
Everything around me has gone silent, no more roaring winds, no more rumbling of the ground.

Nothing at all.

I lay still on my back with my hands sprawled over my torso in an 'x' shape. As weird as it sounds, I didn't feel the impact of my fall at all, It was like I had gently been laid down onto the cold floor.

I begin to open my eyes and a groggy feeling takes over my body. I sit up with a groan but to my surprise, everything is white.

White, as in snow.

I look around my surroundings and it seems I'm in a snow covered forest? Which is weird since it never snows in my town.

Suddenly off in the distance, I hear a branch break, alerting me of what could be around me.

It's then that I realize Jungwon is nowhere to be found.

I quickly bounce up on my feet and stand with my legs separated, I'm not sure what to expect to come out from the trees.

I can barely hear anything as the snow all around me muffles out most of the noise, so I stay alert as I wait for the source of the noise to show itself.

"Jungwon?" I ask into the air, hoping that it really is just the boy and not some vicious animal that could eat me alive.

Unfortunately, I get no response.

Then, out from the trees a small fawn appears. It has beautiful white speckles all over its body, with the added snow on top making it look majestic.

The fawn approaches me with caution, until it stops right before me.

I stare at the beautiful creature with soft eyes, reaching my hand out to ask for permission to touch it. The fawn leans into my hand and I begin to softly caress its head and back. My eyes widen as a tiny sprout begins to form in the center of the creature's head, it grows bigger and taller until it forms a blue and yellow flower that has three large petals. The pretty flower then detaches itself from the fawn's forehead with a trail of golden sparkles, floating in the air towards me like something you'd only see in fairytales.

I take the gift from the astonishing creature before me and twirl it between my two fingers with wide eyes. The fawn pushes its head against my arm, asking for more attention. I smile as I begin to pet the small creature again.

In the distance I hear the sound of a tree branch breaking again, the fawn and I both look over towards the direction to see a much larger, older deer watching us from a far.

The deer approaches us slowly and the baby fawn runs up to the creature, most likely the baby's mother. The deer tips its head almost like sending me a nod, before the two of them continue on in a different direction of the forest out from my site.

I softly smile as I look down at the flower in my hands, which looks to be an iris.

As the quietness soon begins to fill the air again, I realize once again that I'm alone.

I'm alone and I don't have a clue where I am.

The coldness of the snow soon begins to seep through my sneakers and take over my senses.

"Jungwon, where are you?" I shout into the cold, hoping that he could hear me.

As I get no response I begin to panic.

I set off in a sprint through the trees, in hopes that I'll run into the boy I'm looking for.

After a few minutes of running around and shouting, I feel exhausted and I collapse onto the snow beneath me.

I feel tears starting to well up in my eyes as I stare hopelessly into the whiteness all around me.

Without being able to hold it back anymore, a sob makes its way up my throat and escapes from my mouth as a steady stream of tears begins to flow down my cheeks.

Today has been such a bad day and now I'm lost somewhere in the woods which I don't recognize, I think as I continue my sobbing.

Out of my hoodie pocket, the flower the fawn gave me earlier falls out into the snow in front of me. I remove my hands from my face and pick up the pretty thing, spinning it around as a sad smile appears on my face.

It's an iris, which symbolizes hope.

I take a deep breath and force myself to stand up, scrunching my nose up in distaste as I can now feel the snow that has seeped through my jeans. I wipe off the remaining snow and begin to walk slower this time, in search of loose branches I could use to make a fire.

I walk with the iris in my hand, looking at it whenever I need a reminder to keep going.

I'm soon able to collect enough sticks to create a mini fire near a tree I decided to clear all the snow around, to take a seat at.

I take off my backpack and place it down on the ground next to me. I rummage through the pockets in search of the lighter I had once used for a science project but forgot to take out after.

"Come on, I know it's in here somewhere." I mutter to myself as I grow more determined to find the object.

"Aha!" I declare as I hold the black lighter up into the air with a proud smile on my face. Who knew leaving a lighter in your backpack would actually be a good idea.

I smile as I position the lighter over the mountain of sticks I had made, easily lighting it in one go. Thankfully all the times I went camping in the backyard with my brother, who taught me a bunch of survival skills, finally came in handy.

I set the lighter back into my bag as a light at the bottom of it catches my eye.

'My phone I completely forgot about it!'

I grab my phone from the bottom of my bag and immediately switch it on. I sigh when I realize there's no service and nothing will load. All I can check is the time, 09:27pm.

It's gotten very late into the day and I'm starting to feel it.

I grab one of the leftover dishes my mother prepared for my picnic with my friends and take small bites from the plastic container. Once satisfied, I put all my belongings back into my bag and hoist it up onto a tree branch from the tree I'm sitting against.

I stare into the fire as I feel my eyes starting to get droopy on me. I twirl the iris in my hand as I'm trying not to think about my situation too much. I'm really just hoping today was all just a bad dream, that I'll wake up tomorrow in my cozy bed.

I sigh before I feel myself drift off to sleep.
