Studio ; 11

[No Song for this chapter]


Harry woke up, Louis' small arms wrapped around his body. He reached up for his phone, which fell and hit his face. He groaned and picked it up, seeing a few texts from the guys.

'Harry, you alright mate?' Liam asked.

'You haven't texted or called in a while, you doing ok?' Niall texted.

'Apparently we need to be back in the studio today... you up for it?' Zayn questioned.

Harry didn't bother to answer the boys. He saw a text from Gemma.

'Why didn't you call Mum? She's worried sick about you.'

Harry carefully removed Louis' arm from his body and sat up. He grabbed the mattress to help hoist himself up. He dialed his old house number, listening to the ring.

Ring... ring... ring... ri- "Harry!" His mother greeted him.

"Hi Mum." Harry's voice was low. He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. "Sorry I haven't called, I've been so tired and stressed lately."

"Don't worry love, the important thing is that you called."

There was a few seconds of silence.

"So, how's everyone been?" Harry asked.

"Okay, Jay called yesterday. She's still not that well."

"Did she say how the kids are?"

"They're doing okay. She said how strong Lottie's been, she wouldn't know what to do without her."

"Gotta love Lottie." Harry sighed. "Management wants us in the studio soon."

Anne scoffed, which made Harry chuckle. Harry paced the hallway as he listened to his mother ramble.

"...You shouldn't go, none of you should go! If they don't care about your well being, you shouldn't care about not showing up to a recording session."

"I have to, it's part of the contract."

Anne sighed. "Just a couple more weeks with them. Now enough about that, how have you been feeling?"

"Alright, I guess."

"You're not alright, I can tell by your tone."

"I'm fine."

"Harry, you're my son. Don't think you can fool me with the 'I'm fine' charade."

"It's just... I miss him. A lot. And at this point I don't care about much anymore, I just wish he was still alive." Harry felt a lump rising in his throat.

"Oh, my baby boy." Anne murmured. "We all miss him love, you have so many people in the same boat as you. If you ever need to talk I'm here. And as much as you and your sister bicker about everything, you know she's here for you, too. You also have Louis' family, the boys, and your fans."

"I know." Harry turned around and saw Louis sitting on the counter, smiling at him. Harry held up a finger, signaling he'd be off the phone in a minute.

"I have to get going to work, but give a ring if you need anything. I love you Harry."

"Love you too Mum." Harry hung up.

"I got scared when you weren't there when I woke up." Louis hopped onto the counter.

"Sorry Lou, I forgot to call my Mum yesterday."

"It's alright. You know, you should really eat, you've thinned."

"I know." Harry walked into the living room, taking the plate of cookies Gemma brought the day before into the kitchen. He lifted the plastic wrap and took a cookie off the plate.

"If those are your Mum's you better share." Louis walked over to Harry.

Harry chuckled and took a cookie from the plate, handing it to Louis.

"Anne makes the best cookies. Don't tell my Mum I said that." Louis said with his mouth full.

"Chew first, then talk." Harry laughed before biting into his cookie again.

They each had two cookies. They sat in silence, enjoying the taste of Anne's homemade cookies.

"Harry, get back to normal eating habits." Louis licked his fingers to rid of crumbs.

"I know Louis, I promise I'll start eating again."

"Tell you what, we'll order a big pizza tonight. And let's make a cake."

"Why a cake?"

"Because cake is delicious, and I'm in the mood for it. Go buy stuff to make cake and I'll be here, watching the telly."

Harry smiled at Louis' childlike behavior as he walked upstairs, hopping into the shower quickly. He brushed his teeth and got dressed. He returned downstairs to find Louis sitting on the couch.

"I'll be back." He pressed a kiss to the top of Louis' head. He got his shoes and jacket on.

"Love you Harold."

"Love you more Chop Suey."

He got into his car, driving to the local supermarket. He kept his head down, hoping he wouldn't attract much attention.

Harry quickly ran down the aisles, grabbing the things he would need before going up to the register. The cashier had a warm, friendly smile.

"Long time no see, how've you been?" The cashier asked.

"I've been alright. And yourself?" Harry replied.

