Day of Battle

Melody's POV

Well, today was the day. We were going to fight newborn vampires. To say that I was scared was an understatement. I was DEATHLY afraid for my life, my sisters' lives, the Cullens' and the pack. But mostly I was scared for Jake. He was currently on a mountain top with Bella and Edward. He was their link to the pack and he was to come down for the fight when Seth got up there to switch with him. My sisters and I were changing in my room. We got a tip from Alice to wear black clothing so that we knew who was who when we fought.

I look pretty good in black. And so did Delphina and Serena. We finished changing and heard a knock at my door. Emily came in and told us that the guys were waiting for us downstairs. Before we left, she brought us into a group hug and told us to be safe and watch each others backs. (Ignore the bags.)

Melody's outfit

Delphina's outfit 

Serena's outfit

After our hug we went downstairs where the guys were waiting. Kim was saying goodbye to Jared. He kissed her and assured her that he'll come back safe. And Quil was saying goodbye to Claire, his imprint. Claire was an adorable two-year-old that came to visit Emily, since she was her aunt. Quil saw her and imprinted. Everyone was shocked, like no one knew how it was even possible for him to imprint on a toddler. But Sam managed to calm everyone down and with one look into Quil's thoughts, he saw that he only saw her as a little sister.

After their goodbyes, we all headed outside. The guys phased into their wolf forms. Embry and Paul came back for my sisters, and since Jake wasn't here, I was to ride on Sam's back. We got on the guys and rode towards where the Cullens were waiting for us.

Once we made it to the field, the guys let us down and my sisters and I went to stand by the Cullens. I saw Emmett and Jasper setting up the giant tubs of water that my sisters and I were going to use. I went up to Alice, and as I was about to say hi, she went into some sort of trance. She was having a vision. "Alice, what do you see?" I asked and suddenly Jasper was by her side.

"The army is approaching. They'll be here soon." And that was our queue to get into our places. I stood between my sisters, Del on my left, Serena on my right. I took each of their hands and said, "I love you both. Let's do this together."
They nodded their heads. We then heard many footsteps running towards us. This was it. Out from the woods came the army and we charged forward.

The battle started of okay. Suddenly, we were ganged up, but thankfully the pack came out in time and helped us. One newborn grabbed my neck, and was starting to chock me, but thankfully, Jacob came just in time and tore him off me. I looked into Jake's eyes just as he finished ripping the newborn apart and I mouthed, 'thank you.' He nodded his head and we both went back to fighting. I used my ice powers on a newborn coming towards me, I shot my hands out and pinned him to a tree, the ice piercing through his marble skin. Emmett finished him off by ripping his head off. Once that newborn was down, I melted the ice.

Serena's POV

This battle was brutal. I was fighting a newborn after the other. I was working along side Rosalie, when I heard a whine for help. Thanks to my animal powers I heard the thoughts of the pack. The one in trouble was Paul. I saw my best friend, struggling with newborns on top of him. I charged over their, and with Emmett's help, we got them off him. Paul took care of the last one on him. Emmett and I smirked at each other then looked towards Paul. He nodded his head at me, as a sign of thanks. Then he glanced at Emmett and I saw a slight nod of his head. I spoke up his thoughts to him. "He said 'thanks.'" Emmett nodded his head, and we went back to fighting the army.

Melody's POV

The battle started to die down and all the newborns were dead. The Cullens started a bonfire and threw all the bodies in it. Then I saw Alice gazing off, she was having a vision. "Alice, what did you see?" Jasper asked. "The Volturi are coming." My sisters and I gasped. We didn't have a good alliance with them. Aro, their leader tried to make our kind join the Volturi for centuries, but our mermaid ancestors went into hiding, and we never had to deal with the Volturi ever again. Until now.

Edward and Bella came back and I walked up to him. "Did you get her?" I asked, hoping that the bitch that hurt my boyfriend is dead. "Yes, I took care of her myself." I nodded my head. He then asked Alice, "How long?" I'm guessing he saw her vision about the Volturi. "A few minutes. Maybe 10?" "Melody, you, your sisters and the pack need to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves or even you three." Carlisle said to me. I nodded my head.

I heard rustling and saw Jacob coming out of the woods, still in his wolf form. He looked towards Leah, then I saw that we missed a newborn. Leah charged towards it, but made a mistake. "Leah, don't!" Edward yelled. He and the Cullens went to help. With me, my sisters and Bella staying behind. I saw Jake charging towards her to help. The newborn had his arms around her neck, Jake tackled him off her, he and the new born started to attack each other. Then what happened next, was the worst thing to ever happen.

The newborn grabbed Jacob from behind and crushed his bones. I heard the sound and it was terrible. The vampire tossed Jake aside and he was then finished off by Paul and Sam. "Jacob!" I yelled running towards him. He phased back into his human form, naked. I could see the pain on his face as I got closer with my sisters and Bella behind me.

Edward and Carlisle kneeled down to him to see his injuries. "Jacob. Hold on. Carlisle's going to take care of you." "The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." God, why does the boy I love keep getting hurt. I kneeled down to him and saw pain in his eyes. "Melody." "Jake, sweetie, I'm right here." I assured him. I wasn't leaving his side at all. The pack came out from behind the boulder, all in their human forms. Del went up to Embry and he hugged her close to him.

Leah stormed over and she looked upset with Jake. "Jacob, you idiot, I had it!" She yelled down to my injured boyfriend. Sam just yelled her name, warning her to back off. Sam kneeled down next to Carlisle, just as he said, "I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already started." "We need to get him out of here. We're not going to win a fight with the Volturi." Edward warned everyone. I heard everything, but my eyes were not leaving Jacob's. Sam said, "We'll take him back to Billy's." "I'll be there soon as I can." Carlisle said as he and Edward stepped aside for the pack to help lift Jake up. "Hang in there Jacob. I'm right here. I'm not leaving your side." He slightly nodded his head, trying not to move to much. The pack lifts him up. And they slowly start to move towards Billy's house.

My sisters and I behind them. I was crying my eyes out for my boyfriend, my sisters shushed me to calm down. All I could think about is Jacob in so much pain. Since I was his imprint, I could feel his pain. Why did this have to happen?
