

Jennie's friends are really easy going. I've realized that for the past three hours that we wasted chatting, eating the pizza that Jennie ordered, their group study almost forgotten.


Though I kept laughing at Jisoo's dorkiness while dissing Rosé and telling me funny stuff about the three of them, my eyes can't help but fall on a certain brunette beside me from time to time. My arm is sprawled on the couch, legs crossed with a pizza on my other hand, while Jennie is sitting beside me.

She's too focused on rewriting some notes on the table, making me wonder if she's always been this studious. I've never noticed it before, but I know she's on the dean's lister.

Jisoo and Rosé are on the opposite couch. Rosé is holding a book on her lap while munching on a slice of pizza while Jisoo got her netbook on her lap but barely looks at it as she kept conversing with me, occasionally luring Rosé to join our conversation.

I feel bad for distracting them but it amazes me how focused Jennie is. It makes me smile just by glancing at her.

"Crap. It's dead," Jisoo sighs, standing up while carrying her netbook, probably to charge it somewhere.

I pushed my back away from the couch to get another slice on the table before I leaned to Jennie. "Take a bite, Ni," I murmured while clipping some strands that were freed when tilted her head downwards on the table, working on her cute handwriting.

Breaking away from her intimate staring contest with her notes, she finally turned back to earth and back to me with her cute, charming smile.

She opened her mouth, as if asking me to literally feed her, "Aaaahh..."

I grinned, raising the slice a little closer to her mouth so she can take a bite.

I watched and held back a laugh as she chews, nodding along with her because that's her reaction while munching.

We were both giggling like kids with our faces only inches away. I wiped away the corner of her mouth with my thumb, "Aren't you tired?" I asked, letting her take another bite.

"Having you here gives me energy," she answers cheesily in between chews. I looked closely at how puffy her cheeks get while eating and smiling at the same time. Cute.

I snorted. "You would end up marrying your notebook if I didn't distract you with a slice of pizza," I joked.

"Lisa, you're a sweet girl, but honestly her scholarship is everything to that girl," Jisoo butts in, grinning as she settled back on her spot earlier.

I looked at Jennie and she was nodding along, giving me a teasing smile.

"Doesn't matter to me if I'm second to school," I shrugged, snaking an arm on my girl's waist and pecking her cheeks, "You better make me proud, woman."

She pursed her lips, holding back a smile... her eyes were smiling though. It's pretty. Really pretty.

"Hey Chu, wanna bet who melts first?"


After a couple of teasing, Jennie's friends finally gave me peace by not insisting that I sleep on Jennie's room anymore. The three of them takes her room while I sleep on Jay's.

Jennie didn't want to let me go because I've drank a couple of glasses of wine with Jisoo, though she only drank a little.

I was already sprawled out on my best friend's bed when I heard a knock on the door. I sat up and watched Rosé peek her head in.

"Hi," she shyly says.

"Hi," I smiled, "Come in."

The blonde sounds a bit tired unlike the whole time we talked earlier. Looks like her studies took out her energy tonight.

She slowly walks to the chair in front of me, bringing her knees to her chest.

"You guys done studying?" I asked.

"Not Jennie. Jisoo's already sleeping though," she laughs softly. "That girl's consciousness never lasts when it comes to studying."

I grinned. "And you? What brings you here, Roseanne?"

She snorts at the mention of her first name.

"You know that scene in the movies where the heroine's friends warn her lover not to hurt their friend?"

I leaned with my hands on the bed, my feet dangling to the floor, "So that scene is about to come, huh?" I chuckled.

She just smiled wide. After a while, that smile went smaller and now she's looking at me with serious eyes.

"You haven't told her brother yet, right?"

That made me lose my smile. I shook my head and sighed.

"I hope you guys work things out with him."

"Thanks, Rosé."

"But if you hurt her I'll help him hunt you down," she says, more like a promise, while staring straight at me with an unreadable expression on her face.

"You won't have to do that," I offered her a small smile.

This Rosé feels completely different from the one I was with earlier. It makes me glad Jennie got this kind of friend.

"I don't really like giving this talk because it only makes me look like an angry squirrel, but just know I warned you, okay?" she turns back into this sweet, smiling girl with a somewhat threat and it made me stifle a laugh.

"Right. Got it," I tried to answer seriously. "Anything else?"

"Aside from threatening to tear you apart if you hurt her," she purses her lips while looking at the ceiling, index finger under her chin as if she's pondering, then shakes her head as she brings back her gaze on me, "No, I think that's it."

"Jennie's lucky to have you, you know."

"And you're lucky to have her, you should know."

