Happy Thanksgiving! (Or Random Thursday)

Let's pretend it isn't past midnight, lel.

To all my fellow Americans, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

To everyone else, HAPPY RANDOM THURSDAY!

I'm so thankful for my family, and all my friends! IRL and internet.

I may not have many internet friends on Wattpad, but the ones I do have are AMAZHANG

-Renci-, you're a great friend, easy to talk to, and absolutely hilarious. Keep being you <3

COOKIETURTLECT, you're awesome :) We've been friends for a pretty long time, and you're funny and stubborn (DON'T BAN ME AGAIN XD)

hope_forever_18, you're an awesome writer! I love you're books, and you're replies to comments. You're very funny XD

Also, all my irl friends, you guys are the bomb dot com. WHEEZY'S UNITE GreekLoverMAYA

And finally a big thanks to all my readers who comment and vote and are just great supporters. You know who you are ;)
