The Face of Calamity

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 "Lola, lola" the child screamed. Lola Flordeliza scurried to her granddaughter's aid. "What is it my sweet Venus?", "What is upsetting you?" she asked, the child pointed at the wall, which was covered with spiders. Lola Flordeliza answered "Do not let them worry you my child, they will surely move on." But in her heart she knew it was another one of nature's signs, that things were not well. For the past week, Lola Flordeliza the Fajardoh family matriarch had been observing nature's phenomena with great interest, she knew such things usually preceded some impending disaster.

Lola Flordeliza's age of seventy three years had certainly taken its toll on her beauty and physical statue, but her brain remained as alert as when she was a teenager. She was a very kind and patient lady, full of courage, and cultural knowledge that was steeped in the ancient ways of nature. Lola Flordeliza firmly believed that all of nature's phenomena were to be regarded as messages to be heeded.

Later that day, Thursday 7th November 2013 warnings were issued of an approaching typhoon. Such storms were a regular occurrence in this beautiful area of the Philippine Archipelago. Both Leyte and Samar are the gateways to the magnificent tourist attractions in this area, and it is here in Tacloban City that the strongest typhoon recorded in the Philippines, struck with such intensity that had never been met before.

Lola Flordeliza's son, Mariano Santos Fajardoh was both a husband and a father and totally devoted to his family, he was a hardworking man, full of the joy of life, his hair was thinning, he was missing a front tooth but his smile rivalled the twinkle in his eyes. Mariano was employed by the Tacloban Municipality; his job was a dangerous one. He belonged to a maintenance crew, which serviced the famous 2.16 Km long San Juanico Bridge, which connected the islands of Leyte and Samar across the San Juanico Straits. It was on this day Thursday 7th November 2013, that Mariano became trapped in Samar due to the impending typhoon warnings. Mariano fretted about his worst nightmare that he would not be able to help his family in Tacloban, should the typhoon strike, his worst fears coming true, when Typhoon Yolanda struck at 4.00am on Friday 8th November 2013.

Mariano was not to know that his wife Theadora had gone to assist her sister, and she also had become trapped and isolated from the family home, where Lola Flordeliza and the three children John Marc, Joel and Venus fearfully awaited her return. Concealing her fears, Lola Flordeliza gathered the children around her and prayed fervently for the salvation of all that had become victims to this raging typhoon.

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The winds screamed in torment, as if a thousand demons from Hell had been released, all with intent to heinously destroy everything in their path. It was as if God had forsaken Tacloban, maybe God could not hear the cries of desperation over the noise of the wind, or maybe God had an ulterior plan to appease all. At the first sign of daylight Lola Flordeliza knew in her heart it was time to leave, she could see the destruction that was happening all around their Barangay Nula-Tula, but where to go was the big question. "Please dear God, help us to get to the forest." she cried. The forest was that place which had always given her sanctuary as a child; it was here that she always took herself in times of need. Quickly she gathered the children, hugging them as one, with her head high, and bravely walking as if she was a teenager again, she led the children to safety. All around, the buildings were being tossed and torn, huge stone walls collapsed as if made of mud, metal framework simply bent and bowed to the wind, as if it was an invitation for further destruction, the City had surrendered to the power of Typhoon Yolanda.

Once in the safety of the forest, Lola Flordeliza quicken the pace, tree branches lashed at them as they slipped and fell while scrambling on all fours, their tears were quickly washed away by the rain as they struggled on, at last they found shelter under a small rocky overhang, exhausted but safe, they continued to pray.

By mid-morning the Typhoon had reached its peak. Ocean waves four meters high crashed over and around the San Juanico Bridge. Mariano, who was frantic for information about his family, structured a plan to cross the bridge; however his plan was thwarted by the Police Security. He then decided to wait till nightfall when security could be breached much more easily, and then he would attempt to cross the bridge. Mariano's bridge crossing was to be a most dangerous feat, driven by despair and bravery that bordered on sheer madness; he became a phantom of the night, and slipped away unnoticed to his chosen perilous adventure. His crossing which only took about two hours felt like an eternity, but this was only the beginning of his true adventure.

Once Mariano had arrived in the devastated Tacloban City, he hastened to his home to find total devastation. With tears streaming down his face he fell to his knees, he felt his heart and gut had been ripped from his shaking body, without his family he felt life would be futile, but where were the bodies? Maybe they had survived somehow. His first thought was to find some authorities and ask for information, with a heavy heart he realised his problems were small compared to the big picture of devastation that surrounded him. It was then that his sub-conscience spoke to him, reminding him of his own famous saying which he often quoted to others, "If you want something done, simply do it yourself". Mariano decided to seek out the whereabouts of his family alone. Gathering his wits and with great tenacity, he began his walk towards the short cut to the highway which led to the City Centre.

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 It was now Saturday 9th November 2013, the rain and wind had eased and with great apprehension life began to unfold from the scattered debris that was once a City. People were still in shock, this however, helped to mask their sad reality as they wandered aimlessly, only to find increasing tragedy with every step. Dead bodies and ailing victims lined the streets, looting was rampant; even those people with dignity, had become desperate for both food and water. Those dormant animal urges that lie concealed in everyone's' sub-conscience, were beginning to animate.

Theodora Fajardoh, Mariano's wife, had survived the devastation that Typhoon Yolanda had left in its path. She was distraught with grief for her missing family, and found comfort collecting the orphaned children that abounded everywhere. Eventually Theodora and the orphans were found by a relief crew, and placed in a shelter, immediately she assisted with the administering of food and water to the victims. Theodora, a former Tacloban City beauty queen, had always presented herself as person of great merit, never afraid to take a challenge and like her husband had a heart with an endless supply of love. She knew that love would somehow reunite her family and with patience she prayed each day that her loved ones were safe and well.

