chapter 3:the project

(sorry the story is shit so far but yeah know😔 I bring gift to fix it✨💐here you go people)

Peters POV

fuck I feel shitty for not interfering with that she's probably trumatized,know worries he will pay for what happened Y/N your mine~ and just~ I'll also get rid of TK "listen nerd the teacher gave us a project to work on so wanna go to your house or my house."I growled, "I don't really care" she said looking down


Great me and him have a project together, just add on to my shitty week
"My house then"peter said with that stupid annoyed face on his head "yeah sure whatever" I snarled I hated life I just wanted to fucking throw myself off a building ofc I can't but I can wish. I started walking down the hall when all the sudden a guy tripped me "Oh look it's the freak" he laughed, Zara looked at me with a evil grin and flipping me off. What a bitch I thought

{Time goes by}

I wait for peter so we can head to his house for the project, "Peter over here emo bitch" I yelled over to him. He looked annoyed like usual "ok let's go nerd" he mumbled. We finally got to his house and went up to his bedroom "ok soo got your stuff" he asked.
"Yes" I replied after we read the book a little he passed out...ON FUCKING TOP OFF MY LAP, ugh great I couldn't move either so laid down with him on my lap and fell asleep I heard his alarm go off but I couldn't get up he was CUDDLING ME.. oh my fucking god I mean he was warm but I woke him up any way "peter time to get up emo bitch" I said clearly pissed, he woke "what the fuck are you doing here nerd" he said clearly tired well you fell asleep on top of me and I couldn't move.* I jokingly said

"W-what ever nerd"he said flustered "shit my mom's calling, ok I'm sorry mom ok I'll be there soon"I said i gotta go my mom seems pissed on the phone

{At home}

"Mom I'm home" a flying bottle came ruching towards me and hits my foot "s-shit you broke my f-foot" I stuttered, mother charged at me and kicked me right in the gut I choughed "jeezes" I yelled as I ran out of the house (technically limping out of the house). I waited till the fire cooled down but It  didn't, so I had to figure out how to grab my shit and leave snucked in threw my window and grabbed as much of my shit as I could and running away I didn't know where to go so I just sat on the side of the road thinking on what the fuck just happened when all the sudden my mother started to drag me back home "you *hiccup* ungreatfull brat"she said clearly drunk when we go home I was shoved in my room after a few seconds my sister came in and ran to me

"Are you ok?" She asked "yeah"I tried to say while tumbling down when I tried to get up. "She's not usually like this" she tried to calm me down "just wait a few weeks if it gets worse get out if she stops then stay ok" she said reassuring me, she left the room and callapsed on my bed after fixing my foot up. In the morning I was wakened to my mother draging me out of the house,I pushed her off and ran inside to grab my bag and ran to school. I was merged with the same jerk ass peter glaring at me "um can I help you emo bitch?" I asked, "yeah you can where's my homework nerd" he growled "didn't do it" I said I grabbed my bag and ran I ran until i saw a Janitor closet  and ran into it not realizing he had the he locked me in there "PETER FUCK YOU... LET ME OUT PLEASE!" I cried in anger quickly realizing that it won't do anything
