Trouble's Just Around The Corner

   It's 10pm in New York, and it's too cold out here. I've been passing brick walls and empty streets. This is the peace and silence I've been waiting for. Finally, I have time to get away from pressure and worry.

My aunts and uncles keep on asking me to move with them in Colorado, but I don't want to. It may be home but not for me. I'm 19 and I am close to growing up. I cannot be dictated all my life. I have my own dreams too, you know.

I put on my earphones and play a good song on my ipod, putting it in my pocket. I take slow steps, approaching different blocks and heading nowhere. I may not be an original citizen in NY but I know my way out or in.

My parents taught me well and they told me to handle myself, even my mother wanted me to find 'the right guy' which I think is complete crap. There is no right guy in this world for me. I know that I'll live alone in a house, trying to do what I want. Creating music.

   I step on a puddle, splashing all over my black shoes. I could feel the sides of my feet getting wet. I stop and groan, taking my earphones off my ears. "Oh great." I glance at the puddle that was connected to a gutter canal.

Before I could walk again, 3 men starts walking at the opposite side of the road. I think they're drunk, which explains their hooting. What a cliche scene, guys approach me and try to hurt me. I hope they won't though. I am not in the mood to deal with them.

I start walking forward, pretending like I didn't see them. I put my head down and quickly pass by, but one of them notices me. "Look guys!" his voice slurs, and another guy speaks up, "Hey there young thing."

My feet kelt walking, I don't look at them.

"Yo, I'm talking to ya'!" the other guy shouts behind me, I ignore them.

"Hey b*tch!" he exclaims loud enough for me to hear.

My eardrums received his deep rough voice, his words were so clear it echoed through the whole street. I stop walking as I stare down at the puddle in front of me that had the streetlight's reflection.

The men starts laughing maniacally. They meant what they said. I slowly turn around, my eyebrow raised.

One of them whistles as an insult. They must've seen my black shirt that sucked in the curves of my body. I zip up my jacket and clench my fists. I cannot do this. I have to leave now.

I turn around again and start walking. But I could hear them following me, I walk faster and they do too. I start to run but they quickly catch up and the 2 guys pull both my arms. "Get off me!" I start shouting, "Calm down, young thing."

Disgusting men. They should be put to jail for this.

The man starts rubbing the palm of his hands on my hips, and it doesn't feel right. I don't like getting touched by someone, especially a man I don't even know and with breath that smells like hard liquor.

"I said get off!" I kick him on his guts and kneed him, but the other two guys does not let go. They grip tighter and I try to push them off.

But after watching the man who touched me, fall on the ground and wince, I feel one of them let go, like they were being pulled away. I glance and realize he's gone. My right arm quickly threw a punch and the man holding my left arm released me. 

I spin and kick him in the face, making him spin and fall on the wet ground. He groans and I turn around to see the other first guy about to tackle me until some tall man appears and kicks him down.

I gasp seeing the man fall on his back, unconscious. "What?" I mumble under my breath. The tall mysterious man appears behind me, but my hand automatically clenches and punches him straight on his jaw. It was too dark to see his face, but his red bandanna was visible.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, grunting at my punch. "Why'd you do that?!"

I glare at him, but could only see his shadow, "Who the hell are you?" I pant.

He sneers, "I just saved you." he protested, "And this is how you pay me back?"

I scoff. Repay him? I didn't even need him. "I didn't ask for you to help me."

He steps closer, but I couldn't see him well. "Well it looked like you did,"

"Don't you dare step closer to me, or I will break you." I threaten him. 5 years of learning karate finally had purpose.

"Yeah right." he laughs, and his tone becomes serious, "I don't think so."

"Wanna bet?" I start my stance, "Show yourself." I ask him.

I think he's hesitating. This guy's a coward.

"I don't have to prove anything." he says sternly, "I saved you."

"Then try to save yourself from me." I taunt him. I can hear his heavy breathing. He wants it, he's just hesitating. What a coward. "Coward." I mumble.

He steps closer, not pleased with my attitude now. He finally approaches the light, revealing himself. In the form of a... Turtle? What?

I furrow my eyebrows. "Boo." he says, thinking he'd scare me.

"Don't tell me you're from some kind of a gang." I roll my eyes.

"Gang?" he echoes, "Do I look like I'm from a gang?"

"With your red bandanna? And costume? Fine. You look more like getting into a Halloween party."

He sneers, "You're a tough one."

"I know. I told you, I don't need you." I turn and start walking away.

"Just walking away?" he taunts, following behind me. I quickly spin and give him a back kick but he avoids it. This guy's fast. I glare at him and start throwing punches with front kicks. He pushed them off his way until I stopped. He sneers at me again. He's damn good.

"What the hell are you?" I hiss.
