12~ Alyssa- Pay Back Part 2

Hey guys sorry it has been awhile but i haven't been in the typing mood lately. But here is chapter 12 i hope you like it.  maybe i will get motivated again when i get back onto the what's hot list. i know there are great stories and writers i have to go up against!! =D Vote!!!! Comment!! OH and let me know if you would like me to write the next chapter in teh guys POV?!




                        I walked into the cafeteria as the bell rang; my friends were seated in the usual spot. As i walked over to our table a hand snaked around my waist, I took a glance up meeting a pair of black eyes. "Hey Aly what's up?" he asked.

"I'm fine, going to sit down at my table." I stepped to the side as his arm fell off my shoulder.

"Why don't you come sit with us?" I gazed over at him and glared.

"No, i want to go sit with my friends." I sneered.

"Alyssa we are friends please i want it to go back to normal."

"No Jayden we will never be friends." He opened his mouth to speak before i cut him off, "And this morning was an accident that will NEVER happen again now leave me alone." I quickly turned and walked to the table. Everyone was in line getting lunch, as i was alone i re-went over what had just happened. I didn't want to be friends with them again but i could feel my hatred slowly vanish every moment i was with them.

And to be honest i liked what happened with Jayden and I this morning, and i wanted it to happen again but i couldn't get close to him. Jayden in the end will hurt me again. So tonight i will finfish with the plan and get over Jayden. Lunch slowly passed as i sat there looking out the window, Sara sneaking glances at me every so often with a sad expression on her face.

When the bell finally rang signally the end of school i walked out and went to my car driving home. Jayden has avoided me all day; i guess i upset him with what i said oh well.

That night was pretty boring, i did the usual; helped Kyle with homework, fed him dinner and let him watch some TV before he took a shower and was put down. Tonight the plan is going into action, this is the last part of the plan and then i hope to stop having contact with Jayden.

I checked on Kyle and when i saw he was securely tucked in i snuck downstairs. I ran quietly over to the front door and grabbed my bag. When i successfully snuck out I locked the door and walked down the street, tonight was the finale of the plan. My head and neck started to hurt from snapping it back and forth looking around the dark street. I quickened my step to a jog and went down the street, after passing ten houses i arrived at a two story white Victorian house.

I snuck up the cobble stone path leading to their pure white front door with a gold knocker. As i got closer to the door i took a right walking to down the porch and to the green vines leading up to his room. I used to us these vines as a way to sneak up to visit him at night or while he was grounded. And before you start to think dirty i never did anything with him, we simply hung out or he would help when I was upset.

When i got to the second story i placed a hand on the ledger and peered over. His room was dark and i saw the shape of his body lying in bed breathing evenly and slowly. I pushed up on the window and it quietly rose, he should learn to lock his window in case a pervert or burglar sneaks in.

I smirked as i snuck in and placed the bag on the ground, Jayden always was a heavy sleeper. I tip-toed to his door and made sure it was locked before i turned and saw Luka growling at me. "Shh Luka its ok, It's Alyssa." I cooed quietly and walked slowly to Jayden's bed where Luka laid growling. With my hands up in surrender i stood in front of Luka and slowly placed a hand in front of his face. He gave a quick sniff be fore sitting up and panting happily in my face.

"Good boy, off the bed i have some work to do on your 'master'" Luka jumped off and i slowly crept over to my bag. I put the quotes around 'master' because i was the one to train Luka and i walked and played with him everyday while Jayden was gone on tour.

I had a smirk on my face as i pulled out the sabotage i brought along; this should be fun and ruin his perfect looks. Let's see Jayden get a date to homecoming now, but i think he still will get one with this makeover just because he is famous. I walked over to the edge of his huge bed and peered down at him, as all guys he was pretty much naked with the exception of his black boxers.

I know i shouldn't be thinking about this with me hating him and all but he looked HOT!! I fought myself to not reach down and run my hands down his perfectly sculpted body. Stop thinking like this Alyssa, just do the job and leave. I shook my head erasing my perverted thoughts and shook the can of hot pink Molotow Premium Spray paint. I popped the lid off the can and leaned over his body. Before i could spray his hair he stirred and rolled over onto his back making the task easier.

I smiled but the smile faded as i took in his chiseled chest, sweat ran down his well defined eight pack and i gulped, dear god why make this hard for me. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath before opening them and leaning forward over his body. I felt the heat radiating from his body and the sweet scent of his shampoo waft up to me.

I mentally slapped myself and proceeded with the plan. I watched as his chest slowly raised and then fell, he looked so peaceful and cute while he sleeps (mental awe!). My shaky hand went down to his black hair; my other hand grasped a lock of his silky hair as i sprayed the tip.

After finishing giving him hot pink highlights on the front tips of his hair i threw the can in my bag and took out the black sharpie from my back pocket. I looked over to see Luka staring at me; i sighed and put the lid back on. I slipped the marker into my pocket and walked over to his closet.

I slowly dropped my bag and started grabbing his shirts and jackets slash hoodie throwing them into the bag. After every shirt but one was in the bag i zipped it up, the bag was too full for anything else. I walked to the end of the closet read to grab the shirt and run till i saw what the shirt was. The shirt was nicely folded over a box labeled 'Private'. Everyone knows that is you have something labeled 'Private' then you are going to most likely look in it.

I picked up the black shirt opening it up to gasp, this was the shirt i got Jayden as a joke. It was a tight black t-shirt that read 'I'm Kind Of a Big Deal', i got it because he thought he was such a hot shot. He thought that with him as a player and captain of the football team he was a 'big deal'. I laughed quietly and threw the shirt over my shoulder; i grabbed the box and sat on the floor opening the box up.

