Mrs. and Mrs. Luthor?! Part 4

Prompt by: MachoNachoKennedy

You, Lena, Kara and Alex were currently at Kara's apartment trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.

"This can't be happening. Why the hell did we get married?!"

"Why the fuck are you asking me?! We were both drunk!" Lena replies to you. "and jesus?! Look at this ring? You got us a fucking mood ring?! Seriously?! I'm a billionaire, you could've done a little better."

"I was drunk! and I wasn't the one who came up with the getting married idea. It was you!"

You yelled back. You're about to continue when Kara steps in to stop the two of you.

"Alright, you guys. This yelling is getting out of control. Lets all just calm down for a sec o..."


The two of you yell at her in unison.

"Look, this is getting us nowhere. If..."

Alex tries to talk, only to get interrupted by the two of you started another argument and yelling back and forth.

"Enough! You fucking idiots!" Alex yells. "Do you want us to help you or not?!"

The two of you glared at each other before nodding at Alex. Neither of you wanted to admit it but you were both in desperate need of their help to get out of the mess the two of you were in.

Kara and Alex had discussed for a few minutes to come up with a plan to get things under control .

"First, you got married. Now you need to decide who is going to move in with who. It's not going to look pretty if the media finds out that you're married and yet don't even live together.

"Easy, mine."

Lena says quickly.

"What?! No way. Mine!"

Alex again had to step in to stop the two of you from fighting again.

"Please. Just stop being a crybaby. You moved in with me the first time, what's the difference this time?" Lena says.

"That was the virtual world, Mrs. Luthor."

That just sets off another screaming match between the two of you. Kara and Alex just sighed, knowing that it was going to be a long day.
