
     "Guys," I take a deep and slow breath, "Let me... explain." 

The three pause and stare at me, I look at them. Mikey breaks the silence, "Ohhh!" he shouts, "Raph has a girl-" 

I run to Mikey and cover his mouth but he keeps on mumbling. I clench my fist and put it in front of him and he stops. "Shut up before Master hears us." I whisper and quickly take my hand off. 

"He won't hear anything, he's asleep." Mikey protests,

"Who's asleep?" Master walks in making us all step back, and I gasp.

"Master!" Mikey breaks off my grip and he greets Master Splinter enthusiastically, "Come sit here for dinner!"

I glare at Mikey, he ignores it.

     "Oh, no son. I'll just take something to drink before I rest." he says, slowly walking to the old fridge next to me. He gets a glass of water and drinks it, we all stare at him quietly. Master puts the glass down and walks off, but before he completely left he turns to face us, "Boys." he starts, "Stop fighting. We're all a family."

"Right. Family." Mikey repeats, glancing at me.

Master nods once and continues to walk into his own room.

I turn to Mikey and clench my fists, "You-"

He steps back, "Hey! Family!?"

Donnie stands in front of me to cover Mikey, "Raph, stop." he defends Mikey, "Just tell us what's been up."

"I would if Mikey would just stop teasing." I put my fist down and tighten my bandanna. "He needs to stop being so immature."

Leo puts his hand over my shoulder, "Raph." he says,

I look at him and turn,

He looks at me straight, "What is it?"

I brush off his hand and take a deep breath, "It's nothing serious. Not even a big deal."

The three of them stay silent.

"It's just... A few days ago, I went night watching."

Leo surprisingly stays silent and didn't even give me a nagging comment.

I continue, "And this girl... She just appeared out of nowhere. She was walking around and a bunch of guys came in and tried to violate her."

The three glances at each other and Leo speaks up, "Raph." he whispers, making sure Master Splinter won't hear a thing, "I get it. You helped her and-"

"And that's just it. I didn't do anything else. I just saved her from those guys." I defend myself,

Mikey raises his eyebrow on me, "So you saved her, and now you're going gaga over her?"

"I'm not going gaga over her." I take a deep breath, "I'm not even thinking about her."

"Yeah right," Mikey laughs,

I step closer and before I could grip on his collar, Leo stops my hand and takes my wrist, "Raph. Calm down, Mikey's just messing with you."

"No I'm not." Mikey adds and Leo glares at him,

He glances back at me, "If it's not a big deal then, stop making it look like a big deal." he says and takes his hand off my wrist and I pull it away.

"It isn't a big deal," I add and head to the couch, turning my back on them.

"Alright, then we'll stop." Donnie says,

"Are you sure it isn't, though?" Leo asks again,

I wince, "Aw, come on Leo."

"What?!" he laughs, "I'm just asking."


Mikey snickers, I turn to face them all. "But seriously, I really think something's up here. I know you wouldn't be this defensive if it's nothing." Mikey says which makes me tense up,

I stand up on my feet and before I could speak, Leo interrupts again, "Mikey. Enough."

"What's wrong with liking a girl?!"

The three pause and Leo's jaw drops this time, kinda not expecting my question. I just couldn't help it.

"You want the truth? There, I said it. I like a girl that I just saved. Well who cares? Stop making a big deal about it because it's nonsense."

Mikey smirks, "I knew it." he chuckles,

"Holy crap, Raph." Leo stares at me, "Oh-my-god."

Donnie laughs with Mikey, "Raph is in-love?!"

I bury my face with my hands as I plop back down on the couch, "Unbelievable."

Leo starts laughing, "Is he serious?!" he asks trying not to laugh again,

Mikey nudges him, "You heard the guy. He's in-love with a human!"

I shake my head in disbelief, "Oh, just shut up."
