Shattered ; 20

-Satellite, All Time Low


Harry drove along the empty road, his front headlights shining to show what was ahead. He could wish on any star for Louis to come back, but he knew it would never happen.

Ever since Louis died, he hadn't opened his eyes to the world, he didn't want to either. He didn't want to experience anything without Louis, he almost liked keeping a closed mind.

This is what his life had become, nothing. Nothing new, nothing exciting. Harry knew Louis would be mad at him for not moving on, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

He couldn't move on, he would never be able to forget the memories of Louis, good, bad or indifferent.

He didn't realize it until he felt the cold drops on his cheeks, but he was sobbing. He remembered The X Factor, they were just kids. They were just kids, doing what they loved.

They were so innocent, and love was new to them, it was thrilling. Harry had never felt such an intense feeling when he looked at Louis.

He felt the same feeling when they shared their first kiss, when they were put in the same band, when they got to take over the world by each others sides.

Harry couldn't see through his blurred vision, but a car was speeding down the street. It was in the wrong lane, a drunk driver behind the wheel.

Harry rubbed his eyes and saw the car, but he couldn't react fast enough.

The cars collided, the sound of shattering glass filled the empty air.

Harry's body slumped against the wheel, his porcelain skin covered in blood.

His heart was slowing, he had gotten his wish. He opened his eyes for the last time and looked around at his surroundings.

With his final breath, he whispered "Louis." His eyes shut.

Within twenty minutes, the paramedics arrived. The drunk driver was stable, but it was too late for Harry.


