25~ Alyssa- Sweet Break from the Cold Part 2

 Not Edited!

Part 2 (I didn't get to add this part to chapter 25 because I never had time to type it out)



"Ok now you can take off the blind fold."

"Thank god," in a rush I ripped off the blind fold and gasped. Jayden walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist laying his chin on my shoulder, "Oh my god Jayden!" I exclaimed breaking free of his embrace and running to the edge of the cliff.

The view was over whelming, beautiful, and breath taking, As the sun started to set in the distance I over looked Los Angeles, the bright lights now turning on all over the city, lighting it up for the night to come. There was the lake tot he right and the mountains in the landscape over to my left, the great big sign spelling out 'Hollywood' right in front of me.

I swiveled around and gaped at a smirking Jayden leaning against the hood of his car. I ran full speed at him, he stood up and embraced me and I ran into his awaiting arms. Jumping into the air Jay caught me and I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding him closely. I felt the vibrations in Jayden's chest as he laughed; I lifted my head from his chest and crashed my lips to his roughly. Breaking the kiss i smiled down at him, "Oh my god Jayden I can't believe you brought me here."

"Well you hate the cold so I thought a great present would be to bring you to a warm place, the place I lived for a year." I couldn't control my excitement; I gave him one last deep kiss before removing myself from him and walking back to the edge and looked out over the landscape. Jayden walked up behind me and placed his hands around my body and laid them over my stomach, pulling me into his chest. We just stood there for what felt like forever, just starting out at the area as the sun set in the horizon; me resting on Jay's chest as he rested his head in the crook of my neck.

The sound of Jayden's phone ringing brought me back to earth. He brought one hand away and pulled out his phone. He hesitated, debating if he should answer it or not. Finally I sighed, "Answer it." I said. 

"Ok," Jayden answered the call and put it on speaker.

"Hey there love birds, how's it going?" Brandon's cheerful voice echoed.

"Did you get there ok?" Seth's worried voice sounded out.

"Have you found any hotter guys A?" Derek's stern tone asked, but we could all hear that he was just joking. 

"Oh your very funny Derek, no I found no hotter guys...yet." I saw a jay scowl down at me making me laugh. "But we got here fine Seth except I hated being blind folded. And Brandon everything is good, he took me the Hollywood sign thing." Everyone laughed at that comment.

"Oh that place is awesome; yeah we always went up there to get a little drunk after a long day." Brandon sounded even more excited if that was even possible, I swear he must have a problem no one can be that happy all the time.

"Oh really Brandon, I never knew you guys did that stuff." I turned around in Jayden's arms and faced him playfully glaring at him.

"Thanks man," Jayden answered back sourly. "Well we got to go now; I'll talk to you guys later." And with that Jayden hung up on them.  "Ok it's time to go now it's getting late and we have a reservation at my favorite place." Smiling brightly Jayden held my hand and dragged me back to his car. We hopped in and drove off down the road.

We rode in silence for about half and hour before we pulled up outside a some what huge house, it wasn't a mansion but it wasn't small either. The driveway was in a 'U' shape and in the center was a fountain; the grass was perfectly green, no yellow showing. The house was brick painted black, with a white door and screen door. The windows were all huge with black curtains blocking the inside view.

It was a three story house and had huge iron gates around the whole property to keep people out. Jayden drove forward and entered a garage which housed three other cars; a black Porsche Cayenne Turbo, silver Aston Martin, and a deep red colored Lamborghini Murcielago. He parked beside the Aston Martin and cut off the engine. I was still awe-strucked as he got out the car motioning me to follow him. I got out slowly still taking in the house as Jayden walked into the house. A minute later he returned with a middle aged man wearing a black suit. The man was about five foot nine; he had light brown short hair and light hazel eyes.

"Alyssa this is mark, he's our butler or helper." Jayden introduced me to the man in the suit. Smiling I shook Mark's hand and Jayden nodded to the back of the car, "Mark can you get our bags and bring them to my room." Jay took my hand and led me into the house me eyes wide.

"Wait you live here?" A smirking Jay turned around and nodded. 

"Yeah the guys and I live here, after tour and everything we would return and start more music. Come on I'll give you a grand tour of the place." He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side; I looked around and noticed we were standing in a kitchen. The floor was white tile, perfectly cleaned, with a huge island in the middle of the room. The cabinets were a black, the counter tops were a mixture of black and white marble and stainless steel fridge, stove, and microwave.

There were black bar chairs around the island but no table, "As you se this is the kitchen." Jayden spoke next to me.