"Already do," I assured her.

Right then, a knock on the door came and our subject came to life in her pajamas, her hair in a messy bun.

"Oh, you're here," Jennie said in surprise when her eyes landed on Rosé.

"We were just talking about you behind your back, you know, kind of involved some stabbing," Rosé says nonchalantly making Jennie glare at her.

"I'll leave you horny kids alone now. I'm sleepy. Goodnight!" Rosé announces as she stands up abruptly, hitting Jennie in the ass as she passed by her.

"Whatever, Rosie. Goodnight," Jennie tells her.

"Night," I added.

Rosé just raised her hand without looking back. Right after the door closed, Jennie turned to me with a curious gaze.

"Done studying?" I asked, my lips curling up as she leaned in to place a chaste kiss on my lips, my arms still supporting my upper body as I sat on the edge of the bed.


I watched as she placed her knee in between my thighs, her other knee on another side of mine as she climbed on the bed, her hands cupping my face. She's still on her knees, making me look up on her.

"What now?" I cocked a brow at her, my gaze slowly dragging down to her parted lips.

"Now, I recharge."

Maybe Rosé wasn't entirely wrong when she teased us earlier with her words 'horny kids', as I found myself on another hot make-out session with my studious girl.


The next couple of days went by slow... and excruciating. It was Jennie's examination week so I try not to distract her as much as I can, even though I wanted nothing but to stay right after I drive her home from school.

Today is her last day of exams and I promised to pick her up around lunch, taking the rest of my day off at work.

We were supposed to have that double date with Momo tonight but it turns out the girl she likes dumped her recently, but we asked her to join us later anyways so she wouldn't mope alone at her house.

I was leaning on the hood of my car, waiting for Jennie to finish her exams, when I checked my watch and realized that I was a bit early. Raising my eyes from the ground, I suddenly saw her come out of her building. I guess she finished off early as well.

I raised my hand to catch her attention, and when she did, she half-ran to me with an excited smile.

"So? How did it go?" I asked, pecking her on the lips before carrying her netbook for her as I stood up straight.

"A little hard but I managed."

I smirked, sliding my arm on her waist. "Just managed or aced?"

"Don't get cocky for me now, you might jinx it," she narrows her eyes playfully.

"Can't help it. My girlfriend is a smart one," I winked.

Her cheeks were bright pink as she rolled her eyes, speechless but smiling.

"So, lunch? I'll reward your hard work with great food in this buffet restaurant my family loves," I told her while walking her to the passenger side and opening the door for her.

"Sounds good. I'm starving," she whines, then hopped in.

When we went to that restaurant, the chef came out to greet me. He's a friend of my father so we know each other. I just didn't expect the news to reach my parents that fast, because Jennie, Momo and I had dinner that night at my house, I received a call from Mom.

"Why do you look like that?" Momo laughed when I came back to the table with my brows furrowed.

I sighed. "It was my mom. She called saying I never visit her at the hospital anymore, not even at home. You know, the usual."

My mom's a doctor, a really busy one. She and my dad are divorced for five years now, but are on good terms.

"She must be missing you a lot," Jennie commented before bringing a sliced meat to her mouth, almost moaning in delight as she savoured it, "This is really good," she states, taking a spoonful of food right after.

"Perks of dating a chef's daughter," Momo grins.

"And that chef wants to meet the girl his daughter is dating," I bit my lip, looking at Jennie cautiously, "That's why Mom called. They want to meet y- Jennie?"

I walked up behind her as she sips on her water after choking violently, her fist pounding on her chest. I stroked her back and shoulders until her breathing became a bit stable.

"Her parents are nice," Momo states.

"You don't have to go. It's too early for that, anyways," I assured Jennie as I pulled my chair closer to her and sat on it. I pulled her hand and intertwined our fingers on my lap as I stared at her, "And it's too complicated. We haven't even told Jay yet..."

Jennie heaved deeply while looking at me. "It's okay. I was just surprised."

I sighed. "I guess they were just eager to meet you because they were upset to know about us from another person. I haven't told them anything about you yet... but they know your brother, of course."

"I can go, Lisa-"

"I really don't think you should," I honestly said, silencing her.

We exchanged heavy stares.

"I'm done eating," Momo announces, her voice somewhat inaudible since she's talking with her mouth full. I was the one to break away from Jennie's stares as I chose to stare at Momo instead, who drank her glass of water in one go before rushing away to the living room.

When I was sure Momo's nowhere near us anymore, I sighed and turned to Jennie.


"Save it," she snaps, sharply standing up and taking away her plate to place it on the sink.

