Elysium: Poisonous Prick And A Weird Item

3 days later,

“Bro, where's the mountain? I ain't seeing sht.”

Juviel was currently looking infront of him with a look of confusion. There was supposed to be a mountain here, but currently there was nothing there. Nothing! Not even a single tree!

The System replied with a rather grim tone,

[Unexpectedly, this is no Space-Time disturbance… Someone or something has deliberately used some form of Spatial powers to cloak whatever is in..

It will be dangerous, to say the least, are you sure that you want to go in?]

He was surprised, the System sounded quite worried, this was a first for him. Things may just get awry.. But thinking about the million SP he could get by finishing both objectives, he hesitated no more.


The System remained silent for a bit before lines of glowing text appeared infront of his eyes.

[Finish pulling and also summon Fu Hua, we will need all the help we can get.]

Juviel nodded when he noticed how serious his System was being. He went to the Gacha screen and checked the Favorability Points he had before nodding in satisfaction, he had around 15k. He gets a daily income of atleast 5k just from Hua and the rest from either Yae or Fu Hua(Phoenix).

He pressed the single pull button once again, only to receive ‘Thank you for playing!’. Unfazed, he pulled 2 more times and got the same dose of shit. So he went to the ten pulls button and pulled, maybe it was because it was his first ten pull so he got lucky, but the screen flashed purple.

He quickly skipped through the animation and went through the pulls. 3 ‘Thank you for playing!’, 6 weird looking stones and 1 skill.

[Congratulations on pulling an Energy Crystal!

A condensed form of pure energy that can be converted into any form of energy. Mainly used to level up Valkyries.

You can use it as well.]

Interesting.. He immediately asked how to level up Fu Hua and the System gave him a small tutorial. Turns out he had a ‘Valkyries’ section, separate from the rest. Afterwards he put all of it into Fu Hua. Which straight up shot her level to 20.

[Congratulations on pulling the skill ‘Fragrant Barf!’

Skill information: When you use this skill, anything that comes out of your mouth will sound like the utmost provocation and mockery. Enemy targets who hear your words will enter an enraged state, buffing all of their attributes by 10% and do everything they can to kill you.

Friendly warning: Use this skill cautiously. Once used, the effect will never expire. There can only be two results — Either the user kills the enraged target, or the enraged target kills the user.]

His eyes twitched, even the System was speechless at this skill. What a stupid skill.. It actually boosted the enemy's stats by 10% and gets the User a life and death nemesis!

[No. Don't use this on me unless you want to die.]

Thankfully he didn't have that thought so he simply continued with his pulls and managed to pull 80 more times. 60 ‘thank you for playing!’, 18 Energy Crystals, 1 item and 1 weapon.

[Knock-You-Up Eyes: This item is renowned as one-half of the ‘Ultimate Insemination Duo’, the other half being the ‘Thousand-Li Chastity Robbing’ skill wielded by an expert whose name is unknown.

Artifact Effect: When wearing this item, you may select whether to activate the item’s effect when you look at a target. As long as the target makes eye contact with you, they will immediately experience pain equal to that of delivering a 10-month-old child. This effect doesn’t discriminate against gender or race. The pain inflicted by this item will last for an hour.

Furthermore, this item is always equipped yet is in a state of invisibility.

Uses: 3] 

What the actual f*ck is that!? After 80 freaking pulls, this is the bullsht he gets!? But still he quickly calmed, labor pain is ultimately the worst pain in human history so, well, it can be used well.. I think.. Whatever.

At first he didn't think it was a weapon as he only saw the name.. Juviel was so incredulous, he nearly spat out a mouthful of blood. This Gacha System is absolutely lewd. What kind of messed-up reward is this? It wasn’t until he saw the image of a pitch-black dagger appear on the screen that he realised it was his own thoughts that were lewd. But he felt excited nonetheless! Asit was his first weapon.. No, it was something even better!

The screen flashed red, RED!!!

[Congratulations on winning the Mythic Weapon ‘Poisonous Prick’!

Poisonous Prick: There was once a man who licked this dagger gingerly just as victory was within his grasp. That one action cost him his life. Before he died, the last thing he said was ‘poisonous prick’!

Artifact Effect: This is a cursed dagger. Anyone injured by this dagger will perish immediately.]

Juviel was so ecstatic he nearly moaned, he was on the verge of climaxing! Holy sh*t!!! LET'S GOOO!!! F*ck you Honkai!! The effect is so good!!!

Juviel let out a sigh of relief. Despite its odd name, it was essentially an incredibly powerful weapon. Of course, the biggest challenge was that he actually had to injure his foe with it first.

After having seen how powerful Fu Hua and the Honkai's Herrschers were, he knew that even touching them in a real fight was next to impossible, let alone actually causing them injury. Mm. I better keep it low-key for now. Sneak attacks are the name of the game! I'm an assassin anyways.

Wait a sec. Juviel blinked. If I accidentally scratch myself with it, will I die? He stared at the shiny dagger in his hand. He had an inexplicable urge to test this, but he quickly quelled the thought of using himself as a guinea pig. That’d be a dumb way to die.

[Indeed. That would be retarded.]

Juviel blushed in embarrassment as he suddenly recalled how he looked upon knowing it was a Mythic Weapon. No way, the System won't bully me right?

Thankfully it didn't, as it was also just as delighted and shocked as Juviel. Now the trip was undoubtedly much safer. So the System didn't bring up his embarrassing behaviour and just reminded him to summon Fu Hua, to which he agreed.

With a flash, the phoenix beauty appeared once again. She didn't look as stunned as she did the first time, quite the amazing mental prowess.

Her wonderful, yet sharp red eyes looked at him. She felt that 20% of her strength had returned, so she was curious. Why had he done so?

Of course, he didn't have any intents to seal her powers to begin with so obviously, he had to tell her the truth.

“I was too weak, so I couldn't maintain your strength. But I got something that managed to ignore that and allow you to recover.”

Hearing his sincere voice, she nodded in satisfaction. That was more like it, but that shouldn't be why he summoned me, right?

Juviel noticed so he approached her once more and complained in a playful tone.

“Come on, can't I summon you just because I want to see you?”

Fu Hua blushed as her expression became unnatural, she quickly pushed him back gently and spoke in a stern tone.

“Y-You! Be more serious!”

Despite her efforts at being serious, it was evident that she was still flustered from her shivering voice. Seeing that, he decided to stop teasing her and told her about the strange disturbances.

She was absolutely stunned, what? When did that happen and how? Feeling a chill go down her spine from the strangeness of the matter, she agreed to go with him. It was indeed too dangerous for him to go alone, she had to go with him. Totally not because she was worried about him or anything! Yes, totally not!

“Oh right, let's hold hands before we go in. Once we go in, we may get teleported to random places if this isn't just a cloaking mechanism.”

Fu Hua hesitated for a moment before agreeing, but it was only after his big hand had tightly grasped her small hand, did she realise that she could have just grabbed onto the corner of his shirt.

But before she could protest in righteous indignation, Juviel dragged her in and the two vanished from sight.
