16. I Think I Kinda...

“Lani, I’m home.” I said as I walked in. The lights were on, so I knew for sure that she wasn’t asleep.

“Lani!” I shouted.

“I’m in here. Quit shouting.”

I walked to her room, or rather, my guest room that she stays in whenever she comes over. I walked in to find her watching a movie on her laptop, while eating popcorn.

I dropped my bag on the floor and sat next to her on the bed.

“Did you miss me?” I grabbed a handful of popcorn. “Harry Potter again? How many times have you watched it?”

“Firstly, obviously I didn’t and there was no other thing to watch, and even if there was, I would still watch Harry Potter.”

She continued to watch and I just kept eating her popcorn. I could see her glaring at me but I still kept eating it. When I finished the popcorn, she paused the movie and turned to face me.

“Why are you here?”

“What do you mean? I told you I was coming here.”

“Yeah, but why?” she furrowed her brows. “Are you done with your book? OMG! Can I see it?”

“I’m not done.”

“Then why?”

“Can’t I come home whenever I want? It’s my house, you know.”

She glared at me, “Something happened, right?”

I chuckled nervously, “No! nothing happened.”

“Ah! Something definitely happened. Your lips just got pinker.”

“No, they didn’t.”

“They did. Your lips get pinker when you lie.”

“That’s not true.”

She shrugged, “Just tell me what happened.”

“We kissed.”

Her eyes widened, then she calmed down, “So, he likes you now?” she rolled her eyes, “I knew he would. That’s why I didn’t trust him.” She shook her head in disappointment.

“So, the deal is off?”

“No! and he doesn’t like me.”

“Are you sure? Because I think he does.”

“He doesn’t”

She gave a face that said she doesn’t believe me, “I’m sure. He doesn’t like me.”

“That’s weird. He should’ve started having feelings for you by now.”

“What? Why?”

“That’s how romance works.”

“Don’t you watch Korean dramas?”

I rolled my eyes, “He doesn’t like me, in fact it’s the other way around. I think I kinda…”

“Ah!” she screamed. “Girl, I’m so happy for you. I mean, you could have done better,” she rolled her eyes again, “But I’m still happy. Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to hear that? If I knew a fake relationship was the way to go, I would have set you up a lot sooner. With someone better even.”

I laughed. “But that wasn’t the plan. I didn’t think I’ll actually like him for real. And he doesn’t like back. It’ll just be like Adam all over again.”

“Let’s first find out if you truly like him. What do you think of him?”

“Well, he’s handsome”


“He has a great personality.”

“That, I doubt.”

“He’s weird and sweet.”

She hummed to that, not believing me one bit.
“And, I don’t know. I just really like being around him. He makes me comfortable and my heart always beats fast around him.”

“Hmm… you feel something for him, alright.”

I buried my head in a pillow, “What should I do?”

She lightly pats my back, “Just try to ignore it now, till you find out if he actually likes you.”

“But I don’t want him to like me,” I groaned, “And at the same time, I do want him to like me.”

“Just try not to think about it right now. You don’t want to rush into anything. Don’t start overthinking.”

I nodded. “Fine,” I said. “I’ll get more popcorn.
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“Again with the TV?”

I just got back to Austin’s place and he’s watching television while sitting on the floor again.

“You’re back,” he smiled.

“I’m back,” I rose my hands dramatically, before joining him on the floor.

“Why don’t you just sell your couch?”

“Hmm, maybe I will.”

I scoffed, “Don’t you like it?”

“Are we going to have a discussion about my couch now?” he laughed.

“Why not?”

He laughed again, and pulled me into his arms. “I missed you.”

His cologne filled my sense and my heart started to beat rapidly. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but he held me in place.

“You said I could do whatever I want with you.”

“D-did I say that?”

“You did. And right now, I want to hold you, so stop moving.”

I sighed and stayed still. I think I might have even leaned into him a little bit more. He felt so warm and comfortable.

We stayed like that, watching television for hours. Well, he was watching television, I just tried to regulate my heart beat.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

“A little.”

He stood up and went into the kitchen and I let out a deep breath. I took my bag and went to my room to get changed.

I washed my face and got changed into a comfortable short and a sweater.

When I went back down, I saw Austin placing two plates of sandwich on the centre table.

“Who eats sandwiches at this time of the day?”

“I didn’t know there was a particular time to eat sandwiches.”

I laughed and sat on the couch. I didn’t want to stay too close to him. I grabbed my plate and took a bite.

“Hmm, it’s not bad.”

He smiled and sat on the floor, which I was grateful for. We ate in silence and kept watching television.
I started to doze off, soon after I finished my food. I felt Austin carry me from the couch. I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t asleep yet but I just stayed silent.

He carried me to my room and placed me on the bed. I was expecting him to leave but he didn’t. he sat at the edge of the bed and I could feel him staring at me.

He used his finger to put a strand of hair away from my face. “You look cute when you’re asleep.”

My eyes were still closed and I tried not to smile.
He placed a light kiss on my forehead and another one on my lips.

My eyes fluttered open at this. He pulled back and said, “So you weren’t sleeping?”

“I was… about to.”

He laughed, “I’m going to kiss you, tell me if you’re not comfortable with it.”

He leaned in and placed his lips on mine again. His lips gently massaged mine and before I knew it, I started to kiss him back.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. This wasn’t like our first kiss. This was more intense. It was filled with desire and desperation.

All traces of sleep I felt quickly disappeared. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down. Now, he was on top of me, with his hands above my head.

He pulled away. I was trying to calm myself down when he placed a soft kiss on my neck. I was wearing a V-necked sweater, so my neck and chest were exposed. He slowly kissed my soft spot and then began to apply more force. He sucked that tender spot on my neck and slowly started to move to my chest.

I gasped and moaned, grabbing his shirt. I haven’t felt this much pleasure in a very long time.

His hand slowly went underneath my sweater and he massaged my waist.

He started to kiss me again and when his hand was about to reach my breast, he stopped.

He lay down next to me, facing the ceiling while I still had my eyes closed, feeling every bit of emotion and pleasure.

“Let’s stop. If I go on, I don’t think I’m going to be able to control myself.”

I meekly nodded. He wrapped his arms around me and breathed in my scent. I felt his breath on my neck and his hand on my waist.

“Go to sleep Kyra.”

And just like that, sleep consumed me.

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I think this is one of my favourite chapters. What is you guys think?

Rate it out of 10. I'll give it an 8
