37~ Alyssa- The End of Prom Night

This chapter is short but it is just what is going on with Alyssa.

Not Edited!



I was still shocked that I was picked as Prom Queen; people kept congratulating me and giving me high fives. Stacey just gave me the death glare all night; I stole her part and she was pissed.

I never wanted the part until I saw her trying to get with Jayden and then I wanted the part just so she couldn't have it. I stood here with Sara while waiting for Jayden to use the bathroom so we can go to his house and be alone. I was super excited; I also had the feeling that Jayden but a virgin even if he doesn't want to admit it. I think it's that he is a virgin, and then I will be his first and only.

"Ok just remember Alyssa use protection." Sara reminded me for the tenth time tonight.

"I know Sara stop reminding me. Gosh you act like I never slept with a guy before."

"I'm sorry," Sara pouted and pulled me into a hug.

"You know I'm not really mad at you."

"Yeah I know; now why not go wait out in the hall for Jayden."

"What you don't want me here," I mocked hurt and slumped away.

"No I just don't want to leave you but I want to dance. Ok have fun." She yelled out as she dragged Ricky off to dance.  I made my way out of the ball room and into the hall; making my way toward the front doors where the bathroom was located.

As I turned the corner I froze; two people were going at it. A girl, who looked like Stacey by the dress and blonde curly hair, was pushed up against a guy with his hands placed on her hips. She had her hand wrapped around his undone tie and pressed her lips roughly onto his.

He looked shocked and threw Stacey off him and onto the carpeted floor. She stood up and smirked at me; I turned to the guy and cleared my throat a bit as he turned to me, wiping his mouth off. I wanted to puke seeing Jayden's face; he was making out with Stacey. What was he trying to get back at me?

"What the hell Jay." I whispered my heart literally shattered when I saw him; I couldn't even speak properly. My eyes rimmed with tears as I held them back; Jayden didn't deserve my tears.

"Alyssa just let me explain." he held up his hands as he tried to walk over to me but I didn't want him anywhere near me. When he noticed I moved away from him he stopped.

"What were you just trying to get me back for what I did at the party?" I know knew what he felt like when he saw me kissing my ex. I felt like shit and like I was nothing; like he never even wanted me.

Jayden shook his head vigorously as he tried to walk over to me again, but I just move away. "Alyssa just let me explain."

"That's what they always say 'let me explain'; explain why you kissed another girl and she was undoing your shirt. Or more importantly why should I let you explain this when you never let me explain what happened. No you just walked out the door and drove off; you never returned." I exploded as I glared hard at him.

I could see Stacey smirked and walk off in the corner of my eye. I will get that bitch back later; no way she will do that and not get what's coming to her. I will mess up her face a lot worse than a broken nose.

"I'm sorry but Aly this wasn't my fault." He tried to plead and glanced at the Stacey.

"Whatever Jayden I'll just see you later," I had to get out of here and away from him; I need my time alone to think this through think he did to me. I started walking past him and over to the front entrance and dodged his hand as he tried to reach out to me. "Don't touch me Jayden, I need time to think." I snapped and continued walking; luckily Jayden didn't follow me.

"But I love you Alyssa please," I heard the heartbroken plead in his voice and that was enough to make me stop in my tracks. The tears where getting too much to hold back and as I looked over my shoulder at his heart broken face I let the tears fall. Even though I promised myself I wouldn't cry for this guy ever again here I was crying for him.

"I love you baby." I closed my eyes as he said those four words that I loved. I wanted to say it back but I couldn't so I ran. I ran away from him and my problems. I tried to just clear my head. I was thankful Jayden didn't care to follow but I was even more upset he wouldn't come after me; obviously I dint mean that much to him that he let me go so easily.

Weren't guys supposed to chase after the girls they loved even though they didn't want them near her? Or was I just reading too many romance novels? But I guess my romance is happening as I heard the heavy footsteps running after me. I didn't want him to get me so I tried speeding up but it was quite hard running in heels as it rained hard.

I don't remember it raining earlier to that the weatherman predicting rain; stupid weather people never get it right. Or maybe this was the people up in the skies that suffered a broken heart and are just crying with me.

