Numb ; 17

-Talk Me Down, Troye Sivan


"Louis... Louis... Louis!" Harry woke up screaming. He was drenched in sweat and was breathing heavily.

He looked around and everything that had happened hit him like a ton of bricks. He had no energy to cry, nor would any tears escape his eyes.

He got out of bed and went to take a shower, it was 1:24 in the afternoon. He stood under the cold water, his body already used to the feeling of numbness. His whole body felt empty, he felt lifeless.

He finished his shower about an hour. When he got out, he dried himself off with a towel and put on a white shirt along with a pair of gray sweatpants.

He sat down on his bed, rubbing his face with his hands. His phone rang, but he ignored it.

He felt sick, his stomach began to turn. Harry didn't make it to the bathroom fast enough, he threw up all over the floor. He continued to the bathroom, his hand covering his mouth. He sat in front of the toilet, throwing up whatever he had left inside of him.

He laid his head on the seat and began to cry. His cries echoed throughout the bathroom.

He heard someone running up the stairs.

"Harry!" It was Gemma.

"Oh, Harry." She rushed to his side. "Mum, get the cleaning supplies!"

Harry couldn't speak, he was too weak. He cried as Gemma flushed the toilet. She sat next to him and rubbed his back.

Anne cleaned the floor of Harry's bedroom and entered the bathroom. She pulled Harry towards her, he laid his head in her lap.

"My baby boy." Anne pushed his hair away from his face. "My poor baby."

Harry stared off into space, soft whimpers escaping his lips. Gemma leaned her head on Anne's shoulder.

"I'm going to clean your sheets, Harry. Gemma, why don't you and Harry go downstairs?"

The two helped Harry up. Anne took the sheets off of Harry's bed as Gemma began to walk out of the room.

"C'mon Harry." Gemma said in a gentle voice.

Harry followed. As much as he wanted to tell his mother not to wash the sheets because it would lose Louis' scent, he didn't have the energy to do so.

Gemma and Harry walked down the stairs and sat on the couch.

Louis had seen everything. He was cursing under his breath as he cried.

He followed Gemma and Harry downstairs. He was standing in front of Harry, but Harry looked right through him. He hit Harry's arm, but Harry didn't flinch.

Louis screamed until he was practically blue in the face, his neck veins throbbing. Louis felt John pull him into the corner.


"John, I can't!"

"We're leaving."

"No! I'm staying here."

John knew he wouldn't win this argument, so he left Louis.

Louis yelled at Harry, screaming and telling him to eat. He told him to see the boys, spend more time with his family, get back to normal habits.

He knew Harry wouldn't hear him, but a small part of Louis' mind told him if Harry continued to believe, maybe, just maybe, Harry would be able to see Louis again.

Harry and Gemma sat in silence. Gemma picked at her nail polish, while Harry stared off into space.

After about an hour, Anne came back downstairs. "Your sheets are clean."

Harry nodded and stood from the couch. He walked up the stairs and into his room. Harry slipped underneath the blanket and laid awake. He tried to fall asleep, but his mind was racing with endless thoughts of Louis.

Harry eventually fell asleep. He dreamed about being with Louis. They were happy and normal. They had a perfect life, then it was all swallowed by darkness within an instant.


(A/N): The chapters are getting shorter oops.
