twenty four


"Hey, I was just about to call."

I smiled upon hearing her voice, "You missed me that much?"

"That and... uh, you don't have to come get me anymore."

Slipping inside my car, I checked the clock. I told her I'll be picking her up in an hour or so because of another late meeting... it's only been half an hour.

"I was just about to go there. What's up?"

"Oh, well... Rosé insisted on bringing me home. We just got out of the parking lot."

That's the second time Rosé offered to drive her home this week. I've been really busy these days as I was trying to score an investor, so I wasn't really able to spend much time with her lately.

"Okay, thank her for me. I guess I'll just drive straight to your house?"

"Okay. Bye."

"I love-"

I pouted when she immediately ended the call. Probably in a hurry.

When I arrived at her house, I saw her and Rosé standing outside. They both looked my way while I park beside Roseanne's car.

"Hey babe," I jogged towards my girl, pecking her lips before smiling at Rosé, "Thanks for bringing her home today and last time."

I only received a nod. I turned to Jennie again and saw her tense up, her forehead creased. Were these two fighting?

"Rosé is just leaving-"

"Actually, I think I might stay," Rosé smiled wide at me, then to Jennie, "Overnight. That fine, Nini?"

"O-Of course."

"I wish I can stay overnight too," I grunted, "But I have a work appointment early in the morning. Do you have any plans tomorrow, though?" I turned to ask Jennie because it's a weekend tomorrow.

"No, just staying in the whole day," Jennie weakly answers, putting out her keys as she opened the door for us.

Rosé and I caught up for a while about their studies, while Jennie prepared us something to eat. I quickly went and slipped my arms from behind her when Rosé disappeared to the bathroom.

The whole time I was in the living room, I couldn't stop glancing at her. She looks distracted today, it's making me worry.

My poor girl didn't even hear me approaching that she almost dropped the ingredients she's holding in surprise.

"What's wrong?" I pressed my mouth on her neck once before turning her around to face me. With one hand on the counter behind her, I stroked her cheek with the other one, "Bad day?"

I didn't get a response, just her arms circling my waist as she buried her face on my chest. I stood straight and pulled her closer.

"Can't you stay here, with me?" she mumbles on my neck.

"I'm here baby," I kissed her temple.

She sighed.

"I'll have to leave at dawn if I sleep here. I won't wake you up anymore, okay?" I pulled away and saw the corners of her lips curl up as she nod.

I grinned and pecked her lips. "I see even Limario can't replace me."

Her smile made me ease my worries. If there's something troubling her, she will tell me, right?

A cough from the side disrupted our little moment there, only to see Rosé leaning on the wall with a grin on her face. "Limario?"

I didn't even notice she's out there already.

"That's the name of a stuff toy I gave her," I said proudly, draping my arm on Jennie's shoulder.

"Cute," she smiled, "Some tight competition you got there, eh?"

I chuckled, "I won't go easy on him. I better guard Jennie more."

"You should," she smirks.

Jennie clears her throat. "Lisa's staying, by the way."

Rosé nods. Our evening was pleasant, but weird. I'm glad Jennie asked me to stay the night so I can lighten her mood a little.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" I told her, spooning her in bed the moment I finished drying my hair.

"I know, Lili," she turned around, her soft hands caressing my neck and shoulder as she pulled me in for a kiss, "I love you," she says in between kisses.

"And I love you," I grinned, pushing her on her back so I can hover over her as I sucked on her bottom lip.

I felt her fingernails digging on my back, through the thin shirt I'm wearing, then it trailed down, lower until she reached the hem of my shirt and tugged it up. I pulled away so she can take it off me, then I quickly went back to her lips.

Legs wrapping on my hips, I pressed myself on her. Her fingers tangled on my hair, urging my lips to explore her skin, so I did.

Someone's a little impatient today.

The tension in her body lessened the more drawn we become to each other's bodies. I like how I can appease her this way, at least lift her mind off whatever's bothering her.

But more than my own pleasure, I want her to feel better. I smiled, kissing my way back to her throat, then lips, then pulled slightly so I can stare at her.

With her eyes closed, hair a mess, flushed cheeks and slightly swollen lips, she looked damn stunning. When I was finally met with autumn brown eyes, luminous and drowsy, I couldn't help but crack another smile.

"What's funny?" she frowns, consciously running her fingers on her hair. I stopped her hand and brought it to my lips before placing it to my chest, where she can feel my erratic heart beating.

"Nothing's funny. That was me, fancying my gorgeous girl."

She scrunched her face playfully. "If that's your way of being sexually frustrating, you're goddamn good at it."

I laughed heartily.

"I can make up for it. Want me to eat you up, baby? I'm starving."

Her brows shot up, not used to hearing me say these things. Between us, she's always been the daring one. Ironically, she blushes a lot when I act on it.

I brought my mouth to her shoulder and left loud and playfully huge bites, making her giggle.

"Lili," she squirms and laughs while I pretend to growl, biting her neck this time, all while tickling her sides.

I peppered her face with kisses when I stopped, both of us panting and smiling from ear to ear right after.