"I've been okay. I'm assuming you'll be baking."

"Yeah, I'm baking a cake."

"Is it someone's birthday?" She asked as she scanned the items.

"No, I'm just running out of things to do I guess."

The cashier laughed as she finished scanning the items. Harry handed the cashier the money, telling her she could keep the change.

"Have a nice day Harry. Take care of yourself."

"Thank you, you too." Harry took his bags and made his way out of the grocery store. He put the two bags in the passenger seat next to him, driving out of the parking lot. He drove home, excited to do something somewhat normal with Louis.

He still couldn't wrap his head around the whole situation. Louis was dead, yet he was an angel. He was with Harry, most of the time at least. He was still Louis, just dead.

I always thought angels had wings... I guess I'm being a bit stereotypical, Harry thought to himself as pulled into his driveway. He took the bags from the passenger side and walked into the house, Louis sitting on the couch.

"You're home." Louis stood from his place.

"Yeah, I bought the cake stuff."

Louis' eyes lit up as he ran into the kitchen, Harry taking his jacket off. He carried the bags into the kitchen and set them on the counter.

"I can't remember the last time I baked a cake." Louis eagerly pulled the ingredients out of the bag.

"Someone's a little too excited." Harry chuckled.

"I just feel normal."

"I know Lou."

"Now, let's get this started. I'm hungry."

Harry and Louis began mixing the ingredients, Louis throwing flour at Harry. Some of it went down his shirt.

"Louis!" Harry's voice went a slightly higher pitch than normal.

Louis laughed, a sound Harry loved more than anything. Louis' eyes crinkled as he threw his head back while the melodic sound of his laugh echoed throughout the house.

Harry took the opportunity to throw some flour at Louis, causing him to frown.

"Oi!" Louis yelled.

Harry laughed and put some flour into the mix before taking a large handful, tossing it at Louis again. Some ended up on the floor, the rest covered his face and shirt.

They continued their war until both of them were covered completely from head to toe in flour, their loud laughter ringing throughout the house. Louis laid in the flour on the floor and began making a flour angel.

"Twenty three or three? The world may never know." Harry mumbled to himself as Louis begged Harry to lay next to him. Harry laid on the floor and began to make a flour angel next to Louis.

"You're a kid at heart as well." Louis kissed the tip of Harry's nose, causing him to squeeze his eyes shut, crinkles forming around his eyes.

Harry smiled, Louis took a chunk of flour and threw it at Harry's face, which caused the both of them to laugh hysterically. Harry wiped the powdery flour off his pale face. He sat up and smiled at Louis, who was looking up at the ceiling. "Whatcha thinking about?"

"I'm just thinking, what if I was still alive? What if I never got into the car crash and I was still here?"

Harry was quiet for a moment before he began to speak his thoughts, "We would've come out to the fans officially. We would've only had one more week before it officially happened. We'd all be free of management. After this week, it's off to Azoff. I wish you could be here to share this transition with the boys and I."

"I know Harry, but I'll be able to watch you guys do it." Louis sat up and held Harry's hand. "I'm happy you're all leaving."

Harry smiled and leaned into Louis, their flour covered lips touching.

"I love you Lou."

"And I love you Harry."

Right then, there was a knock on the door. Harry jumped up and wiped his face off with a paper towel, shaking his hair out. When he turned around, Louis was gone. The knocks got louder.

"I'm coming!" Harry yelled out. He quickly rubbed the flour angels away, kicking the flour around to make it look like no one had been laying there. He opened the door and saw one of the representatives from Management at his door.

"Can I help you?" He asked, trying to sound pleasant.

"You're supposed to be in the studio."

"I technically don't work for you anymore." Harry said.

"You have a little more than one more week with us. Why are you covered in flour?"

"Oh," Harry looked down at his shirt and jeans. "I was starting to make a cake and spilled all the flour."

"You have to come to the studio to re-record some of the songs."

"Re-record? What about Louis' parts?"

"Those are the parts you guys are re-recording. Now, be at the studio soon." The young girl walked away, her ponytail flying as she spun on her foot. Harry slammed the door and sighed.

