20. Too Late

There are a lot of things I enjoyed writing and reading about, but never did I imagine myself doing any of these things. Not that there’s anything bad with it… maybe there is, but it all just feels a little bit too unrealistic.

I’m talking about crashing a wedding. I spent the last few days watching classical romances where people find it so easy to crash weddings. I learnt every single thing about crashing weddings and now, I’m even getting prepared for it.

But no matter how much effort I put into it, I still shook nervously and in guilt at the thought of ruining someone else’s wedding.

“You ready?” Lani asked as she gestured for me to close my eyes, so she can apply the setting spray.

I close my eyes and held my breath as I felt her spray the content of the bottle all over my caked up face. when she was done, I stared at myself in the mirror.

The makeup perfectly covered up the huge bags I had acquired over the past few days. My eyes didn’t look as dead as they used to be. My skin looked so dewy compared to how dry and wrinkly it was. It’s funny how some little things can really make a huge difference.

“I know I asked you to do it, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

I cleared my throat and signed, “I’m not doing it because you asked me to. I’m doing it because I know I’ll hate myself forever if I just sit back and watch him get married. I want to at least try to fight for someone I love.”

She gave me a hug, “This might sound weird but… I’m proud of you.”

I laughed and hugged her back. “Do you really think I can do this?”

She pulled away, “To be quite honest, I’m not sure you can.”

I laughed, “I’m not sure I can too.”

“But you should at least see him, and tell him how you truly feel. And if it doesn’t work?”

“Then I’ll leave.”


I sat back down, “I’ve been packing. I don’t think I can live here if he gets married to someone else.”
“You’re going to run away again?”

“It’s what I’m good at”, I sighed. “It’s what I’ll do.”

She hugged me again. If this doesn’t work out, this would be our goodbye until when we meet again.

“I love you, Kyra Martin.”

I laughed with tears in my eyes, “I love you too Leilani Lockhart.”

The drive to the event took longer than I expected, probably because I was driving slowly. When I finally got here, I wasn’t surprised to find that the ceremony was huge.

I immediately organised my thought and started to ask around for Austin. People kept directing me into the huge house.

I went in and continued to ask around. The people in the house didn’t seem to be as nice as the ones outside. Maybe it’s because I kept bumping into them and disrupting their work.

I just asked an old cranky woman for the groom and she glared at me. I retreated and almost bumped into the caterers, who were moving the cake, when I felt someone pull me into an empty room and shut the door.

I turned around to find Austin all dressed in his black suit, ready to get married to someone. Someone that isn’t me.

I whispered his name. He looked just as rough as he did the last time I saw him. His green eyes held no happiness whatsoever.

I placed my hand on his arm but before I could say anything, he closed the space between us and sealed our lips together.

This kiss is like nothing we’ve ever shared before. We were both in pain, and we felt it through the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his body, taking in his warmth that I’ve missed so much.

He grabbed me by my legs and placed me on a table. We didn’t even stop to take a breath. I felt like he would be gone if I leave him for a single second, so I didn’t.

We both felt desperate to be with each other. He carried me to the bed in the middle of the huge room. We quietly laid next to each other, each of us silently wishing for time to slow down.

“I love you.” I whispered as he held me in his arms.

He kissed my forehead, “I love you too Kyra.”

I smiled. I never thought I would hear those words from anyone.



“Have I ever told you how much I like your name?”

I chuckled, “I don’t think you have.”

He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ears. “Well, I like your name.”

I smiled, “I like my name too.”

He placed a little kiss on my lips and sighed, “How I wish this wouldn’t end.”

“It doesn’t have to.”

“I’m getting married in a couple of hours.”

“You don’t have to. You don’t even want to.”

He got up from the bed. “What are you suggesting?”

“Let’s run away. You once said we should elope…”

“And when I did, you said it was an awful idea.”

“Austin, you can’t marry her. You can’t marry Daphne.”

He groaned, “You need to make up your mind, Kyra. You told me to marry her. If you hadn’t said that I wouldn’t have come this far. I can’t go back now.”

He turned around and was about to leave but I ran and hugged him from behind, “Please don’t do this. I love you.”

“It’s too late apparently.”

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Hey guys! How was your Christmas?