"You sexy beast," she hooks her arms on my nape, bringing my weight on her as she pulled me down.

I tried to balance my weight though she didn't seem to mind when her lean arms are tightly wrapped on me, as if she'll never let go.

I hummed in delight. I like when Jennie gets this clingy, nothing so sexual about it, though I'm still shirtless.

"Someone from school confessed to liking me, recently."

My brows instantly furrowed. Jealousy suddenly surged through me.

Jennie's pretty, kind, smart and everything you would want from a girl. It worries me sometimes knowing so many guys and girls might be after her. She's still in school so she meets a lot of people that I don't know, but I can live with her getting lots of unwanted attention. At least on my part. She's a head-turner so I've gotten used to this.

I've just got a feeling this one's different. If this is the reason she's been spacing out a lot today, it must be. It makes me more anxious that guys her age are reckless and a bit pushy.

I pulled back slightly and she let me, but only for a few inches, "Please tell me you're not, even in the slightest, interested."

"Not even in the slightest," she assures me with utmost sincerity, her thumb caressing my neck, "Do you trust me?"

"I do," I tell her honestly, "Just a little worried. What's he like? Or is he a he?"

I was getting anxious and I know she can tell. Her response was a short kiss, her hands wiping out the crease on my forehead.

"I'd rather not tell you the details. There's no reason for you to know because... you have nothing to worry about."

She's probably right. I rolled back in bed, laid on my side so I can face her.

"Do they know you have a girlfriend?" I asked, being careful of my pronoun.

She nodded her head.

"Good," I mumbled, lying on my back.

That should be enough. I'm more bothered by the fact that she's bothered.

At least she told me the truth.

I reached down the bed to get my shirt, only to find her pouting when I was about to slip it on.

"What?" I stifled a laugh.

She snatched my shirt, "No way i'm letting you put it back now that I've taken a glimpse of that," she pointed her lips to my torso.

I grinned, "And if I don't comply?"

"My house, my rules," she threw my shirt across the room before finding her way on top of me.



The rays of sun through the window hit my face, waking me up effectively. I knew Lisa already left. I felt her kiss my forehead before she went out at dawn.

I felt something soft in my arms, though.

Opening my eyes completely, I grinned when I realized it's Limario. I snuggled with him for a bit, wishing it was Lisa. Her lingering scent in my room helped.

Deciding to take a hot shower first, it was around 9 in the morning when I went down and smelled something delicious.

There in the kitchen, I saw Rosé making breakfast with some the Beatles song in the background, her head bopping to the music as she swiftly transferred the eggs to a plate.

The sight made me smile. I really missed seeing her like this. Her, just being her charming, radiant self.

She lifted her eyes and met mine in surprise, her lips slowly curving into a smile.

"You fallin' in love there yet or what?" she raises her brow.

I frowned, "No one's falling in love here."

This. This is my problem. It's like she wants me to push her away myself whenever she's being like this, but I wouldn't let her win. I'm neither pushing her away nor catching a feeling for her. I wouldn't lose my girlfriend nor my bestfriend.

She chuckled, "Alright then let's have some breakfast first."

I noticed some dark circles around her eyes as I went closer.

"Didn't have a good sleep?" I can't help but ask as I sit down. There's already food, plates and glasses with milk set-up on the table, all we had to do is sit down.

I was surprised when she poured some garlic rice on my plate, "More?" she asks considerately.

"No, thanks," I mumbled, getting some eggs and bacon myself.

"It was hell," she mutters while getting her own food.

I stared at her questioningly.

"It was hell knowing you're just on the opposite side of the wall, gathered in her arms," she smiles sadly while looking down on her plate, "So no, I could never have a good sleep in that situation."


She didn't say anything else after that. I don't even know how we managed to finish our meal in silence. She left as soon as we finished.

Jisoo's relieved now that it's as if we're back to normal, the three of us hanging out at univ during our free time. It's just... something's changed in Rosé. She doesn't shy away whenever I catch her staring, being such a gentlewoman to me and being too caring. I don't know if I'm only noticing it now that I'm aware of her feelings but Jisoo certainly isn't happy about it either.

"She has a girlfriend!" I heard Jisoo whisper angrily at her in the library.

I was still a little drowsy from my nap.

"Then she should push me away! Because unless she does, I'd do everything to make her fall for me."

My chest tightens.

"You're crazy," I heard Jisoo say, then a scraping of a chair.

Beside me, Rosé sighs while I felt her caresses my hair gently.

"Give me a chance, Jen. I know I can make you fall for me," I heard her faint whisper

I feel as if I've been punched in the gut. My heart is breaking so much that I wished things were easier for us.

I know things would be easier for Lisa and I if I'll just let Rosé go... I wish it's that easy to let her go.


A/N: Not gonna lie I'm not happy with where my own story is going lmao. It's just I have the plot in mind but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, you know? Basically this chapter frustrates me. I'll try to do better for the next one, just not sure when lol. (Hopefully just this week? Maybe even tomorrow)

Keep safe!