"Lou?" Harry walked up the stairs. He saw Louis laying on his back on the king sized bed. "I'm sorry."

"No, you don't have to be sorry." Louis closed his eyes.

"I don't want anyone else singing your solos." Harry's face fell as he pulled his shirt over his head. He grabbed a clean one from his dresser.

"Go in there with a strong face. I know you can do it."

"I want them to keep all the solos you sung on the album. It'll be a memory." Harry put on a black shirt.


"I'm sorry, I can't do this without you."

"You have to Harry."

Harry sighed and wiped the flour off his pants. He put on his boots and looked at his angel laying on their bed. "I'll see you later Louis. I love you."

Harry left the house, getting into his car. He drove to the studio, tears brimming his green eyes. He pulled into the parking lot of the studio and got out of his car, locking it as he walked to the entrance of the studio.

He walked through the double doors, flashing a quick smile at the two ladies sitting at the main desk.

"They're on the second floor, studio one." One of the ladies said.

"Thank you." Harry walked towards the elevator and pressed the button next to the number 2. He leaned his head against the wall of the elevator.

The doors of the elevator opened on the second level. Harry walked to his left, an oak colored door labeled '1' stood in front of him. Harry turned the bronze knob and entered the room.

Niall and Liam were sitting on the couch, Zayn in the recording booth. Julian nodded his head along to the beat of the song as he worked the soundboard.

"Hey Harry." Niall smiled at him.

"Hi guys." Harry mumbled.

"It's our last day recording under Modest, then we'll be with Azoff. Isn't it exciting?" Liam said. His eyes sparkled with something that seemed like hope.

"Harry you're in next. You'll be singing Louis' parts in the last four songs on the album." Julian said.

"Julian... I can't."

"I'm sorry Harry, if it were up to me I'd leave all of his stuff in. Modest said we can't, you guys 'must' sing all of his solos."

"We aren't even going to be working with them in a few days. Why do we have to listen to them?" Harry snapped.

"You can talk to them if you really want to. But believe me, I've tried already." Julian's face showed sympathy for Harry.

Sighing, Harry plopped down on the couch and stared at the wall. He tried to fight tears back, biting his bottom lip as hard as he could.

He couldn't do it. Singing Louis' parts was impossible. He couldn't sing the notes the way Louis could. The words that would have to roll of his tongue would be what Louis would've wanted the fans to hear. He would've wanted the them to hear his messages in the songs he wrote, the lyrics he sang. And now Harry was taking that away from Louis.

Harry needed to let his anger out. He saw a vase filled with light pink flowers in the corner of the room. He walked over to the clear vase, his nostrils flaring. He grabbed it in his large hands and tossed it on the ground, startling everyone in the room. The flowers were scattered around the floor as the water formed a puddle combined with glass.

"What the hell was that for Harry?" Zayn yelled mid-solo.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this." Harry ran his fingers through his hair as he walked out of the studio, slamming the door behind him. He ignored the yells of the other boys as he stomped towards the elevator.

He pressed the down button with force, waiting impatiently for the elevator to open for him. Harry tapped his foot anxiously as tears streamed down his face. The door finally opened, Harry immediately pushing the lobby button. He leaned his head back on the cold wall of the elevator.

The elevator came to an abrupt stop. Harry stumbled slightly, but regained his balance as his fingers tightly grasped the metal handle.

Louis stood in front of Harry, his eyes full of an emotion Harry couldn't quite place.

"Harry, why did you run out?"

"I couldn't do it." Harry's voice trembled.

"You know one day I'm not going to be here and you'll have to do things on your own without my help. One day no one will remember me, and you'll have to accept that."

"Don't say that." Harry clenched his teeth.

"Go up there and apologize." Louis pointed his finger up. "Julian and the boys did nothing. Fight all you want but they really don't want me on this album."

"They don't realize it but you were the backbone of this whole band. Make the elevator start working again. I'm not going into a single studio until we're with Azoff." Harry refused to let them just erase Louis from the band, as if he was never there in the first place.

"Fine, but you'll get in trouble."

