The Dancer

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 "Will this night, bring the answer to all of my dreams? Will I be asked to dance for one of the Lord's angels or a demon spawned in Hell? Whatever my fate tonight shall be depends entirely on my necessity to survive, and to put food on the table for my family. I accept the reality that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord, and it is this knowledge, that has given me the strength to turn away, and to use my broad shoulders to shield me from the many stones that the so-called hypocritical self-righteous throw my way, for their stones can never build a wall big enough, that could ever separate me from the Lord's love.

My job is to dance and to feed the fantasies of those lonely desperate souls which frequent the many Bars catering for society's misfits. Such social misfits should be renamed as society's best fits, for they do not carry with them, the evils brought about by the discrimination and inequality that grows rife amongst the elite.

It is with dignity and pride that I reveal my God given talents, my body is my temple and a true representation of respect is always maintained. The sensual, passion of the musical beat invokes my animal instincts as I gyrate and twirl with desire to entertain, giving all but my soul, and hoping beyond all hope, that someday my prayers will be answered and I will be discovered and loved for who I truly am, and "Lord when my days are over, and the time comes that I meet you Lord, my only request is that you will honour me and ask me to dance my final dance just for you." 
