Six: Esta Es Mi Sueño

"What is a bloody Slytherin doing in our Common Room? " was the question that set the whole mess that followed.

Fred and George watched their brother and his three friends happily talking with a Slytherin in the Gryffindor's common room incredulously.

That made the few Seventh years sitting in the Common Room to turn and watch them as well. 

"Well," Ella started, "mostly breathing, but also being adorable," she smiled at the two ginger look-alikes. "But obviously, I'm always adorable, right Koda?" she questioned, making the Tanuki climb out of her jacket and look around.

At the realization of the fact that there was no food around, he buried himself inside the jacket again, making Ella look like she was pregnant. 

"Yeah right," a seventh year scoffed. "A Slytherin? Adorable?"

Slightly offended, Ella frowned. "Que esta? Celos?" She questioned in a mutter. 

"No, sorry," Hermione smiled sheepishly. "It's not jealousy, it's just that they hate all Slytherins."

Ella sighed, "but to say I'm not adorable? It can't be anything but jealousy."

Hermione giggled, Ella's confidence was a moment from becoming narcissism. 

"Absolutely," she agreed with a wide, amused smile.

"Stop being rude to Ella!" Ron jumped to the girl's defense. Everyone looked at him with slight confusion. "She'll stop giving me cupcakes!"

"Never," Ella smiled at Ron. "Here, brownie?" she offered with a smile.

"Yes, thank you!" he said angrily, glaring at everyone.

Ella smiled at the scene around her. It seemed that their love to food conquered all obstacles and now she and Ron were friends.

"She's poisoned him."

"Must've," agreed the other twin.

"Oh, cut it off you two!" snapped Hermione, glaring at the twins. "She is nice and funny-"

"And adorable," piped Ella.

"Yes, and you mustn't decide bad things about her just because she is a Slytherin! She is merely a pure-blood and has a bit of a grudge-holding issue!"

"Merlin forbid!" Ella gasped, "I merely protected my pride against that git, Filch. I'd never hurt a fly," she grinned.

"Well," Hermione paused, "she isn't mean, she is actually nicer than some Gryffindors!" she threw a look around the room. "So shut up about her."

Ella stared at Hermione as she ran a hand over her hair and sat back down, reading in the Ancient Runes book. Ella moved to take Koda safely out of the jacket before attacking Hermione in a hug.

"Wanna be my little sister?" she asked hopefully.

"No..." Hermione muttered, trying to get the older girl off of her. 

"Hermione, you okay?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," Hermione squeaked, making Harry carry on with his DADA essay. Ella continued hugging her as Ron ate all of the brownies. Reaching over, she  started eating a cupcake.

It was a mystery as to how, but a moment later Fred and George started eating some of the cupcakes too- Ella was heart-broken to see that they have in fact finished all cupcakes and brownies- and within minutes the three found themselves talking about convincing Peeves the Poltergeist to throw ketchup filled balloons at the Hufflepuffs.

Hermione, still trapped in Ella's hug, tried to talk them out of it, but the three ignored her as they set out to get balloons.

Koda clutched onto Ella's leg as she forgot him behind (although Koda, being the smart Raccoon Dog he was, suspected it was her intention- leaving him behind), and quickly climbed up her leg, eventually settling on her shoulder.

"Now that I think of it, where are we supposed to get balloons from?" one of the twins questioned, making the other pause.

"We could go to Hogsmeade- I know for a fact that we can buy some there," he smirked, eyes looking at the wall for a moment, obviously recalling something.

"Or," Ella stated, "we could ask the Room of Requirement for balloons- much simpler."

"The what?" the twins questioned, confusion evident in their eyes.

"Hi guys!" a voice suddenly called, and the three turned to see a tall dark boy walking closer, beaming at them. "Uh, what are you doing with a Slythergit?"

"You mean, Slytheadorable," Ella corrected him, huffing.

"Lee, this is Ella Gray. A surprisingly decent Slytherin- or at least, seems to be," Fred started.

"We're still not trusting her completely," George informed. "But, anyway. Ella, this is Lee Jordan, our best friend."

"Nice meeting you," she smiled, "this is Koda," she gestured at the furry creature on her shoulder. 

"So what are you doing?" Lee asked, ignoring Koda. 

"We are bored and want to go annoy Hufflepuffs."

"Oh, my favorite activity!" Lee grinned, "they are so unsuspecting, and then they start cursing you like a drunk 87 year old russian man."

The three stayed silent for a short moment.

"That is a strange comparison, Mr. Jordan."

"Thank you, Ms. Gray," he grinned.

"That wasn't a compliment."

"I don't mind."