"Wait so you guys cook, you don't have someone to cook for you? Wow I'm impressed Jay." Smirking up and him and shook his head.

"Of course we cook ourselves; we have much money since we aren't that famous yet so we don't have a cook or maids." I stopped in shock, no maids?

"Wait you have no maids, you clean this whole house yourselves?"

"Well we all clean up after ourselves so it not much work and we were never really home so not much to clean. Come on I'll show you outside." He quickly pulled me to the right and over to the glass sliding doors which had nice white curtains pulled shut. He pushed the curtains aside and opened the glass door, a warm breeze blowing in my face. We stepped out onto the smooth stones of the patio as four dogs ran at us.

They ran up to us and started wagging their tails going crazy, they started sniffing us and jumping up on Jayden as he pat them. "Wow Jayden you guys have dogs, forgot all about Luka didn't you?"

"No I never forgot about my dog, I missed him and the guys wanted a dog so we got some dogs. And besides when I am done with school I will move out here and take Luka with me. Plus we rescued these dogs so it not bad we saved them from getting put down." Jayden walked on without me and sat in the grass a few feet away, the dogs ran over and bombarded him with kisses. Laughing I followed along and sat next to him.

"Well you're very sweet to save them." I gave him my own light kiss on his cheek. "So who are these guys?" 

"Ok well this one is Chase, he is two years old. He was abandoned by his owner when he was a puppy and left on the street to defend for himself, no one wanted him because of his breed and the lies about the breed." I scowled I hated people like that. Chase was a blue male Pitbull and very adorable and loveable, placing kisses all over my face. 

"This little girl is Lola; she is only about six months old. Her owner and everyone else didn't want her because she is blind in one eye. But she is the best little girl ever," Lola was the cutes thing, she was a white American bulldog, one eye was dark brown and the other was blue. She also had some light gray marks on the left side of her face. 

"These last two are four year old brother and sister, Bandit and Sara. They were found wondering the streets and no one wanted them, they were going to be put down the day we adopted them." Bandit was a pure black and silver German shepherd. His sister, Sara, was an all white German shepherd. They were so cute, big and fluffy but they were also the complete opposite, one being white while the other was black.

We sat there playing with the dogs for hours, as we played I got a good look at the yard. There was lots of land for the dogs to run and be free. There was a barn in the far corner which Jayden told me was where the dogs are able to go if they ever want shade, water, or if the band was on tour the guys didn't want the dogs to chew up the house. They had a friend come by to check on the dogs and feed them their food every morning and night but the dogs stay in the house with them when they are home.

There was a huge in ground pool with an iron gate around it to keep the dogs away. They even had a Jacuzzi; the ground around the pool was all smooth stones. There were tables and lounge chairs spread around with umbrellas and a bin where the towels are kept; I am definitely moving in when I graduate.

It was getting dark out so Jayden and I decided to go in, the dogs following close behind. When we entered the house a cool breeze hit me, I never noticed hot it was outside till I got into the nice air conditioned house, the dogs looked relieved too and they drank out of separate water bowls. "So what would you like for dinner?" Jay asked leaning on the counter by the fridge.

"I don't know about you cooking Jay?"

"Oh come one, I'm not that bad." Jay actually looked a bit hurt. "Ok fine how about this I order a pizza?" I nodded vigorously, as Jay picked up the phone to order us a pizza. "Hey can you feed the dogs, the food is in that cabinet. There is a chart saying what dog gets what food and how much, ok? Thanks," jayden spoke quickly before turning his back to me.

I walked over to the cabinet by the glass sliding doors, the dogs following happily behind me. Opening the door I saw shelves filled with food, walking to the end of the closet I saw bags of dog food and bowls with a chart hung up on the wall. I turned around to see the dogs sitting there waiting patiently for me to feed them.

The chart said that Bandit and Sara both get two scoops, Chase gets three scoops and little Lola gets half a scoop of the puppy food. I grabbed their bowls with their name engraved on it, Chase had a black metal bowl, Bandit had a red bowl, Sara got blue, and Lola had a pink bowl. Filling them up I brought them I walked out of the closet and to the side of the wall I saw the dogs ate by. Placing the bowls down I walked away as the dogs ran to their bowls, eating happily.  

Jayden walked up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me to hi side before walking off. "While we wait for the food to arrive I will finish showing you the house. This is the dining room," We walked off through the door way and entered a beautiful room, with light creamy white colored walls, a crystal chandelier in the center, a huge oak table that can set like twenty to thirty people. But what made this room even more beautiful was the way the dim lights from the chandelier and lights on the walls made the room look like it was covered in gold. 

