Gabrielle's cow pants

Elizabeth's pov

"Do you like fashion?" I ask Gabi as she fixes my scarf. Apparently it didn't look right with the outfit I was already wearing. "Yeah, my moms a model so I kinda got to see what fashion was like at a young age" she tells me.

I simply nod my head as she ties the scarf. "Is that something you'd like to do in the future?" She nods her head so fast that I feel like she got whiplash.

"There. Pretty" she takes my hand and drags me to the big mirror I have in my room. "See. Looks much better" I look at the outfit and it really does.

Looks way better than what I had before. "Wow. Thank you" she smiles and walks out the room. I do some light makeup then walk out to see what Gabi is up to

I see her sitting on the couch reading a book that she shouldn't be reading. "What does bitch mean?" She asks as I enter the room. "My mom would always yell that so is that a good thing?" I shake my head and make my way over to her.

I sit down next to her. "That's a word for grown ups. You can't say those" she simply nods her head and puts the book away. "What are we doing today?" She ask as she finds something else to keep her occupied for now.

"Um well, we could go to the mall if you'd like. I'll buy you new clothes and stuff for the room you'll be staying in" she looks up at me and smiles.

She stands up and stands in between my legs. Her hands are set on my knees as she looks up at me. "Only if I can pick out a new outfit for you" she really loves fashion.

"Sure. I deserve a little makeover anyways"

Gabrielle's pov

"I said a little makeover" I hear Elizabeth say behind me as I pick out a pretty floral dress then run to the shoe section. "Wait for me Gabs" I stop and wait.

Earlier, when we were driving to the mall, she told me that I have to wait for her and not to run off or else I could get lost.

So that's the only reason why I'm listening to her right now. I wait for her to catch up then I start to walk when she's now walking next to me.

"You can pick out one more pair of shoes for me and you then we should head back" I nod and crouch down to pick up these cute brown sandals for her.

"Here. Now we have matching outfits" she giggles. "Let's go pay" I follow her and wait patiently as she pays.

We then walk out and walk around just a little more just in case we found something else. "Do you want me to carry you? You look tired" it's true. I am a little tired.

"No. I can walk" I mumble. She nods and takes me hand. We walk until I saw these cow pants that I always wanted. Mom told me should would always get me a pair but I never got them.

I really want them but I don't want to ask her. It's rude. She already got so much for me already. I don't want to ask for more.

I'm also so tired that I could fall asleep. I tug on her arm. "Yeah?" "Can you carry me?" I ask nicely. "Sure. You must be tired" she picks me up. I lay my head on her shoulder has I play with her baby hair.

The rest of her hair is in a messy bun, just like mine. I asked her if she could do it this morning.

We start to walk past the store where I saw those cow pants. I'm debating if I should say something or not. "Gabrielle?" I lift my head up and look into her eyes.

"Yeah?" "You've been staring at those pants for a while. Do you want them?" I shake my head and lay it back down.

I feel her walking again and I shut my eyes. I hear her talking to someone but I chose to ignore it. I too tired for this.

I then felt her rub my back. "Gab, can you look up for me then you can go back to sleep" I sigh and look up.

I see a woman holding a pair of those cow pants for me. I smile and reach for them. "You want them?" "Yes please" I whisper. "Great! Let's get your size and pay then we can go to bed" I nod and lay my head back down.

Elizabeth's pov

I think today was a success. Gab is happy which makes me happy.

We arrived home and I take her out from her new booster seat. She chose a black and white one because it matches the inside of the car.

"Do you want to eat a little snack before going back to bed?" I ask her as she slowly shuts her eyes again. "No. Sleep" she yawns.

I take her inside and to her room. I lay her down in her bed and take her shoes and coat off so that she can be comfortable while sleeping.

I make sure that she's comfortable. "Do you want me to stay with you?" I lazily shakes her head. "Okay. I'll be in my room if you need me" she gives me a small thumbs up.

I walk out the room and go to mine. I grab my laptop and start answering some emails. I have so many about the adoption and stuff but it will be worth it at the end.

Gabrielle's pov

I woke up in my room all alone. I hate behind alone. I get up and run to Elizabeth's room. I slowly open the door and see her working on her laptop.

I was about to walk in but my stomach started to gargle. I decided that I would make a small snack for Elizabeth and I.

I run to the kitchen and go into the snack drawer that she has for me. I grab some gold fish and two juice boxes. I then run back to her room walk in slowly.

She hasn't noticed me yet. "Can I come cuddle?" I ask shyly. She looks up from her laptop and smiles. "Only if you can share those snacks with me" I nod.

She pats the spot next to her so I climb in bed. I hand her the crackers and one of the juice boxes. She turns her tv on and plays a show called Full House and apparently her older sisters are in it.

Elizabeth's pov

We watched a couple of episodes of Full house. I think she likes it because she had her eyes glued to the tv. "Elizabeth?" "Yes?" She looks at me nervously.

"Can I make my hair straight like that?" She points to my hair. "I don't like mine" she frowns. "Why? Your hair is beautiful. I wish I had yours" she smiles a little but it fades.

"But can I straighten my hair one day?" "I don't want to ruin your beautiful curls" she nods her head understanding. "I'll look into it" "okay!"

"Um Elizabeth, I don't want to be rude but I'm hungry" I laugh. "You're not being rude and let's go eat whatever you'd like. I'll race you" I get up and start running.

I slow down a little so that it's easier for her. I made her pass me so it would be 'fair'. She ran into the kitchen but seconds later, she ran out yelling for me.

"Elizabeth" she runs to me and ask for me to pick her up. I pick her up and ask her what's wrong. "There's a man in your kitchen" she whispers.

After she said that, I knew exactly who it was. I shouldn't have gave him my house keys.