"Since when do you care about getting in trouble?" Harry mumbled.

Louis was gone, and the elevator continued down to the lobby. Harry walked out, the bright sun hurting his eyes.

How stupid was I to forget my sunglasses, Harry thought to himself as he jogged to his car.

Harry unlocked his car and put on his seatbelt. He turned the car on, the engine buzzing to life. He was about to pull out of his spot when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He sighed and saw it was Liam.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Look mate, I know you're upset about this. But can you please come back?" Liam almost seemed desperate. "We lost one of our brothers, we can't afford to lose another."

Harry tensed up, Liam's words sent a shiver down his spine.

"We need you Harry, more than ever. Please." Liam's voice shook.

Harry hesitated. "You'll never lose me Liam."

"Please come record with us."

"I-I don't know if I can do that."


"I'm sorry Liam, I can't do it."

"Don't shut us out Harry. Please come back Harry. Harry we need you. Can't you see you're not the only one breaking? Harry plea-" Liam began to cry.

Harry pressed the 'End' button on their call. He rubbed his eyes. He pulled out of his spot and drove out of the parking lot.

Tears fell from his eyes as he drove to the Tomlinson's.

His head hurt from not eating or drinking much, and from crying a lot. He tried to calm down before he got to the house, and it was almost impossible, but he wiped his eyes as he pulled into their driveway, trying to keep his lip from trembling.

He got out of the Range Rover and walked to the door. He rang the bell and waited for someone to answer. Lottie opened the door, her eyes locking with Harry's.

She wrapped her arms around him, his arms holding Lottie tightly. He began to cry, Jay walking into the room.

"It's okay Harry." Lottie whispered. "Let it out, it's alright."

Harry's knees shook as cried.

"Harry..." Jay slowly approached the two.

"I'm sorry I came so unexpected." Harry said in between sobs.

"It's okay." Jay rubbed Harry's arm. "Love, don't cry. It's okay."

Lottie let go of Harry, her face falling to the ground. Jay pulled Harry into an embrace, Harry trying to keep his sobs quiet. He squeezed his eyes shut, the fallen tears from his eyes soaking the shoulder of Jay's shirt.

"Come and sit Harry." Jay said.

Harry followed Jay and Lottie into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"What happened?" Jay asked.

"They want me to sing his solos." Harry whispered. "I can't do it, they're meant for his voice, for him. They're not meant for me at all."


"I can't do it."

"It's okay to be mad." Jay smiled weakly. "Did you lash out?"

Harry shook his head and looked around the room. Louis was standing in the corner of the room.

"You were the one who told me to be strong! You know I can't do it without you, Louis!" Harry screamed.

"Harry..." Lottie's voice was quiet.

Louis remained in the corner, pressing his finger to his lips. "Harry, be quiet."

"No! I'm not going to be quiet!" Harry stood from the couch and walked over to Louis.

Jay and Lottie were shocked.

"Harry stop!" Louis begged.

"Stop what? Being sad about your death? It'll never happen!"

Louis' sighed and left.

"Harry... maybe you need a nap." Jay whispered.

Harry looked between the two. Then he remembered, he was the only one that could see him. "You're right... I must be imagining things. I-I should go. I'm sorry."

Harry slipped out of the house without another word. He got into his car and sped out of the driveway.

"Real smooth Harry, you almost blew my cover." Louis said from the backseat.

Harry swerved slightly. "Don't do that, you prick."

"Don't yell at me in front of my family." Louis mumbled. "I wanted to check on you after you flipped out in the studio."

Harry kept his eyes on the road, not paying much attention to Louis.

"You know, Harol, you shouldn't be mad about singing my solos." Louis' voice was softer.

"I can't do it. The solos are meant for your voice, not mine."

"Don't cry again Harry. You go back to the studio and show Modest you aren't as weak as they think you are." Louis placed a kiss to Harry's temple. "You know it's the only thing to do."

Harry sighed, he knew there was no other option, so he turned around and went back to the studio.


(A/N): I haven't updated in a while, so I made this chapter somewhat long!! I feel like no one even reads my stories but whatever, hope you all enjoyed it :)
