Tia and Luna

Tia was sitting on Luna's bed. She felt her heart beating intensly, and kept shifting her weight from side to side. She was excited yet terrified. Comfortable, yet unsettled.

They had kissed.

Luna had sat down with Tia, told her she loved her, and then they both just...kissed.

It was magical, yet also awkward because it was really quiet and Tia had kept her eyes open and Luna had noticed...at the moment Luna was in the washroom and Tia was trying to shake off her embarrassment.

Which she was very unsuccessful in doing.

"What's cookin good lookin!" Luna came into her room from the onsuite bathroom, dramatically drapping herself against the doorframe, and with a wink said.

"Oh now you wanna close your eyes?"

Tia pulled her hands down from covering her face, she felt stupid but a bit better knowing Luna was just gonna laugh it all off.

Luna walked over and collapsed onto her bed.

"You're super hot."

"Stoppppp..." Tia lay back beside her, blushing more than she ever had in her life.

"Why should I stop? It seems like a crime to not tell gorgeous girls that they are...y'know, gorgeous." Luna smiled as she lightly tilted Tia's face to look into her eyes.

"I've wanted you for a whole year, and now..." Tia whispered.

"I know Tia. I know..." Luna softly said, her whimsical voice made Tia feel weak.

"Kiss me?" Tia asked.

"Of course." Luna leaned in and let her pink, glossy, watermelon-flavoured lips, touch Tia's soft and red ones. They both began to lightly pull at each other, both Luna and Tia enjoying the slow bliss that they were enduring. After just a few minutes they began to kiss each other more deeply, maybe a bit desperately, and the light pulling turned in a more rough biting.

Tia grasped Luna's face, and she wrapped her arms around Tia's lower back. After a bit longer, they began to shift so Tia was a bit more on top of Luna.

"I love you." Tia pulled away for a moment.

"I love you too." Luna pulled her back into a passionate, yet somewhat delicate, kiss.

Tia pulled away again just a few minutes later, and propped herself up so she was sitting ontop of Luna's hips. She could feel Luna's pulse through her own legs.

Tia looked down at Luna.

She felt a surge of power and confidence come over her, and looking into Luna's eyes, saw her melt into a puddle of desperation.

"You're so sexy."

Luna blushed so much that Tia could see it. That only made her feel more attracted to her.

"I want you." Tia was shocked at her own confidence and boldness, but she liked feeling that way.

"I want you too." Luna whispered, clearly wanting to reach out and touch Tia, but keeping her hands down for some reason. Her bossy-ness seemed to disapate completely.

Tia placed her hands on Luna's shoulders, and leaned down to kiss her more.

This kiss, though passionate and strong and heavy like the other, was different. It felt like something else entirely. Tia noticed this immediately, and knew why. It was because she was seizing the day, this moment, and that changed the dynamic and feelings entirely.

Luna mumbled something into Tia's mouth, so she stopped.

"What?" Tia whispered whilst gazing intently into Luna's eyes.

"I just...you're a really good kisser." Luna blushed, a bit embarrassed.

"Oh really?" Tia blushed and smiled.

"Yeah." Luna tried not to sound too enthusiastic about it.

"Good." Tia slowly leaned in, before getting back into the spiratic rythm they were in before.

After a half-hour, the pair stopped their amorous exchange. Their lips were aching and they were tired.

"It's kind of funny how you seemed so shy and giggly before we kissed, and then you just took over and I fell into the passenger seat, but it was so...natural. I mean, I was so confident and felt like I was gonna come onto you but then I just became a pile of blushing and...clumsy-ness."

Luna said casually. A strange calm and comfort has eveloped both of them.

Tia nodded, completely agreeing.

"I know. It confused, well, confuses me. I'm just, even now, so much quieter about saying what I feel and what I want, and you're the opposite. But then when we got more...into kissing, you just became me and I felt like it was meant to be that I was..."

"On top?" Luna smiled and laughed.

"Yeah." Tia laughed and turned onto her side to stare into Luna's eyes. Honestly, even though Tia was tired, she couldn't help but let her eyes flow down to Luna's lips. Her pink lips made of stardust.

"Tia?" Luna questioned.


"You're just, not really meeting my eyes." Luna was beaming, and Tia shock her head quickly and turned to her eyes.

"Gosh sorry Luna. I don't know what I'm doing anymore."

"It's okay, you're sleeping over right?"

Tia smirked.

"Yeah I am."
