Elysium: The First Eruption

6 months had passed by in a flash for Juviel. He was enjoying his time with Fu Hua quite a lot. He had also formed bonds with the town people, especially Fu Hua's father, the man now sees him as his son.

Him and Fu Hua had also started dating, it was him who proposed and she accepted with a flushed face whilst asking why her. (psst, guys, you want a special chapter detailing the beginning of their relationship?)

Everything was going smoothly except one single thing. Fu Hua's Trust Percentage, it got stuck at 99%. They haven't had segs, what the hell, kisses at best for now. Not the lewd kisses, wholesome kisses.

He was clueless so he had asked his System about whether it would increase to a 100% if they had segs or not. The System said no, the relationship had to be purely platonic for the Trust Percentage to go above 90%.

Which was new information for him, but he decided to leave it to fate. The System refused to tell him the exact method, so he had to focus on other things.

For example, he had made an organisation. How many members? As of now it was him, he couldn't help it. It sounded cool in addition to the profits, so he decided to create an Assassination organisation.

He knew it was risky, afterall, he only had a bit of assassination expertise. However, things would change once he manages to make an actual assassin one of his members. That way he can borrow the assassins' skills/abilities/talents.

It was the shortest way to get huge amounts of profit, assassination. Although he had never delved into the subject of assassination before, he had killed people before... As self-defence of course. So he can handle the job of an assassin.

Of course, he kept all of this a secret from his close ones... Except one. He planned on telling Fu Hua after his organisation grew to some extent. However, the girl could somehow feel that he was hiding something and he couldn't lie to those cute sparkling eyes. Thus, he spilled the beans.

Fu Hua was shocked to say the least, her boyfriend was planning on making an assassination organisation at the age of 16!! She was concerned if he was going to the dark side and kept on asking if something went wrong or not.

He felt warm in his heart, but he made sure to relieve her. He told her that he would only accept assassinations of corrupt officials or villains. That aligned with her moral compass, but she was more concerned about him.

What if he fails?

Although they had been together for 6 months, she couldn't help but be afraid of the situation where he fails. Would he die?

Her gaze became determined and she had told him that she wanted to join as well. At that time he was shocked, what? Unlike him, she doesn't have experience with killing. He outright refused her, this led to an argument between the two of them.

Which eventually ended with a hug and him telling her that he wouldn't go assassinate people. His members would and he would only act as the medium to get the rewards.

With that, she was finally relieved. He sighed helplessly but, he was extremely happy that she was so concerned about him. Although it hurt a bit that she didn't believe him fully, it also made him realise what was the remaining 1% Trust.


As usual Juviel was jogging around the town without his shirt on. He wasn't panting heavily, that was because his stamina had increased. He was jogging.. Until a red screen popped up infront of his face.

[The First Honkai Eruption has occurred in England. Issuing Salvation Quest... Issuing... Issued.]

Before he could process whatever the fuck a Honkai Eruption was, another screen popped up infront of his face. His eyes widened, the screen was gold in colour with black font.

[Legendary Salvation Quest: First Honkai Eruption

The First Honkai Eruption has occurred in England. The MOTH are currently heading to deal with the Herrscher as we speak. The User is not recommended to alert neither MOTH nor the Herrscher.

Objective: Save as many lives as you can.

Rewards: 250 Salvation Points for each life the User saves, 500,000 Salvation Points for saving a million in addition to the 250 Salvation Points gained from each life saved, coming to a total of 250,500,000. 5,000,000 for saving ten million in addition to the points gained from saving individual lives, coming to a total of 2,005,000,000 Salvation Points.

Penalty: Heh.. You don't have a choice madafaqer.

Current Population of England: 55,980,000

Teleporting User to England... Teleporting... Teleport successful.]

His eyes widened in pure shock and utter confusion but he couldn't say anything before his vision flashed brightly, causing him to close his eyes instinctively.

Then when the light disappeared, he opened his eyes and saw a near apocalyptic scene. Buildings were falling, houses were burning and people were screaming for their lives. He could also see humanoid beings with white hair and weapons attacking the surviving humans along with weird white monsters with pink designs.

What the actual fuck? Did he just get teleported to Hell? He had heard of how strange Australia was but it surely wasn't this bad right?

He could feel a weird tingling sensation around him. It was like something was touching him, but he couldn't see. It was confusing, but uncomfortable. Right now he had more urging matters to think about, what the fuck were the things infront of him!?

But before he could think further, he was interrupted by a loud noise from the distance.


He looked towards the direction of the sound while covering his ears. He saw a floating transparent missile being made into an actual missile right infront of his eyes. His mouth went agape with shock,

"What incarnation is that!? Holy shit!! That's legit creating a missile out of thin air!!! Right, it must be a hologram..."

Then he looked at the scenes around him and had to smile wryly.


The missile was very quickly made and launched. Following that was another explosion and a screen popped up infront of his eyes,

[Current Population: 5,567,872

Saving ten million has become impossible to achieve, updating Mission... Updating.. Updated.

Legendary Salvation Mission: First Honkai Eruption

The First Honkai Eruption has occurred in England and millions have succumbed to death already. The MOTH are currently dealing with the Herrscher as we speak, but they will require 5 more minutes to deal with the Herrscher. The User is not recommended to alert neither MOTH nor the Herrscher.

Objective: Save as many lives as you can.

Rewards: 250 Salvation Points for each life the User saves, 500,000 Salvation Points for saving each million in addition to the 250 Salvation Points gained from each life saved, coming to a total of around 250,500,000-252,500,000.