My mouth hung open as he pulled me along as we walked back into the kitchen but went to the left and through another door way into the living room. The room was very dark. Jayden flipped on a light and I saw one color, Black. Black curtains, black leather couches, a black marble bar in the corner of the room with black bar stools. There was a huge flat screen TV mounted on the wall, the carpet black and soft.

"You guys and the color black." I said looking around.

"You guys and the color black." I said looking around.

"Yeah well we had the black carpet because of stains so black was best. Then we picked the black curtains to help with keeping paparazzi out, with black they couldn't see inside. So yeah black is the main color, but hey it's awesome."

"Oh Jay-Jay, ok now I want to see your room." I started pulling him to the right where I saw bright white. I pulled him tot eh front entrance of the house, this room was the complete opposite of the living room. 

The floor was white tile with another crystal chandelier hanging from the very high ceiling. The door was white and there was another white door which I found out was the closet, a huge one at that. The stairs led up on both side of the room but before i went to investigate the rooms upstairs I went tot he room across from the living room. That room was a nice calming room filled with book and computers. The walls were a creamy white with brown leather chairs and couch. Book shelves going up to the ceiling and two desks on either side of the room, each with a computer sitting on top. Existing the room I went back to Jayden's side, "Race you?" 

"Sure," Jayden went to the other set of stairs, "ok ready...Set...Go!" he yelled and we ran up the stairs. Jayden had a good lead but I caught up to him and we ended up tying, i think he let me win. The upstairs one wide hallway with a few pictures along the way of the guys on tour, the first two doors were guest rooms. But as we got further down I saw things on the doors.

The door to my left had nothing on it but his name in gold lettering, Seth. I pushed open the door and as usual Seth was the clean freak. His floor was spotless and his bed was made with everything in its proper place. His room was white with a queen sized bed on the far right corner of the room. A light oak night stand was next to it with a picture of Seth with some girl; they were hugging and smiling happily. To the left of the door was a desk with neatly filed and stacked papers. I wanted to puke so we quickly left; across the hallway was another guest room so we went next door to Seth's room which was Derek's. 

Entering his room it was a little clean but not much. His walls were a dark green, his queen sized bed in the middle of the room, he had pictures of naked girls on his walls, i was about to be sick all over again. Why do girls have to degrade themselves like this? Taking my eyes off the walls i saw a mess of papers on his desk and over his laptop. 

I quickly left his room as well and went across the hall to Brandon's, oh this is going to be good his room was probably the worst. Pushing open the door I saw I was right. Clothes littered the floor, his bed a mess and same goes for his desk. A guitar sat up right against his wall by his bed. And same as Derek Brandon had naked girls covering his dark blue walls, these guys need girlfriends.

Walking out quickly the room next to Brandon's was another guest room and the one across from the guest room was another guest room, where was Jayden's room?

"Jay where is your room?" I turned around to look at him pouting. He laughed lightly and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh its ok little girl I'll show you, just don't cry." I pushed away glaring at him as he walked off down the hall laughing. As we walked to the end of the hall Jayden stopped in front of a door and opened it but before I walked in I noticed the pictures on the wall were now of Jayden, me, and the guys. Smiling at the memory I walked into his room, wow it was like a combination of Brandon's and Seth's room. Clothes littered the floor, bed was a mess but the desk was clean and on his night stand was a picture of him and me.

Jayden jumped on his bed and spread out over the covers. UnlikeBrandon's room Jay didn't have the girls all over his black walls. A TV was hung up across the room, he turned it one and MTV was playing. I walked over to his bed and crawled on, lying next to him. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I laid my head on his chest, "So is this the end of the tour?"

"No there is one more room." Jayden sounded so excited about this room as he jumped up and dragged me out of the room.  We walked tot eh door across from his room and there were stairs leading up. As we ran up the stairs we approached a glass door but you couldn't see through it. Jayden threw open the door and I stared in amazement, it was a recording room, "Awesome right?"

"Um yeah it is so freaking awesome." I exclaimed as I slowly walked in. There was loads of equipment to record, sound boxes, and computers. There was a black door that led into the recording room, which held drums, guitars, and the mic of course. This room is my favorite by far; the sound of a door bell rang out. "I guess the food is here. Let's go eat we have all week to come back here."

I nodded slowly as he laughed and held my hand. I was sad to leave the room, I loved it. I would definitely be coming back to his room.



