Advice & A Call

Serena's POV

Today was a beautiful day to be at the beach, the whole pack and all the imprints were together at La Push beach. Some of the pack members were playing soccer, while Embry, Seth, Jake and I were sitting on pieces of drift wood or logs. My sisters were in the ocean right now talking to a guard from our kingdom, who came to give us a message from mom. I was spacing out, just gazing into the ocean, but sometimes my eyes drifted to watch Paul playing soccer.

I haven't talked to him much since he imprinted on Rachel. I looked over to her and every time I see them together my nails turn green with envy. Good thing my hair doesn't change color. I was brought out of my thoughts of jealousy when Jake spoke up about how people will talk about how Bella 'died.' When Jake found out that Bella decided to stay human during her honeymoon and commented that it'll be just like any other 'normal' ones that couples have, Jake thought that it was sick and that Edward will kill her.

"Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash. Or tripped and fell off a cliff." He said as he just stared out into the ocean.

Ever since Bella got married to Edward, Jake hasn't been himself that much. Melody tries to do everything she can to get his mind of Bella, but he says he cares about her a lot because she was his best friend. And he hates the thought about her becoming a vampire.

"At least I'll get one thing out of it." Jake said and I know he's thinking about killing Edward.

"No, you won't." Sam said as everyone looked over to him. "The Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe." He said, which was true. My sisters and I trust the Cullens with our lives. But then Jake said, "Well, he's either gonna change her or kill her. And the treaty says..." Jake started to say, but was interrupted by Sam. "I say, Jacob. I say." Once Sam said that he and the others, except Leah, went back over to the imprints.

"You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha." Embry said, and I have to agree with him. Jake is the true alpha and it's in his birth right to be. But he didn't want it in the beginning. "Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time." Jake said.

"Jake, you really think you could kill Bella if she comes back a vampire?" Seth asked which got my attention. I may not like Bella, because she's ruining my sister's happiness with Jake, but it wouldn't be right to kill someone just because they were becoming something else. Then Leah said, "No, make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us." "Shut up, Leah." Jake said rudely not bothering with her.

Then Leah said, "Would you just get over it? You didn't imprint on Bella. You got Melody. You should be happy to be with her, not being hung over on that leech lover." I nodded in agreement. "She's right Jake. Melody saved your life from drowning. You two have been by each others sides since day one. You should be happy that you and Embry have my sisters as mates. You should be happy at all that you finally have someone to love you."

He looked at me and just stared. He then smirked a little and said, "Yeah, I am lucky to have Mel. I love her so much. I shouldn't put Bella before her. She comes first." I smiled and I was happy to see that he agreed with me.

"Hey guys!" The four of us turned to the voice and saw Melody and Del emerge from the water in their swimsuits. Jake and Embry shot up from their spots and went to their girls. I saw Kim go up to my sisters and handed them the spare clothes they left with us. Mel changed fast and she and Jake went to sit down with the other imprints, and Del and Embry soon followed them.

Delphina's swimsuit

Delphina's outfit

Melody's swimsuit

Melody's outfit

I stayed with Leah and Seth, the three of us without mates. Even though Brady and Collin didn't imprint yet, they were only 13 and didn't understand the sadness and longing we felt about finding our soulmates.

"You know I was really rooting for you Serena." I looked at Leah and was confused about what she meant. "You and Paul were inseparable. You guys were by each others side for so long. I was hoping that he wouldn't imprint and that you two could be together. But once Rachel came into town, he has been by her side a lot. I know it must hurt, but it'll get better. I think."

She wasn't sure about her words. She looked over to where everyone was and I knew she was staring at Emily and Sam. "Leah is right Serena. Your happiness will come. You just have to be patient. Trust me. I want to find my imprint too, but I know that I have to wait until the right day to wait for her."