"I'm hungry", said the children to LolaFlordeliza, she answered them, "I am sorry that I do not have food to give you,God has brought us this far and we need to be patient". Lola Flordeliza feltlike she was dreaming when she heard what she thought was a faint cry "Theodora","Nanay". Was she dreaming, or was the sound becoming louder. "Theodora". It wasJohn Marc that said "I think I hear Tatay". Immediately the children started yelling"Tatay", within moments Mariano came crashing through the trees, unaware of thecuts and scratches on his body. His first and only concern was his family and hecould not believe his eyes when he saw his Nanay Flordeliza cradling his threechildren. He staggered toward them, falling and passing into unconsciousness.When Mariano finally regained his consciousness, his speech was still incoherent;it was a combination of many mumbled thanks to the Lord and to Nanay Flordeliza.Mariano fearing the worst asked "Where is Theodora?" Patiently he listened whileLola Flordeliza explained how Theodora had left to provide assistance to her sisterand had not returned. This news brought Mariano to his feet, he had single-handedlycrossed the bridge in the face of adversity, and somehow he had survived tofind his beloved Nanay and his children, and now this!!! No, he would notaccept that any bad fate had befallen Theodora, he knew in his heart that shewas alive, and his mission now was to find her and reunite the entire family. Butwhere and when to start would have to wait, his immediate priority was to carefor the children and Lola Flordeliza. Mariano knew it was not safe for hisfamily to travel amongst the devastated City of Tacloban, he knew disease wason the increase and it was best to stay isolated in the forest. Lola Flordeliza and Mariano carefully constructed a make-shift shelter to live in; it was here, that everyone was instructed to stay while he sought food and water for them.

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  Almost a week had passed since the destructive Typhoon had made landfall. Mariano found himself wandering toward the City centre, his body racked with fever and pain. He was desperate to continue with his search for Theodora and to find assistance for his family back in the forest. His every step presented him with great sadness, bodies lay decaying everywhere and many victims still alive, begged for help. He asked God aloud "Why my Lord have you given us people, who are already very poor such a task?" "Surely we have proven our faith", "Why have you deserted us?", "I guess it is the spirit that lies within me, that drives me on". Delirium was beginning to set in, and with a final lurch Mariano fell to the ground.

"Quick, hurry with the stretcher, this one is still alive" shouted the UNICEF volunteer, Mariano's body was lifted and placed in the truck. "Oh My God", "The ants have started to eat his face", "Shame the ants weren't washed away." cried the volunteer. The truck rumbled on to its destiny, a small make-shift hospital had been constructed at the Relief Centre and it was here, that Theodora had found shelter. In return she worked tirelessly, providing assistance to the needy victims that were constantly brought in each day; this work helped to hide the internal anguish that she felt.

Mariano was placed in a hospital bed; he wassuffering with fever, and an acute facial infection, which had left his eyesswollen and unable to see. His fever was easily treated; however the facialinfection became worse with each day. The medical staff worried he would losehis sight, if the infection was not contained. Theodora hearing of thisvictim's plight, reminisced about her Mother-in-law's healing skills, Flordelizawould have known of a herbal remedy, but alas, where was that part of her lifenow? She feared the worst for her lost family. But, chance is an amazing thingand at first Theodora did not initially recognise her husband Mariano as he layin the hospital bed, his face swollen beyond recognition. Five days had passedsince Mariano had arrived at the shelter and it was while Theodora wasadministering to Mariano's infection that his fever began to lift, somehow he senseda connection with this person even though he could not see her, dutifully she explainedshe would come back to bath his infection in a few hours. It was this kind voice he could hear but not put a faceto, that concerned him, frantically he clutched her arm, fearing he was insane,was this person really Theodora? Lapsing back into a state of unconsciousnesshis dreams filled with hallucinatory visions. Visions of flying bridges;swimming in four metre high waves; death everywhere; and God sitting on a cloudlaughing at Tacloban's state of calamity, Mariano felt he was being given achoice to die or live and then he heard it, the sweetest sound he could ever rememberfiltered into his ears. "Is that really you my dearest Mariano?" His heartleaped joyfully as he nodded his reply, Theodora laid her head upon his chestand sobbed. Her mind was full of questions, "The questions can wait." she saidto herself, as she tried to regain her composure. Theodora held Mariano's hand and together they thanked the Lord, they had been spared and given this chance to rebuild their lives.

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Mariano's renewed energy levels fuelled by his urgency to protect his family hastened his recovery. He insisted that he and Theodora leave immediately, to return to Lola Flordeliza and the children, and hopefully to his job. Travelling back to the forest would not be an easy task, they both knew that Tacloban had become a city of despair and every road would be fraught with many dangers. Deciding it would be safer to travel in the day, and to only use the smaller roads which did not attract attention, they bravely set of. Despite the intense heat, humidity and the many horrendous sights that seemed to abound everywhere, they made good time and finally reached the forest. It had taken almost seventeen hours to escape from this city of Hell and every step they had taken, had left a memory that could never be erased. All of their exhaustive efforts dissolved immediately, upon hearing the familiar voices of their children calling to them "Nanay, Tatay" we can see you.

The family reunion was filled with both tears and laughter. Upon being asked about his face scars, Mariano laughingly replied "Do not worry about my scars, Theodora has enough beauty for both of us". "A scar on the face is nothing compared to a scar of the heart". Love is the inspiration for all recovery, even in the face of calamity.
