
"The prince is in this room!" I hear an unknown male voice shout out, probably to the other intruders in the room.

Outside of the wardrobe I can hear Jungwon draw his sword from his belt, the sound of the metal echoing out.

In my mind I can only hope that he will change his mind and hide to safety, but as I hear his footsteps getting farther away, that little bit of hope left in me dies.

"Hey assholes, looking for me?" Jungwon calls out, making my breath hitch. I bit my lip anxiously as I anticipate what will happen next.

"That's him, grab him!" someone bellows, before the sound of metal clashing against one other echoes out in the room.

Every time I hear a new collision of weapons, I find myself flinching harder and harder. The fighting feels like it goes on forever, and with each second that passes, I'm more tempted to peek out of the dark wardrobe that I feel trapped in.

I can only hope that Jungwon is okay, and that the grunts and groans that I hear are from the people he's fighting with, and not him himself.

"Ugh.. someone just grab him already!" a voice complains, before I hear a yelp and a loud bang sound.

It goes silent for a moment, so silent that I could probably hear a pin drop. My heart begins to beat more rapidly than it already is in my chest, as I feel my legs get wobbly at the thought that something bad has just happened.

"Wouldn't you rather kill me yourself?" I hear Jungwon suddenly ask, breaking the silence. Except.. he sounds out of breath, making my heart drop to my stomach. How much of an idiot can this boy be?

I hear a chorus of laughter around the room, making me furrow my eyebrows together deeply.

"Kill you myself? a man with amusement lacing his voice asks, "if I were to do that, I would be granting upon myself an immediate death sentence."

"Possibly.." Jungwon trails off calmly, "but with the wishes granted from Eunjoo's gift you would be able to take over the kingdom yourself," he points out, making me widen my eyes in disbelief.

Without being able to resist anymore, I decide to peek out of the wardrobe, since Jungwon seems to have lost his damn mind.

I slowly creak open one of the doors, trying to stay as quiet as possible so no one will notice me.

"That's nonsense, we would never betray our king like that!" one of the men in armor shouts in protest to what Jungwon had said.

"Don't listen to him, he's messing with us," another man says, agreeing with the other.

The group of armored men stand in front of Jungwon, who sits on the floor with his sword a few feet away from him. One of the intruders most likely kicked it away from Jungwon's reach when he fell to the floor.

"Well, it is up to you of course. But you would have a better chance of taking over the kingdom for yourself, rather than dying to someone who has no power greater than you," Jungwon points out as if it's the most obvious thing.

I knit my eyebrows together in a frown as I watch him stealthily scoot backwards as the intruders seem to be too busy chattering amongst themselves to even notice his movements. He slowly reaches a hand up to grab onto the doorknob of the balcony door, twisting it open before rushing to his feet to grab his sword.

"Hey what are you-" before the man can even realize what's happening, Jungwon swiftly disarms his weapon with a clash of his own sword. The rest of the men start swinging their swords at Jungwon, pushing him back towards the balcony.

It's only once Jungwon stands atop the railing of the balcony, looking like he's about to climb down to the ground below, that I realize this was his plan all along. The whole speech he made about taking over kingdoms, was simply just a distraction to buy himself time for his escape.

I watch in amusement as Jungwon escapes from my sight, disappearing below the railing as he descends downwards.

"You damn idiots!" one of the men says, harshly pushing around another man, "what are you waiting for? Go after him!" he shouts, the others immediately following his orders and descending down the balcony the same way Jungwon had done.

Before the last man follows the others, he whips his head around in my direction, making me quickly shut the wardrobe door in hopes that he hadn't seen me.

My heart rate picks up in my chest and my previous smile falters as I wait silently. I clasp my hands over my mouth with wide eyes, trying to calm my breathing down so the man can't hear me.

"I know you are in here, woman. I heard your voice," he suddenly says, making my heart drop to my feet.

I hear the sound of his heavy boots walking around on the hard floor, sounding like it's getting closer and closer. I clutch my dagger to my chest anxiously in hopes that he will just pass by without noticing me, silently hoping that I won't actually have to use the small but sharp weapon.

"Don't be shy, come on out it is just the two of us. I don't bite.. unless you want me to," he says, making me scrunch my nose up in disgust as I realize what his intentions are.

I look down to my feet horrified as the light that once peered into the cracks of the wardrobe is now blocked by something, or someone standing outside.

Without even another passing second, the doors swing open violently, revealing a man who looks at me with a devilish smirk on his face.

"And there she is!" he exclaims and for a moment I feel frozen, unsure what to do as panic takes over my senses. " What a beautiful, innocent looking young lady.. I'm sure no one will mind if I'm gone for a minute or two," he says and reaches his hand out for my arm, but as if it's my instinct, I forcefully shove the dagger in my hands outwards, successfully impaling the part of the man's abdomen where his armor doesn't cover.

The man stumbles backwards a bit, looking down at the dagger in his stomach in shock, before falling to his knees with a grunt.

I don't have time to think about what I had just done, I instead rush over to hurriedly pull the dagger out from his stomach, hiding my wince as I glare at the man and kick his shoulder with my foot, effectively knocking him over onto his side as I begin to see blood pool around on the floor.

"In your dreams, asshole," I excuse while spitting onto his curled up body, then rushing out onto the balcony, where I look out over the railing in search of Jungwon.

"Jungwon!" I yell out into the dark night frantically, but there's no sign of the boy anywhere.

I run my hand through my hair as I begin to panic about what to do now. If I go down and search for him myself, I'd have no clue where to even start to look, since I don't know my way around the castle grounds. And if I were to stay here, more intruders would eventually show up and I would be greatly outnumbered. With that thought in mind, I decide to take a chance on finding Jungwon myself.

I step up onto the small railing, ready to plant my feet on the other side when someone grabs onto my shoulders, pulling me back and making me fall onto the hard balcony floor with a yelp.

I look up with a wince and it seems that I was too late to make my escape before more intruders arrive, because two stand before me with hard glares on their faces.

Immediately, I stand to my feet and aim to stab one of the intruders' abdomen again, but this time the man grabs onto my wrist and twists it in a way that makes me drop the dagger to the floor with a wince.

The man pulls onto my wrist, turning me around forcefully so that my head is stuck between his arm, in a headlock. I step on his foot with force in hopes that it will loosen his tight grip around my neck, but instead it earns me a slap across my face from the second man.

Without giving me a second to react, they both begin to drag me out of the balcony, out of Jungwon's room and into the castle hallways, where a bunch of people are fighting against one another.

"Let go of me right now!" I shout and try to scramble out of their strong grip they have on me.

Nothing seems to get them to even budge, and I don't want to give up, but the halls seem endless, and I really have no clue what to do.

All of a sudden, I hear a loud animal growl echo throughout the hall, making me look up just in time to see a flash of orange and white fly past my eyes.

The next thing I know I'm on the ground, looking up at the ceiling as a familiar face comes into view.

"Shu!" I exclaim and the fox eagerly nudges my hand, urging me to stand up. I do so and he immediately rubs his head against my legs affectionately, before he lets out a defensive growl and I notice the two intruders he had tackled have started to get up again. Shu starts to nudge my legs forcefully, as if telling me to run.

The two intruders draw their swords and hold them out in between us, ready to swing and attack. Before they can make their next moves, Shu lunges at them, making me look away before I witness something I really don't want to see.

Their screams are excruciating, making me cover my ears as I begin to run down a random hallway, hoping that it will lead me to somewhere that's at least relatively safe.
