Another tag XD I was tagged by, surprise surprise, hope_forever_18. Lots and lots of people XD
So the rules are:

1) You have to answer all the questions.
2) You have to publish/post with a creative name.
3) Tag 13 people and come up with your own 13 questions for them.
4) Don't skip tags.
5) Put this in a book, not the comments.

Alright, here we go! Oh, and I'm just using Ninja_Taffy_12's questions, lel!

1) Favorite YouTubers?
I watch a lot of Minecraft YouTube ๐Ÿ˜‚ I watch PopularMMOs, DanTDM, iBallisticSquid (sometimes), stampylongnose (not much anymore tho), and also Game Theory. I find him hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚

2) Favorite Song?
Hm... I have a lot of favorites. Basically a bunch of Taylor Swift songs, See You Again, Uptown Funk, Ex's and Oh's, Photograph, and a bunch of others that I'm too lazy to think of rn.

3) Favorite Band?
I don't listen to a lot of bands tbh, but probably Maroon 5 I guess ๐Ÿ˜‚

4) Favorite place to go to and why?
Either my bedroom (XD) or my basement. My bedroom because that's where I feel the most relaxed, I can just chill. And also because most of the time I spend on Wattpad/other social medias is in my bed or watch the new TMNT episodes. My basement because that's where I can watch YouTube and be loud without anyone really caring XD

5) Favorite 2015 memory? Can be IRL or Wattpad.
Huh... I honestly don't know. Maybe when I started actually commenting and making friends on Wattpad, or when my Minecraft IG hit 1K followers. And of course all the fun times I had with my family ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’•

6) What was your first fandom?
I would say Harry Potter, but tbh I really started getting into the "fandom" vibe with Percy Jackson. So Percy Jackson and Harry Potter at the same time, I guess.

7) How did you find your fandoms?
Well this will be a long one.
Harry Potter: My cousins gave me the books as a hand-me-down so I read them.
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/Magnus Chase/Kane Chronicles/Trials Of Apollo: I actually heard of the Lightening Thief movie before I knew there were books, and I was uninterested. However, I saw the books and figured I give them a try and I ended up loving it. And then the rest all nranched off from there; I read the HoO series, then the Kane Chronicles and then the Magnus Chase book came out in October. And the Trials of Apollo isn't out yet but I know it will be awesome XD
TMNT: I saw Rise of the Turtles on TV and decided to watch it. I got sucked in and so did my brother and now it's my main fandom XD
The Lunar Chronicles: I needed a book to read, so I read Cinder and loved it, and now I'm currently on Winter \^-^/
The Selection Series: Again, I needed a book and ended up loving it. I'm not really in the fandom but the books were really good.
Minecraft: Does this count as a fandom? I'm saying it does. Anyway I saw it all over stores and the internet so I played it and I became obsessed and still am *tries to do Spock* *fails*

8) Favorite birthday party/memory?
Maybe my first sleepover party (my 10th bday). It was really fun! We did karaoke and played games and it was awesome.
Either that or my most recent (13th bday). It was also a sleepover but it was smaller and unbelievably fun.

9) What fandom would you want to be real? Only ONE.
TMNT, I guess. With all my favorite TMNT OCs, too XD

10) How did you find Wattpad?
My friend got one and told me about a really good Percy Jackson Facebook story, so I got an account.

11) When and why did you join Wattpad?
Well, around 3 years ago, when I used to be @/agewoogie but I deleted that acc and got this one, where I proceeded to become a mostly TMNT-based account XD I joined bc I wanted to read PJO stories XD

12) Who are your most trusted IRL and Wattpad people?
Well, IRL, it's my family and my friends, like my best friends.
On Wattpad, it's , and probably more that I can't think of.... whoops.

13) Do you appreciate what you have today?
Yep! I love all my friends and family, whether I know them irl or via he Internet. I'm thankful to have those, even if it's only a few. And I love my dog too ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿถ

My good thumb is asleep. Typing is so weird rn.


That's better.

Now my questions:
1. Favorite colors?
2. Door open or closed when you sleep and why?
3. Do you have an dolls?
4. How many posters are in your room?
5. What color are the walls in your room?
6. How many pillows do you sleep with? How many blankets?
7. Chocolate or Vanilla or Other? Why?
8. Do you consider yourself weird? (I CONSIDER MYSELF WEIRD XD)
9. Have any pets? If so, what is/are it/they?
10. Did you get any snow lately?
11. Favorite candy?
12. Favorite snack food?
13. Favorite video game?

there are some weird questions up there... OH WELL

I tag:

And whoever else wants to do it. Also idc if I didn't tag 13 people. I don't give a shell XD

