Chapter Twenty Nine: Loving Snape

Cedric and Ella ended up sleeping most of the ride.

Another Hufflepuff prefect came to fetch Cedric for a while, and woke the two up, but Cedric returned soon after, and buried himself in the blanket again. They were curled at opposite sides near the window, and Ella fell over when the train started slowing down.

In a romantic, perfect world she'd fall into Cedric's arms.

But in Ella's world she fell straight to the floor, and tears filled her eyes as she supported a bleed from her nose.

"Ella?" Cedric asked, peering down. "Oh, I think we need to get to the hospital wing."

"Can't you use Episkey?" she asked, and he smiled.

"Right," he took out his wand, and pointed it her nose. "Episkey," he said simply, and her nose felt warm, before it cooled down and was no longer painful. "Better?"

"Yup," she grinned, and he offered her some tissue to clean the blood.

The two made their way outside, where Fred practically tackled her. "Ella!"

"Fred?" she tried.

"Finally, she tells the difference!" Fred grinned at George, throwing an arm around her shoulder and practically shoving Cedric away as he walked away with her, and into the rain. "So how was the world cup?"

"Ah, I met Krum!"

"Woah, really?" George asked, and she nodded, grinning.

"We both went lost, and then we met Crouch-- he seemed really grumpy."

"He always does," Fred smiled.

"But Percy licks his butt all the time," George informed. Fred stepped ahead of Ella to open the door to the carriages (Fred and George once again wondered what invisible creature pulls them, but Ella simply glanced at the black horse-like, winged creatures) and she entered the carriage, followed by Fred. "Mr. Crouch said this, Mr. Crouch did that. I reckon he dumped Penelope for Crouch."

Ella laughed, before George climbed in as well and closed the door.

"Where's Lee?"

"He's trying to hit on Katie Bell," George informed, "she's a bit hung up on Wood, but he never even glanced at her."

"Cool beans," Ella said simply, looking at the two. "Say, your family counts as Blood Traitors, right?"

"The Slytherin awakens!" George called out, grinning.

"Shove off," she smiled. "Can you answer the question?"

"Yeah, we count as blood traitors," Fred replied. "Would you rather it if we keep a bit of a distance? I mean, I know you're not the most popular Slytherin as it is."

"Nah, it's fine," she smiled. "Blood purity is important to them, but they won't ever be actually mean to a fellow Slytherin. Unless he's a muggle-born." Fred raised an eyebrow, "I'm just saying, they bully the Gryffindor lot enough, and they just come back to the common room to snog and gossip. No bullying in our common room."

"That's actually much more than I'd give you lot," George stated, impressed.

"No making fun of each other?" Fred wondered.

"Well, obviously we do. There's this guy who always tries napping at the common room, and he always makes fun of other people in order to be left alone, which is odd- why won't he just go to his own room?"

"So, you've really got a good dynamic, all in all, yeah?" Fred wondered.

"Yup," she grinned, and the carriage came to a halt, "ready to run from the rain?"

"Always!" the two stated happily, George opened the door and offered a hand for Ella, and Fred shut it behind them as the trio started running. They entered the hall to see a flushed Lee scowling.

"Hey Lee!" Ella greeted the boy, who turned to her. He hugged her lightly.

"Hi chica!" he grinned. "I see the twins kidnapped you."

"I see you're not getting lucky tonight," George grinned, as Fred rested his arm on Ella's shoulder and leaned casually.

"Like you two are any better," he rolled his eyes. "Even Ludo Bagman fucked you two over.

"Piss off!" George shoved him lightly, but actual annoyance painted his face, and he sighed. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville ran past the group, mumbling something about the lake over-flowing.

"Oh, we've got a new line to use on girls," Fred announced. "Okay, Ella, let's pretend we're meeting for the first time now."

"Okay," Ella said as the group started walking. Peeves threw balloons filled with water at everyone but the group, and Ella waved at him happily. "Hi Peeves!"

"Hi Ella! Fred! George! Lee!"

"Could you aim at Hufflepuffs?" Lee asked, and Peeves replied by throwing a balloon and Cedric's group of friends. "You're the best, Peeves!"

"I know guys!" he giggled happily, and continuted with his fun.

"Okay, so," George cleared his throat. "What's your favorite number?"

"I dunno," Ella thought for a moment as they entered the great hall, McGonagall rushing past them, yelling at Peeves. "I guess that seven?"

"Mine is thirty four," Fred replied.

"And mine is thirty five," George continued. "And we're a package deal."

She looked between the two of them, and sighed. "Sixty nine? That's your whole thing? Come on guys, I thought you were better than that."

"It's just because you know us too well, hold on," Fred turned around, and saw a dripping wet Hermione walking into the hall with Harry and Ron. Peeves obviously threw his water bombs at them. "Hermione! Come over for a sec?" she sighed and did as he asked her.

"Yeah?" she wondered, and the two smirked. Fred placed his arm on her shoulder, and started this time.

"What's your favorite number?"


"Well, mine is thirty five," George placed his arm around Hermione's shoulder as well.

"And mine is thirty four," Fred said. "And we're a package deal."

She looked between them, and shook them off. "Is that a joke or something? I don't get it."

Fred frowned, and walked off, followed by George who told him they just need to find other girls.

"You didn't get it?" Lee questioned, staring at Hermione, who smirked and shrugged.

"I don't want to encourage their sixty-nine jokes. They should be more mature."

Ella laughed, clamping a hand over Hermione's shoulder, "I'd hug you, but you're wetter than--"

"I don't need to hear anymore sexual jokes for the night, thank you," Hermione walked off, and Ella sighed.

Cedric's arm was suddenly wrapped around her shoulder, and she whined. "Ced! You're dripping wet!"

"I heard you telling Peeves to throw the water bombs at me," he informed Lee, who pressed a hand to his ear.

"What's that? You need me to be there right now? I'm coming guys!" he walked off quickly, and Ella laughed, pushing Cedric's arm off.

"Seriously, I don't need the wet dog stench."

"Are you implying my girlfriend is a bitch?"

"And if I am?" she challenged.

"Then you're right," he said simply, before walking off, leaving a gaping Ella behind.


"Your mouth will catch flies, babe!" he called back, and she shook her head.

"You're gonna stand here the whole feast?" asked Draco, who just arrived, his pale hair dripping with water. She grinned at him, throwing an arm over his shoulder.

"My dear boy, you're barely wet. How is it?"

"I'm a wizard, duh," he told her as the two walked over to the table. "How are you not very wet?"

"I'm on good terms with Peeves, and I'm a quick runner," she admitted. Her eyes met Snape's and a huge smile has taken over her face. "SEV! HI! HI! HI!" she called excitedly, getting the attention of mostly everyone in the great hall. She did a heart shaped gesture with her fingers, and he sunk in his seat, so she blew a kiss and took her seat next to Draco.

"You'll get him to kill himself one day."

"Why would I?" she asked Zabini. "I just love him."

"You're a weirdo," Draco told her simply.