I didn't know where I was running to or in what direction, there was fog up ahead that I was running to. I saw lights to my left but I had no idea what they were and they looked pretty far away; so I kept going. Until I stepped on the pavement; stopping I looked down and noticed I was on a road. My dress was soaked and I heard jayden behind me now, really close.

I started running through the road since I heard no cars coming and saw no head lights. But that was my stupid mistake as a pain shot through my side and I flew up; hitting glass and rolling over the car hood, over the back and onto the ground. The car braked to a stop and I faintly heard a door slamming shut.

"ALYSSA!!!" a voice yelled and footsteps ran to me. The person tot eh voice picked me up and cradled me in their arms, "Alyssa baby stay awake, please baby we are getting help."

Slowly I opened my eyes a little and saw a blurry vision of a man in front of me. Slowly I reached up as pain shot through my arm and something wet dripped down my arm. I rested my hand on Jayden's cheek, "Shush its ok." I whispered my voice barely worked; I didn't even recognize my voice it was so croaky.

"Ok an ambulance is on there way." A new voice yelled as they ran out and stood above us. "I am so sorry man I never saw her coming."

"Just do you have anything to stop the bleeding?"

"Yeah," the guy was gone, shuffling around in his car before coming back. He handed Jayden something and sat on the ground behind his car. Jayden pressed the thing in his hand, which I discovered was a towel, on my forehead making me hiss in pain.

"Shush its ok Alyssa help is coming." Jayden stroked my hair. My eyes slowly drooped closed, "Alyssa wake up; you can't sleep." Jayden panicked.

"No just a little nap." I whined and closed my eyes; slowly I drifted off in unconsciousness as I heard Jayden yelling at me to wake up and the faint sound of the sirens from the ambulance.


Alright fans it's your turn; I posted two chapters so i want comments and votes. I haven't gotten none to very little comments and votes conpared to the beginning. I don't know what happened to them???

I actually started to tear up in the end while writing this chapter. It was very sad for me :'(


Song of the Chapter: 'The End of Prom Night but Snow White's Posion Bite'

I absoluetly love them!! this song is my second fave; well it is tied in first with another song called 'Serial Killer Girl'


'It's the end
It's the end of
Prom night
It's the end
It's the end
It's the end

You're not gonna be
The home coming
Queen tonight

Let's Go!

It's prom night, 6 P.M.
She's waiting for her date
To pick her up in a fancy car
The captain of the football team
Feels like the dream

It's time to dance, dance, dance
But she has lost her chance
Because this guy is so mean
She Won't be homecoming queen tonight
Oh my God she cried!

No chance to dance, dance, dance
The party's over and she has
Lost her chance to be seen
As the next beauty queen tonight

It's the end
It's the end of prom night
It's the end
Shes not in the highlights
But she's in the dark
She's not a queen
She's so torn apart

Because i Think it's to late
To get dressed up and shake
Your beautiful body like that
And dance, dance, dance
To the rhythm of the high shool party's beat


It's time to dance, dance, dance
She hates this guy
He has gone and messed up her dream
She won't be homcomenig queen tonight

Oh my God this guy!
No chance to dance, dance, dance
The party's over
And she has lost her chance to be seen as the next beauty queen tonight

She wants to dance
It's the end of her prom night
She said she's so sad
She wants to have one last dance
And she's depressed
To be dressed up with a look to kill you
She's got broken high heel shoes

She wants to dance
It's the end of her prom night
She said she's so sad
She wants to have one last dance
And she's depressed
To be dressed up with a look to kill you
She's got broken high heel
Broken high heel shoes

It's the end
It's the end of Prom night
It's the end
It's the end
It's the end

You're not gonna be
The home coming
Queen tonight
Let's go!

It's the end
It's the end of prom night
It's the end
Shes not in the highlights
But she's in the dark
She's not a queen
She's so torn apart

It's the end
It's the end of prom night
It's the end
Shes not in the highlights
But she's in the dark
She's not a queen
She's so torn apart

Because iThink it's to late
To get dressed up and shake
Your beautiful body like that
And dance, dance, dance
To the rhythm of the high shool party's beat
To the rhythm of the high shool party's beat'