Penalty: Heh.. You don't have a choice madafaqer. Move your damn legs!! There are lives to save!!!] 

His eyes widened in shock. Holy shit, he faintly recalled there being 50+ million a few moments ago! He quickly started moving towards the direction that people were screaming in the most. But, where was he supposed to keep the saved people at?

[Calculating.. Calculating... Estimating... Estimated. The User is currently incapable of saving anyone. Calculating other means of Salvation... Calculating... Calculation successful. User, prepare to use Abscond.

Prepare to borrow from a Higher Existence, in other words, a God.]

A fucking what?

[A God.]

Yeah, I heard!!! Are you nuts!? That's crazy! I can't even touch a God!

[Touch air. The User must have felt the tingling sensation the moment the User came here. That was in fact Honkai Energy trying to corrupt you. It's within the air, you can faintly see the pink gas like particles in the air.

Normally, Honkai Energy isn't visible, but when concentrated into one location, it becomes visible.

Borrow from the Honkai here.]

What the fuck is that!? Corrupt!? The fuck do you mean!? Is it like the T-virus from Resident Evil!? How!?

[Just use Abscond on it User. I will explain everything later, lives are diminishing at every passing second.]

He gritted his teeth and focused on the pink particles floating around him. He had finally noticed some faint pink coloured patterns appearing on his arms. He was shocked. The patterns started becoming more bright in colour and started snaking up his arms. But, they suddenly stopped and dimmed. It seemed they couldn't proceed any further, because the Salvation System had intervened.

He reached his hand towards the gas like substance and touched it. In fact, it didn't feel like anything, but the patterns on his arms glowed before dimming once more. He had never used his ability on something intangible, so he failed quite a lot.

But then he succeeded.. The main reason why he failed was because of one single reason, he doubted whether he could do it or not. The System had reminded him of what type of ability he had, it was SSS+ tier, the highest tier available to mortals. So he decided to believe in his ability and managed to succeed.

[Establishing connection with ???... Establishing... Establishing..
Establishing failed..
Retrying.. Establishing... Establishing.. Failed... Establishing... Establishing.. Failed.. Connecting.. Connecting... Failed.. Connecting... Connecting... Failed..


Establishing connection for the 423rd time... Attempt successful. Connection has been established... Abscond has made contact with ???. Abscond has been successfully used on ???.]

[Trust Percentage: 0%

Abilities: Honkai Eruption(SS), Herrscher Authority Projection(SS+), Aura Of Finality(SSS+++)-

Cannot display any further. ??? has begun resisting so the System has to fully concentrate on maintaining the connection, Abscond will only last two more seconds. Choose Honkai Eruption, now!]

He didn't hesitate any further and clicked on Honkai Eruption. There wasn't a yes or no option this time as he could faintly feel something going in him. It was unlike any other feeling he had experienced before, it felt like something big and wide was going in him.

[Connection has been cut! System will now begin to hide the User further... Using Blessing Of XXX... Using... Successful, traces have been wiped. Confirming whether ??? recovered the borrowed ability or not... Confirmed, it has fully recovered the ability.

Calculating the duration of this Abscond... Calculating... Calculation successful.

Duration: 1 month.]

An extremely heavy pressure fell on his shoulders as his head started pulsing. He couldn't read the message properly due to the difficulty he was experiencing. It didn't hurt but he couldn't move even a single part of his body.

He felt immense power coursing through his veins, power so overwhelming that he felt as if he was about to explode. He felt that if he casually flicked the ground, the planet would be destroyed.

However, he couldn't even move his body let alone a whole arm. He wanted to breath, but he couldn't even do that. He started suffocating from lack of oxygen after a few minutes. His vision started darkening when he recovered his ability to move his body.

He started falling and he could faintly see the white haired humanoids and monsters spasming on the ground as if they were suffering from a seizure, before he fainted.

He landed on the ground and because he wasn't wearing a shirt, he was covered with dirt and blood. Not his blood, blood from others.

The situation had calmed down due to him borrowing the Honkai Eruption. He had successfully got rid of the First Eruption whilst the First Herrscher had also suffered a similar fate to her brethren.

While she was suffering a seizure, MOTH had taken the opportunity to land the deciding blow on the Herrscher and killed her.

The MOTH were confused of course, they wanted answers but they only got more confused when they saw the surrounding Honkai Beasts and zombies turning into particles.

What the actual fuck was that?

Someone from the MOTHs started crying and spoke in pure delight,

"God hadn't abandoned us!"

The scientific part of MOTH wanted to refute, but they had no logical explanations either. So they could only remain silent whilst inwardly cheering for their victory. If the Herrscher hadn't suddenly started suffering a seizure, the already huge costs would have increased further.

They had lost 70% of the personnel they brought to fight the Herrscher, this was because they had not anticipated such a being appearing.

Meanwhile, Juviel was covered by a thin dome of light.

[Teleporting User back to Senzou, for convenience, teleportation will be into the bathtub of the User's bathroom.

Teleportation successful.

Legendary Salvation Mission accomplished. Well done User. I'm proud of you. However, ehe, I had accidentally used up all of our Salvation Points to establish the connection, resisting ??? and hiding the traces. I had to take a part from the Salvation Points we gained too.

Rewards: 25,000,000 Salvation Points.

Hey, that's already a lot of Points innit?]

He couldn't hear the System, but if he could, he would have been delighted. 25m? Damn, that was already more then all of his accumulated Salvation Points summed up!


