Too Much Butterflies

"Better," she says to me.

I gulp and managed to just look away. She looks away and suddenly changed her soft and sincere tone to her usual sarcastic one,

"What are you doing here?" she asks, "unsatisfied with the last rematch?"

I laugh a bit, "Nah. I actually came to congratulate you."

"Really?" she sounds unconvinced,

I nod and look at her, she was staring at me again. Those eyes are looking back at me again and she looks really pretty. She nods and looks away.

Well, Raph? Think of something. Just talk to her, dang it.

"So, err, in that case, I guess I get to pick my prize?" she says, she glances at me.

I look at her, finally got to look straight for a long time, "Yeah I guess so,"

She smiles and nods twice, "Great."

I pause, smirking I'm still looking at her, "What do you have in mind?"

"Well," she looks down, "I wanted to know more about you."

About me? Why would she want that? It's just like she wants to look more deeper inside of me. The real me. I can't afford to show her that.

"Why would you want that?"

She shrugs, "You didn't show up for days, so you owe me this."

"You want me to tell you where I've been?"

"Sort of."

I sneer, "No way, Reese."

"Come on," she winces, "You owe me."

"I'd rather get kicked by you." I tell her and she laughs,

"That surely sounds nice, but it won't work on me." she smirks,

Clever girl. "Okay, fine, in one condition."

She nods, "Hit me."

"Can I?" I bluff and she playfully punches my arm,

"Come on, what is that condition?" she asks me,

I look at her, "You tell me about you too."

"Done deal." she says and turns her body half her position earlier, she faces me. "Go ahead, start." she adds,

"Great." I look away, "Well I am a turtle. We're not actually from around here," I explain to her almost everything. And when we came to the family topic, I hesitated.

"So, you said you're not the only one... where are the others?" she asks me and I stay quiet, and before doubt completely corrupted my mind, she spoke, "Hey. You can trust me. I may kick your ass often, but I got your back on these things."

Now I'm lightened up. "I know." I tell her, "I have three more brothers."

"Three more?" she asks shocked, "Whoa, how can Master Splinter handle all four Raphaels?" she bluffs,

"Actually, we four aren't the same as you expected."

"As anticipated. I bet you're the hot-tempered one," she says and I laugh.

She shakes her head, "I knew it."

"How?" I ask her,

"Well you're all not the same and I bet you get mad so easilly." she teases me,

"Oh please, like you aren't hot-headed like me." I protest, she scoffs.

Reese raises her eyebrow, "I am not hot-tempered, unlike you."

"Really?" I tease,

"Really." she echoes, "I just sound...tough."

"You ARE tough." I say to her, "And that's attractive," I add and my eyes quickly widen. I glance at her, unsure if she heard it. My heart pumps faster,

She smirks at me, her eyes trying to tease me. Dang it. She looks so beautiful and it's adding up to my nervousness.

Reese bites her lower lip and looks away. Now I'm getting nervous on what she has to say. "I, err, uh.."

She looks down on her hands as she clasps it together, "Raph." she says,

"Reese," I can't stutter. I can't stutter on my first. "I'm sorry." I look down,

"For what?" she looks at me, I look up at her and realize she's just a space away. My cheeks feel warm. This is making me uncomfortable, my nervousness is taking over.

     A cold breeze passes by and she feels colder now, and before she could pull the blanket closer to her it flies away but I quickly pull it back and drape it over her, not leaving my seat. She stares at me, and I notice that I'm too close now.

Her cheek is almost touching mine. I stare at her neck, my eyes hovering next to her cheek. She smells good, like really good. I could hear her breathing.

I slowly pull away, but my eyes look back at her. She's staring at me, at my eyes and down on my lip. Dang it, What do I do?

Reese bites her lower lip now, sincerity in her eyes. I don't know why but I want to stay close to her. I shouldn't, but I want to.

     She's not shaking, I know she should be freaking out now because there's this turtle next to her almost kissing her. But she isn't. She's calm and...patient. I think we're both taking the moment.
