Fifty Two: Prongs and Padfoot

not tryna say i'll update faster if yall come chat with me on my new snapchat but i really might

bratzreally yo hit me there (is there a wattpad user with this name? idk)


"Sen manyak!" called a voice. 

"Erkek kardesim oldu!" screamed in return Selim.

But there was a ringing in Ella's ears, back in full power. Her stomach twisted as she watched the blood dripping from the wall slowly, Hakan's vacant eyes staring at the floor. Steven left the bucket by her side, because she already threw up three times and they had enough to clean up.

"It's the Turkish minister of Magic," she heard Steven mumble to another man by his side. "If they decide to bring the police into this, it'll be a mess."

"What can they do?" another voice said. "It's a mess already."

"Ella won't be able to give testimony," Steven informed. "They should take her away, make it seem like she was never here."

"She just got here, we just need to clean a few fingerprints." 

"Steven!" Selim suddenly barked, and he scrambled past him. "The British Minister of Magic is gonna be here any minute, get him here from the..." the stress made words escape Selim's mind, but Steven knew.

"Kahveci?" he questioned, about to run to the coffee house. The main Floo station in the neighborhood was there, as no one would dare step inside the house with no permission. 

"No need," Fudge appeared at the fire place, dusting off his cloak. "Why is it always you, Grey?" he wondered, and she tried to smile, but her stomach twisted further and she retched again. "Well, what is the situation? Homicide then suicide? And this note?" he inspected the wall. "Hmm. Well, we should get... oh, I don't like it, but he's the right fit for something like that... Dumbledore, though he is crazy. Ah, come on, I'll get him."

"Steven, take Ella upstairs," Selim said. "Help her pack her things. She won't be coming back here until this case is closed to the police."

"Evet," he mumbled, helping Ella to her feet, but she barely made it to the stairs, when he gave up and rushed upstairs by himself, leaving her at the stairs.

It was frowned upon for anyone to step foot at the higher floors, but Ella didn't think anyone minded at the moment. After all, and as she thought that her stomach twisted again, Hakan killed Elise and then shot himself in the head.



"Hey Prof," she mumbled as she peered up at the man. She knew Dumbledore was inspecting them. "How you doin'?" she wondered meekly.

"Can you stand up?"


"Will you try?"

"Do I have to?"



Dumbledore knew it was better than nothing. Just minutes ago she refused to even look at anyone, and now she was bickering with Snape, but she couldn't quite stand up, and she still looked very pale and sickly.

"What happened?" a bewildered familiar voice asked, and Ella turned her head to look at the area the voice came from. 

"Black," hissed Snape. "You called him?" he turned to Dumbledore, who shook his head, looking as surprised as Snape was. Sirius stumbled outside of the living room, and found Ella's eyes. 



"I knew something happened," he breathed out as he stepped closer, pulling her to her feet and hugging her. Ella wrapped her arms around him, and she breathed a little bit easier.

"Let's get drunk," she whispered.

"No, Ella," he laughed, stepping back. He looked her over, "let's get you to my house." Then, suddenly, he turned to glance at Snape, before his gaze hardened at Dumbledore's face. "It's okay, right? She can come, right?" It was obvious the snark was meant to be pointed at the fact Harry was not allowed, yet it became increasingly clear they would have to use his house as headquarters for the Order of The Phoenix.

"Yes, if Miss Grey wants it--" Ella grabbed her bags hurriedly, and saluted. 

"Let's beat it."

"Always by your side, mini-Prongs."

"Most appreaciated, Padfoot." The two held hands, and with a crack they were gone.

"I suspect," Snape hissed with poison in his voice, "that Ella is aware now of her parenthood."

"Yes, Severus," Dumbeldore agreed. "Perhaps it was foolish to leave her be after Diggory's death."

"She is mourning," Snape said. "I realize you're the headmaster of this school, but I'd rather you not interrogate my students who are in obvious torment."

"Have you grown to care for your students, then, Severus?" Dumbledore mused, looking nothing short of amused. 

"Dumbledore!" Fudge's voice called in annoyance. "We'd rather finish dealing with this situation quickly. Mr. Selim... has just played a football match, and I believe the sooner he can shower, the better we'd all feel."