When the lid was on the floor i peered in and gasped, tears building up. Jayden had hidden away in this box pictures of us, there were some from when we were in sixth grade all through our friendship until the last day i saw them all. Most of the pictures were of just Jayden and I but some had the others in them. I pulled them all out and looked through as tears threatened to fall, but when i got to the bottom of the box the tears fell.

Inside the box was a pile of papers, the letters Jayden and I wrote to each other during school. I pulled them out and read threw them laughing through them at the silly things we talked about and said. The last letter in the pile was written by Jayden addressed to me but i never saw it before. It was written the day before he left on tour, as i placed it on my lap a single tear fell on the paper wetting it. I laid there on the ground crying for what felt like forever before i heard the bed moving. Panic cursed through my body as i laid there frozen in fear of him finding me.

I quickly snapped out of it and threw everything back in the box closing it and placing it in the same spot i found it placing the shirt folded into of it. As I walked tot he closet door i heard footsteps walking into the bathroom in his room. Once the door was shut i sprinted to the window climbing out. After landing lightly on my feet i took off at a run back to my house. I can't believe what Jayden had written and why he never cared to at least give it to me.


I felt someone hitting my legs whispering, "Wakey, wakey Aly." Kyle's sweet voice rang in my ears, he is sooo sweet.  I groaned and pulled the covers over my head, "no wake up Lay." Kyle used his stern voice. I laughed and the covers were pulled off my body. Light blinded me as the cold air nipped at my bare skin. After i got home last night i quickly took a hot shower washing away my tears and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top.

"Ok I'm up, Kyle go get ready and eat."

"Ok," he exclaimed happily and ran off. I smiled as i watched him run off and shut my door. Slowly i crawled out of bed and to my closet to change, but when i opened my closet MY clothes were all gone except a bag placed on the floor. I stared dumbfounded till i walked off to Kyle's room.

"Kyle where are all my clothes?" I asked sternly placing my hands on my hips.

"I don't know."

"You didn't take them, you can tell me and i won't get mad."

"No i didn't I swear." Kyle exclaimed, i saw the truth and sighed leaving and walking into my room. I went back over to me closet and grabbed that bag lying on the floor. I sat on my bed and opened it up almost dying of a heart attack. Inside was a black skirt i used to own two years ago, but i left it over at a friend's house. There was a pick tight shirt and black heels with pick hearts on the side. The old Alyssa would have loved this outfit but not now, eww pink!

I groaned when i realized this was all that was here at the moment, i don't know what happened to my clothes but i didn't have anything else to wear. I could just not go to school but i had to take test and most of my sick days are up, ok all my sick days are up and i have to go to school.  I could wear my pajamas but that wouldn't be too good, my shorts had toy story on them with the matching tank top, i don't think that would be too good for school.

I quickly pulled on the black skirt hating how it felt on me, the skirt made me feel a bit slutty with it ending at my mid thigh. My shorts were this short but this was different because it was skirt that guys can easily look up. I didn't want to wear that pick shirt though, that would kill me or those heels. Than an idea hit me, I recently bought a shirt that i left down in my car along with new flats.

I quickly raced downstairs to my car and grabbed the two bags, lucky me. I ran to my room and saw Kyle waiting by the door, "Hold on Kyle i will just my like ten more minutes."

"Ok," he yelled back as i ran. I burst into my room, i took the shirt out of the bag cutting off the tag and throwing it on over the white tank top i was wearing and was also in the bag.  It was a white shirt that fit snuggly around my waist and was bag around my stomach. Across the front read, 'You're a Song I Try to sing a note to I cannot hit' the words were all black except the words 'song' and 'cannot' with three black hearts off to the right of the words.

I slipped on my black flats and ran to the bathroom quickly brushing my hair and leaving it in its original way, wavy. I put some quick eyeliner and mascara on and ran back into my room. I grabbed my bag, keys and phone. AS i ran out of the room i kicked the bag that was in the closet over spilling its contents. I didn't care to clean it up but i saw the boxes.

I stopped and walked over picking up the two white jewelry boxes, and the letter. I stuffed them in my bag and went back down the stairs rushing Kyle to school. When i got to school i sat in the parking lot looking at the boxes and note, slowly i opened the first box to see a dark blue peace sign with the word 'Determined' on the side. I clasped it on the bracelet and opened the second box, there was an orange smiley face and on the back was the word 'Funny'. I clasped it on and admired the bracelet before unfolding the note.

'Dear A,

            Two in one Alyssa very good, well the first one of the peace sign says 'Determined'. I like how you can be so determined to do something and follow through with it. Alyssa you are so determined to hate Jayden, Brandon, Seth, and Derek forever. But why is the question? They seem to care and you push them away, they are trying very hard to make it up to you, they feel bad, and care deeply for you. So why not try and give them another shot, i know for sure that Jayden feels more then friendship with you and i know that you know about it too? For being so determined here is a dark blue charm, dark blue is there to represent your integrity, seriousness, knowledge, and power you have over the guys.

            Second is an orange smiley face with 'Funny' on the back of it. Orange is there to show your energy and warmth. Alyssa you can take a bad moment and flip it around making everyone better. You have a warm personality full of energy. During your English class when you saw Jayden upset that Derek was playing Romeo and then Derek made the comment you thought of a witty remark and it lifted Jayden's mood. Clip these charms on your bracelet and be off, the next one will come soon so watch out for it.

                                     ♥ Sam ♥ P.S. STAY DETERMINED but not in the wrong way and SPREAD YOUR WARMTH AND ENERGY to people by being your funny self!!!!'


NOTE: Sorry its short, well i hope you liked it and let me know what you thought!!
