro. Always trying to sell you something you don't need,"

Cisco pitched in with a laugh.

"Forget about the pork pies! I'm also not happy because you ruined your mission and my mission,"

Nowhere started.

"Here it comes,"

I whispered.

"That's two ruined missions,"

I mocked.

"Three is you count my date with the prince, which Gary does!"

"Wait, wait, how did you land a date with a prince? And where can I do that, is there an app?"

I asked. Tony bumped my head with his hand.

"There was chemistry,"

Gary argued back.

"You are mission ruiners!"

Shouted Nowhere.

"Hope that you are pleased with yourself, (L/n). This could go to your worst mission plaque,"

Nowhere says to me, making my head go down a bit.

"We didn't ruin ours. We say Layla talking to some mysterious people. (Y/n) also found her brothers, making her not ruining the mission,"

Tony stool up for me.

"She's using her cover for good,"

"How do you know she hasn't flipped?"

Nowhere asked.

"We don't,"

"Because I know Layla!"

"You know absolutely nothing! You lost the hauler and then walked into Rio like it was a ball pit, or whatever it is that dumb kids walk into,"


"And you're apparently friends with a monkey now,"

Nowhere then hisses at Donut.


"At least one of you saved your binder,"

"As j said, this is bigger than all of us. Interpol has been working it for a year. Now that I'm here, I'm taking over this op. Gary, hook me up,"

"Start casual,"

Gary reminded Nowhere.

"Text the prince a romantic song and say, 'Heard this, thought of you,',"

"Not with the prince to the spy satellite feeds!"

Gritted nowhere.

Gary began to hook up shit to walls.
"You just plugged in my phone charger,"


"There. I'm going to talk to my buddy in Interpol who roped me off this. Forstee, figure out the formula,"

"I'm about to break out my beakers!"

"Echo, check the supply chain,"

"On it,"

"Cisco, get more information from your Favela contact,"

"I'm pretty full, but I'll do my best,"

"What important job do we get?"

Tony asked as Nowhere passes by us.

"I don't need someone to drive real fast into stupid situations,"

"(L/n), I need you to go and see what your brothers have been up to. Here is their contact info,"

Nowhere says as she handed me a sticky note with their numbers and code name.

"So Tony, why don't you stay here and watch Gary watch the cameras,"

Nowhere suggested, more like ordered.

I gave Tony a sympathy smile then walked away to Echo.

"You two, good job getting a tracker on Layla. Of all people here I don't triste besides (L/n), I do t trust you the least,"

Nowhere says to us then to Echo.

"At least someone's putting use to this,"

She says as she handed Echo the Spy Binder.

"I don't know what-"

"It's a compliment, just take it,"

I whispered to her, but she finished her sentence.

"-you mean,"

"I get it. Book learning's for squares. Your secret's safe with us. Wink,"

Nowhere winked as she put her arms over our shoulders and winked.

My god... this was worse than the talk...

Echo left leaving me and Tony...
