Elysium: System Updating.. Come On You Two, Quiet Down!!

In a white space, a girl with long white hair with shackles was currently looking at a screen panel infront of her eyes whilst occasionally taking peeks at a bigger screen to her right. She was sitting on a blue cube that had various data like figures roaming around, akin to stars. The shackles came from the cube and it prevented her from doing certain things.

(credits to the artist whom I couldn't find)

(cube 👍)

System: How high is his endurance!? And isn't that ‘thing’ a tad bit too big!? Would it even fit? No wait, why am I thinking about that part!?

The Salvation System had already reread the Database of Akivili around 30 times now. Thankfully there were bits of information that kept on getting added into it, otherwise she would have been bored to death or ‘excited’ to death.

The Salvation System frequently reads through the adventures of the Nameless as she finds it extremely interesting, so she was quite up to date with the events within the Astral Express.

System: Huh? Why does she explore trash cans? Maybe some sort of fetish?

The System was too pure to understand the intricacies behind the concept of fetishes. Even when she had been alive, she was single and had never viewed 18+ stuff. She was curious but she was too busy trying to earn money to get a high quality phone to play Hi3rd Part 2!!

Why not on her old phone? Because it couldn't even get past the loading screen of the open world!!!

Due to Juviel still going at it, the System had no choice but to keep reading through the new adventures of the Nameless.

System: This March girl is so adorable! Maybe I should issue a Quest related to her? Wait a freaking minute, is that Welt? Huh? Maybe a bubble world version?

That was what she thought until she noticed how he talked, his last name and his powers.

System: Nonsense, that's definitely Welt Yang! The heck are you doing over there!? With the Herrscher Core too!?

Whilst the System was talking to herself, she was snapped out of her thoughts by a sensual moan from Fu Hua. She could faintly hear her say,

“Haa~, hnngh~, faster~!”

Almost having gotten a nosebleed, the System decided to actually mute the screen. Normally Fu Hua wouldn't say such embarrassing things but it seems she had been f*cked silly. Deciding to distract herself once more, she delved into the murky waters called ‘Star Rail Conspiracy Theories’.

System: Does it really feel that good? No wait, ahem. I meant, what exactly is the origin of Paths? Which Path came first? If Hunt fought against Abundance, who would take more damage?

The Abundance should be slower than The Hunt who specialises in speed and single type attacks.. Unfortunately they don't seem to cross paths despite how much The Hunt seems to go after The Abundance.

Or maybe fortunate. Or maybe segs just feels good? No wait! What segs!!!

Feeling frustrated she grabbed the screen on her right and slammed it to the floor. Making it shatter and turn into particles of light.

Then after hesitating for a bit, she reformed it. This one was new and was bigger than the previous one, it was completely unintentional, that's right, unintentional.

As it was a new one, it wasn't muted nor was the volume lowered, so the first thing she heard was Fu Hua moaning out Juviel's name followed by a smacking sound.

“Hnngh~, yesss~, faster~.”

Juviel apparently decided to be a bit mischievous though and stopped moving. Which made Fu Hua squirm and look at him with confusion. Juviel then cleared up her confusion by whispering into her ears.

“If you call me daddy and beg, I'll continue~.”

Fu Hua's already red face flushed further, her last shred of modesty despite being f*cked silly made her hesitate, but Juviel moved his hips slightly, making her gasp. She wanted him to move deeper and shake up her insides! So this slight movement was killing her.

Seeing her hesitate, he continued speaking as if he were the devil.

“There's nobody here~, only us~. It's alright~.”

Saying that, he teased her a bit more, especially her clit and nipples. Finally losing out to the temptation, she pleaded with a soft voice.

“Dominate me, daddy~.”

And thus another segs episode continues, afterall, who could hold themselves back when the normally modest and shy Fu Hua calls them that? Plus she's strong too, so the domination factor only made it more exciting.

Breathing heavily, she almost couldn't bear to mute the screen. Oh come on, let me be!

She looked down and saw her hand reaching downwards instinctively. Upon which she felt herself a bit wet.

Her face flushed as she snapped her fingers and changed into a different set of clothing, but then she realised that she first had to clean herself up first. So removed her clothing, cleaned herself and then wore new clothing again.

System: Yosh! Let's continue on with the update. Nothing happened. I didn't see anything! One Kiana, two Kiana, three Kiana..

Chanting Kiana's name like it was a mantra, she managed to get on with the update and fell asleep.

(felt like making a funni chapter for once, kekw)
