part 2 chapter 2: (?) news

☆{3rd person pov}

As y/n left to the car a thought rushed to y/n's mind 'what if that is peter? He might hurt Lucy! But no that's he's plan get me worried enough to head back in where he can-' y/ns thoughts were cut off when Lucy opened the door with the grocery bags, "Hey so you wanna talk about the hole freak out?" Lucy asked, Y/n nods in response.

"I-i saw him again..." Y/n spoke with fear seeping through her voice. "Oh yeah suree." She said sarcasticly, "last time you said the it ended up being a guy struggling with a divorce" se continues. "Hey listen hear miss I'm right about everything he had black hair a the same eyes it... Startled me" y/n said looking out the car window. A sigh escapes her mouth as she finally settles down from her panic attack. She looks out the window again to see they where home. She stepped out of the vehicle and headed to the trunk to grab 3 bags while Lucy grabbed 2, they walked inside and began setting up for when Tk and Zara got here. Y/n started preparing the snacks and setting them out on the living room coffee table.

Just as she finishes there was three distinct knocks telling her TK and Zara where here. Y/n walked to the door excitedly, as she got to the door and opened it she was met with a huge bear hug that came from Zara. "Hey girl!! Your looking so much better from last time I saw you" zara said while TK and her walked in. They both sat down in the living room. Shortly after y/n and Lucy joined them.

☆{Y/N'S pov}

"So you had something to tell us?" I asked in curiosity; "yes.. 2 things actually." TK said I could tell he was nervous. "Well just remember that I will always be your friend no matter what" I said to try to ez the anxiety I saw him in, "a-alright well I'm non-binary..." He said anxiously waiting for a response. I was shocked. It wasn't that I didn't support him it's just how did I not see the signs? "I..I don't know what else to say besides how did you find out you where non binary?" I asked with a curios face.

He had calmed down by now. "Well I was really confused with my gender for the longest time but was always told that I was a male so I pushed the feelings aside but now I realize I'm non-binary." They said not exactly explaining, but at the same time I don't wanna push "well I don't see why anything would have to change between us" I said smiling trying to comfort him. "I'm glad and I'm so happy to have a friend like you y/n" they spoke in a much more calmer tone, we just kinda sat there in awkward silence. "Well what was the second thing?" Lucy asked breaking the silence, "ah well TK and I decided that it would be better as friends we both felt more comfortable like that" Zara spoke. If I'm gonna be honest I always thought as them to last for ever.

But even though Zara tried to act fine I could tell she was hurting. She loved TK so much it hurt when they left. I felt a sort of guilt which even though I had nothing to do with there break up I oddly enough myself for it. I could see Zara holding back tears. TK wasn't even looking at her he was looking at... Me? But why? Did I do something?

{Tk's pov}

I caught myself staring at y/n with feelings I never imagined have for her. I knew she was to scared to get into a relationship again but I still want her.. if these feelings continue I might end up dead from loving her to much. I looked away as soon as she turned to me I couldn't just let her see that I was staring. Lucy decided to talk to Zara alone leaving me and y/n alone. It was very awkward. "Why were you staring at me earlier?" She asked in a confused tone.

"I like your shirt and was actually wondering where you got it!" I said trying my hardest to get out of that question. "Oh I just got it from a thrift store" she said. Lucy and Zara soon entered the room breaking the awkward situation between us. "So do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Lucy asks. "I'm down" Y/n said, "yeah same here" Zara said. I looked over to Lucy and asked "sure but what are we gonna watch?" Lucy gave me a grin and said, "oh I got that already figured out" I noticed her grin and knew exactly what she was planning.

☆{y/ns pov}

As we all got comfy on the couch Lucy walked over to the TV and inserted a disc. After she put the disc in she walked back and played the movie, we were about a quarter way in the movie when I realized that this was a porno. "I swear to God Lucy if turn this shit of I will FUCKING throw myself out my God dam window." I said clearly annoyed.

As she was laughing her ass off and Zara and I shared a look, we went to the kitchen grabbed the hot sauce and brought it back over. Zara and TK held Lucy down while I poured hot sauce into her mouth, "there we go now we're very much even" I said proudly. She was trying to cool her mouth down while Zara, TK and I watched. I kinda felt bad but at the same time she had it coming as we continue to watch Lucy finally found the milk and chugged half the dam thing without even realizing, after finally cooling her mouth down she came and sat back down.

Authors news

Hey everyone! This took forever to write but to make it up to you guys I have some art to share this is my first time sharing but I really hope you guys enjoy the art :)
