School interview pt. 1

Gabrielle's pov

"You ready for the parents teacher interview?" Mya ask as she puts her books in her backpack. "No" I sigh and grab my backpack and fling it over my shoulder. "Don't stress about it too much. You have amazing grades and we get to hang after" she links our arms together and we walk out the school.

We have a half day today so that the interviews will take place in the afternoon. So mom is picking me up from school so that we can hang a little then go back to school. The interview is like 30 minutes long so I should be fine.

"Earth to Gabrielle" I snap out of my thoughts and see Luna smiling down at me. "Yeah?" She chuckles and pats my head. I take her hand off my head and glare at her.

"Your mom is here" she points behind her and I push her over. "Okay, rude" I roll my eyes and wave at my mom. She's talking with the other moms, the twins mom and Luna and Mya's mom.

"Hey, you still coming tonight?" Hallie walks up to me with that smile she always has on. "Yes I am" she jumps and hugs me. "Great. Omg this is going to be so much fun!" I laugh and she lets me go.

"Okay well I should get going" I tell them. "Okay!" They all wave and I walk up to the group of moms. "Hey, babe" mom pulls me into a hug while the others keep talking about work and stuff. "Hi" I hug her. I miss her hugs. I know I'm thirteen but I do.

"Let's go" I nod my head. She grabs my backpack and swings it over her shoulder. That's when I notice that she's wearing a nice red velvet suit (iykyk) and high heels as the others are just wearing normal jeans and shirt.

"Well ladies. We have to get going but we'll see you later tonight" mom says as the others give her a hug and smiles at me. "See you later" they all say as we walk to the car.

She unlocks it and places my bag in the back seat. "What's in that bag?" She ask as we sit done and buckle ourselves. "My homework" her jaw drops and I laugh. "Isn't that a little too much?" I shrug. She starts the car and we drive off.

She plays some music and we sing too it. She then passes our street. "Wait, where are we going?" I ask her and she smirks. "We're going shopping until the interview" I jump in my seat.

I've been asking to go shopping for a while now but we couldn't since she's always working and I had stupid homework to do. But now we finally get to go.

Elizabeth's pov

We arrived at the mall and I got out, so did Gabi. She's already been announced to the world so people know who she is but I still like for her to get her own privacy. Her own life.

We walk to the mall, she's holding my hand since she doesn't really like bug crowds sometimes but sometimes she does which is confusing. People are taking photos of us but we ignore them like always. They are giving us space which I'm thankful for.

"Where do you want to go first?" I ask her. She thinks for a bit until she points to the shoe store. "I don't think you need more shoes" I tell her as she drags me inside. "Oh but I think I do" I sigh and let her walk around. I follow close behind just to make sure she's safe.

She really doesn't need more shoes. Her whole closet is full of them. "Mom! Look at these" she shows me some nice lavender converse. They are actually really nice. "Can I get these?" She's practically hugging them to death.

"I don't know..." I was just messing with her but she looked hurt. "I'm kidding. Get whatever you want" she hugs me and I wave a worker over. "Hi, how can I help you with?" He ask as he walks over. "Can we get a size 7 in these?" I ask him. "Yeah of course" I thank him and he walks away to get them.

"Does that mean I can get a dog?" I roll my eyes. "No" she frowns. She's been talking about wanting a dog for so long it's killing me. "Here you go" he walks back with the box. "Thank you" Gabi smiles at him and we go pay.

After we pay, we go to other stores and then head home. She just got a new closet full of clothes. I told her she didn't need them but she insisted. I told her she could only if she would actually wear them. She promised me she would so.

We arrive home and I see Chris' car parked in the driveway. "Ugh why is Chris here" Gabi rolls her eyes. He's been pulling pranks on her left and right and she's getting annoyed. I told him to stop but it's Chris. He's a child.

"Come on" we get out and see Chris running outside. Gab quickly runs behind me just in case. "Let me help you with those" he says grabbing our bags. Why is he being so nice? I shrug it off and Gab walks in front of me.

We reach the door but I pull her back. This isn't right. "Let me go first" I tell her. She looks at me like I'm crazy but I shake it off. I walk in looking around. Nothing. I take a step closer and realize that my foot pulled on a string.

I look at it then there's some weird noise so I look to my right and see a small ball rolling then hitting a toy that flips over. The next thing I know, there's green slime in my hair and rubbing down my face.

"Christopher Robert Evans!" I yell but hear him laugh. "That was meant for Gabi" I flip him off and wipe some slime on him. "Ugh this outfit was expensive" he whines.

"Really? You're wearing your brothers sandals, an old marvel t-shirt with some basic jeans" Gabi tells him and he gasp. "These shoes were more expensive than this whole outfit combined" I laugh at that. "And you will pay for that" she points to me and gives Chris the death stare.

Oh lord.

Gabrielle's pov

"Chris, clean this shit up" mom tells him as she walks to her room to probably shower. "Fine" he starts to clean up while I put my new clothes away.

After that, Chris walked in my room and plopped on my bed. I groan and look at him. "What do you want?" I ask him as I sit on the floor trying to organize my shoes.

"You ready for your interview?" He ask. "No, the same answer as the last time you asked" he chuckles but I throw a shoe at him. "Take your princess high heels and get out of my room" he groans and throws it back at me but not hard.

"Fine. I'll leave. Tell your mom I'm sorry" I roll my eyes and flip him off. I wish I didn't. "Gabrielle!" Mom walks in at the wrong time. "Sorry" I mumble as Chris just walks away like he won a trophy.

"Let's go, baby. We have an interview to go too" i sigh and get up. "I really don't want to go" I tell her as we put our shoes on. "You'll be fine. You have nothing to worry about since your a smart kid and we'll get some treats for tonight and you get to pick" I nod as we get in the car and drive to school.

This will go bad or really good.
