Author's Words

We are all brothers and sisters belonging to this beautiful planet we call Earth, and thanks to that magical thing called DNA inherited from our parents, we are all unique. Science tells us that overall 99.8% of our entire DNA is shared with each. It's only that 0.2% that makes each person different. However the combination of life's experiences, choices we make and our undefined spirit, certainly make us who we truly are. Our DNA can only provide a certain amount of extremely important tools for us, however it's the manner in which we use these tools that moulds us. The signature song from the musical "Seesaw" written by Dorothy Fields and Cy Coleman in 1973,certainly speaks in an inspirational manner to all "It's not where you start its where you finish". "It's not how you go it's how you land". How true these philosophical words are, but alas, life's journey confronts us with many experiences, both positive and negative, each impacting differently upon every individual. Despite our uniqueness, we are a race of beings that depend upon a collective lifestyle, where we are constantly faced with choices of all manner and type, however, those choices regarding the welfare of our fellow-man are often cowardly neglected, our eyes and ears skimming the surface, only hearing and seeing what we want to hear and see. Too often the real problems of our brothers and sisters are placed in the "It's not my problem basket".

Society constantly reminds us, that we must take responsibility for our lives and create the necessary changes to rise above our problems. Such statements have great worth for each and every individual to reflect upon, hence initiating plans for change, but without heartfelt assistance from those that recognise our cries for help, then all efforts to change appear as just another futile task. Being part of someone else's life is a huge responsibility and not to be taken lightly, everything we do has an interacting impact on others somehow. Some of us refer to good luck and bad luck as the governing power in our lives, but that thing called "luck" fits better into the world of gambling where everything is based on chance and not control.

As an infant we have little control over our lives, but by the time we have reached the crossroads between young adults and adulthood, our power to choose right from wrong should have become deeply instilled within us and it is this power of choice, that becomes our greatest tool, as we travel along life's pathway. This pathway is never ending, constantly changing direction, as it moves maize-like but with the power to turn into a sixteen lane highway at any moment. Paying attention to detail is most important for the traveler, but when lost, it is wise to ask for directions, after all, the highway belongs to everyone that is travelling. The only license required to travel this highway of destiny is issued instantly at birth.