Snape had to stop a sigh.

That was their Minister.


"The Weasley family are going to be here by tonight, or maybe tomorrow," Sirius informed as they stepped out of his room. "Remus and my family's house-elf are currently getting all of the house prepared- Kreacher is very hard creature- no pun intended- so let's just--"

"SIRIUS!" Remus called in anger, walking up the stairs. "Where did you run off to-- Oh, Ella. Hello."

"Hi Moony," Ella grinned, hopping closer and hugging him.  He rubbed her arms, glancing at Sirius. 

"You're here for... like, the day or--"

"Her mother was murdered by her step-father," Sirius said bluntly. "Ella is now my roommate."

"I don't think-"

"Sleep-over?!" Ella called in glee, stepping back from Remus. "Moony, you in as well?"

"I really don-"

"We can play Uno!"

"And truth or dare!"

"And never have I ever!"

"And we can drink until the sunrise!" 

"I really think--" Remus tried. "Where are you going?" he wondered as the two ran down the stairs. 

"We have to buy loads of booze! Tonight, we're getting wasted!" Sirius announced. 

"And you're joining us, sweet-wolf," Ella winked, making Remus shake his head. Before he even followed them farther, he heard a crashing sound and Sirius laughing hysterically.

"What happened?" he rushed over, looking at a howling Sirius, and Ella laying on the space between the floors, at the edge of the stairs. "Ella, are you okay?"

"Perfect!" Ella called back, trying to stand up. She bit her lip while rolling down the stairs, so a bit of blood was trickling down her lip, and she grinned as she pressed a hand to her forehead. "Let's get vodka!"

"My kind of girl," Sirius announced happily, rushing down to help her up, the two running off to buy booze, leaving Remus with Kreacher again. 

Kreacher scowled, looking at Remus, who cleared his throat. "Get juice, too! I'm never gonna drink it straight."

"You don't do anything straight," Ella replied, and Sirius shrugged.

"I'm not saying you're right, but I'm not gonna say you're wrong." Sirius said calmly, while Remus yelled something, but the two already ran out of the house. "By the way, your lip is bleeding."

"As long as we don't run into vamps," she shrugged casually, and the two hooked their arms together. Ella supposed that in a funny way, the two looked like family-- they both had dark hair, and though Sirius was paler, they both held a sickly tone to their faces, that made them seem just a bit more alike.

"You're gonna get killed young, you know that?" Sirius wondered, and Ella grinned up at him. "You're not supposed to smile after someone says something like that, Mini-Prongs."

"And you're not supposed to say something like that so light-heartedly to your best friend."

"Ah," Sirius shrugged, causing Ella's arm to move with his own, since their arms were still looped together. "I've got a feeling I'll already be waiting for you up there."

"The odds for surviving two wars aren't that high, right?" she tried to smile again, and he nodded. "Well, I suppose we must make a pledge then, Padfoot. We'll cause havoc at Heaven too."

"No doubt. The Marauders shall not be silenced, even at death," Sirius said dramatically, causing a few passer-bys to look at the two. 

The streets of London were crisp with cold, even at the peak of summer, or maybe it was just a chill that etched itself to Ella's body for eternity, and the only source of heat was Sirius' radiance.

 She smiled up at him, a wave of relief washing over her mind; true, she lost the love of her life. Her mother was murdered, and she would never go back to the place she used to call home, she vowed to herself now. The man who was supposed to be her father-figure always gave her the creeps and killed her mother, and her real father, a deranged lunatic who chases blood purity and would stop at nothing to get his way was probably after her, and the reason her mother is dead. There really was no reason to smile so earnestly as she did just now, but she supposed Sirius was right.

The two of them will somehow be okay again.


"Yeah?" he asked just as they were about to enter a small liquor shop a block away from the Black's house. 

"You know you're my best friend in the world, right?"

His smile was very wide. "And you're mine, Mini-Prongs."


follow meee on snapchat i literally don't know who to follow go go go go go i promise to be funny there 


more sirius and ella moments up ahead, and don't worry-- i have a great plan for fifth year. Let's just say we're gonna get a new tie.

oh, and seasons in the sun is gonna come back later. that's all i'm sayin.
