chapter 2: bruises


I wake up to my alarm to tell me that I need to get the fuck out of bed "ughhhh school just 3 more minutes" I whine as I get out of bed. I change into a t-shirt and jeans then put my hair up, I grabbed my bag and hoped on my bike when I got to school I saw TK on the ground looking beat up "HOLY SHIT ARE YOU OK TK!"I yelled while running to help him up, "did peter do this to you" I mumbled to him "yeah I'm fine though" TK tried to say with out crying. "I'm gonna have a talk to Peter this shit needs to stop" I said prepared to get beat up. "Wait no Y/N don't you'll get hurt" he yelled, as I'm walking up to him I see he's right in front of my locker like he knew I was coming.

"Peter fuck off I'm not kidding about fighting you I will" I said well knowing I know nothing about fighting. "well then bring it on nerd"he said with a grin on his face, he toke the first hit by punching me in the gut shit I thought coughing from the punch,then a great idea piped in my head I kicked him right in the nuts he didn't react


Holy shit does this guy not feel pain or what with that he best the shit out of me
"That's for bugging"as he punched me "2 that's for standing up for people and 3 that's for kicking me in the nuts you fucking bitch"he growled, shit i was not expecting that next thing I know I passed out and woke up in the nurses office not being able to even sit up from the pain.

"Oh good your up"she said with a smile
"Holy shit what happened" I asked
Not know where I was "wow wow wow no swearing kid and you really don't remember do you" she asked, "ohhhhh now I remember" I mumbled as I sat up. Ok well thine for you to go to class up up you go I said to myself, "bye" the nurse said "bye" I waved.i go to English and who do I see none of the less peter the English teacher said to go sit next to him. So I did but when he was about to say something "fuck off peter jeez let me guess you want me to do your home work, like fuck man" I said clearly cranky " yeah acaully I'm gonna need you to do my homework or else I'm gonna do much worse then give you a sore stomach you got it nerd"he growled at me.

Fuck I really don't want to but then again I'm not wanting to wait around and see how this plays out, "what the fuck I won't get sleep" I said clearly pissed "ok so you think I care"he laughed. after class I went to the cafeteria and saw TK with the girl that we saved, "hey" he waved me over to them "This is zara you know the girl we saved" he said smiling "hi she said nervously, peter walked over "ha look if it isn't the group of the nerds" he said Mockingly "oh look is the bitch of the emos" I growled. "What did you say nerd" he snapped "you heard me bitch" I said.

He grabbed me by my shirt collar and said "I don't mind sending you to the nurses office again" I was kinda scared but then said "then why do you get me to make your coffee when you come down to the cafe"
His face turned red "I-uh just do my home work" he stuttered "will do emo bitch" I laughed, he dropped me and ran off to the bathroom

{After school}


As I hope on my bike to get home, I hope of my bike and walked in to see knowone was home exempt my uncle, "hey" I said heading to my room I felt like he was following me so I turned around and all the sudden he pinned me to the wall "hi sexy~" he said the a huge grin "no!" I yelled "stop no no no" I cried he put he's hand up my shirt and grabbed my titt I tried to fight back and stop it but couldn't he pulled down my pants and he's and covered my mouth "shhhhh shh be quiet" he said with a grin it made me wanna throw up

After that I lied in my bed crying and hurt because I thought he was a good person "why me why me" I sobbed I toke a shower a scribed my skin till it was pink. I felt so gross "what happened" I kept repeating those words my head after he left. I grabbed a blade and slit 2 cuts and bandaged them up and went to bed crying
The next day I headed to school and saw peter I gulped heavily know fear well that I was about to get beaten up because I didn't do his homework then rembered what happened last night and tears ran down my face as if someone died. He saw me and walked up to me "why are you crying cry baby, eh what ever anyhow where's my homework nerd" he snapped "i-i didn't *sniff* do it I'm s-sorry"I cried "what happened to you arm nerd" he sounded worried a little "nothing I fell" I said