I smiled at Seth's words. But I still couldn't help but stared at the group and see how happy my sisters were with their mates, and how happy Paul was with Rachel. "At least if you were to find your mate, you would finally forget about Paul." She started to say. Then turned to the group, just as Emily and Sam kissed.

"I mean. Being any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can't have."

She was right. I was tired of being upset about Paul and Rachel. I just had to get over my feelings and just go back to being myself. I know my mate is out there. I just need to take Leah's and Seth's advice and wait for him to come.

Please come soon.

Time Skip

A week later (I don't know exactly when Edward and Bella go back to Forks, but in BD1 when Bella calls Rose for help, that takes place in just a few seconds, when Rose will call Melody. ;) )

Melody's POV

My sisters and I were playing a quiet game of Go Fish at our current home with Sam and Emily. We learned how to play the game from the pack. Sam and Emily were out and everyone else in the pack was busy.

"Hey, how about tomorrow we go see Alice and Rosalie? Maybe go shopping with them for a bit." Del suggested and we nodded our heads.

"Yeah, i mean, once Bella and Edward come back, she'll be changed into a newborn vampire, and soon they'll have to 'fake' her death and leave Forks for a while. Who knows how much longer we have to be with our friends." Serena said as she then turned to Del and asks for a queen.

I thought about it and I agreed that tomorrow we should hang out with Alice and Rose. And I'll finally be rid of Bella Swan/Cullen forever.

My thoughts were interrupted by my cell phone ringing. I told my sisters to pause for a sec as I answered the call. I saw the caller ID and to a weird coincidence it was Rose. "Huh, weird coincidence. Rose is calling me." I said aloud then answered the phone.

"Hi Rose. This is so weird, my sisters and I were just talking about you. What's up?" She didn't answer. I could hear her breath, she seemed nervous. "Rose? Is everything okay?" When I said that it got the attention of my sisters. They had both curious and worried faces. "Rose before you say anything, I'm going to put you on speaker so my sisters can hear. And you don't have to worry about someone from the pack listen in. No one else is here with us."

I put the phone on speaker, cranked it up to the highest volume and sat my phone in the middle of the table. "Okay Rose, what's wrong?" She was still hesitant to tell us. But then the next thing that came out of her mouth, shocked me.

"Bella's pregnant."


It was quiet you could hear a pin drop. "WHAT?!" Serena shouted, as she shot up from her chair. How was this possible? We were mermaids, and yet we never even heard of this before. We didn't even think it was possible.

"Rose, are you sure that she's pregnant?" Del asked.

"Yes. Alice had a vision. She said that Bella's future is gone. She can't even see the baby. Edward wants to get rid of it, but Bella won't let him. Everyone wants the baby gone and Bella knows how much having a baby means to me. Also, I'm calling because, I need help with her. I know the pack won't allow this and if they were to find out. I'll need all the help I can get to protect Bella and the baby. Please girls."

My sisters and I all looked at each other and we didn't know what to do or think. I was unsure about helping Bella. She's come between me and Jake so many times, I'm still unsure if Jake truly loves me. But I knew that Bella's baby was innocent and was in need of help.

"Okay Rose. We'll help you." My sisters looked at me as if I grew a third head. I then said, "It's the right thing to do." They nodded in agreement. "Rose, we'll pack some bags and head over to your place. We'll make up an excuse for the pack. Say that our mom called for us to return home for a while."

She thanked me and hung up. My sisters and I quickly packed some clothes and some of our toiletries. We left a note for Sam and Emily on the kitchen table about 'where' we would be. My sisters and I ran outside and I locked the door with the spare key Emily left me. Just as we hit the gravel and ran into the woods towards the treaty line to get to the Cullens, Serena stopped us and said, "What are we going to do if we run into someone from the pack that's on the night shift?"

"We just say that we got a call from our mom on our shell cells and say that she needed us back in Aquata for royal duties."

Del and Serena nodded to my idea and we jogged quickly to the Cullens.

My mind was on one thing though: What will Jake think when he finds out the truth?
