Martha and Sandy

Martha and her girlfriend were basking in the sun, on a bench-swing, lazily talking about the

Halloween school dance. Martha was watching the red and orange leaves, some crisp and about

to fall, some falling, and many holding onto the big tree branches as well as they could.

"I think we should go together, obviously, and dress up as witches." Sandy quipped, with her

eyes closed and head laying in Martha's lap.

Martha looked down at her, with only love in her eyes and a swelling in her heart.

Sandy was just so amazing.

"Sure! That would be cute."

Sandy opened her eyes and looked up at Martha. She smiled and there was a gleaming in her eyes.

"No cuter than you, duh."

"I love you." Martha leaned down and kissed the tip of Sandy's nose.

"I love you too." Sandy grinned, a bit giddy.

Martha smiled, and leaned back in the swing. She was tired, and it had been a bit of a long day.


"Are you sure I look fine?" Martha worriedly asked Sandy.

Sandy looked at Martha, who was standing in front of the mirror with a crooked and concerned expression on her face. She was wearing a brown-patch dress with a green crochet shawl over it, along with some lace-up boots, a crystal necklace, and an classic pointy hat. She also had some cloudy eyeshadow and a slightly red lipstick on.

"Oh of course you do. You're gorgeous." Sandy answered immediately, but completely honestly.

Martha felt a bit dumb but her confidence rose when Sandy reassured her.

"I nearly wish the whole dance was over already just so I could hold you and watch a movie..." Sandy said, a bit whistfully, as she came behind Martha and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"I mean, I want to go to the dance, but I want to be comfortable and lazy too. Oh the woes of being an ambivert." She dramatically put the back of her hand to her forehead. Martha giggled. Sandy was just the cutest.

"Okay well, since we're both ready and that dance starts in an hour..." Sandy let go of Martha and span around quickly. She was wearing a similar look to Martha, but instead had a dark blue and black colour scheme, rather than brown and green.

"Let's get going!" Martha nodded and followed Sandy as she excitedly pranced down the stairs, said goodbye to her mom, and went out to the porch.

"C'mon slowpoke." She teased as Martha came outside.

"I thought that I was the sporty girl in this relationship? I mean, I am in track." Martha joked, and Sandy grabbed her hand, and began to run down the sidewalk. 

The school was only a block away so running the whole way wasn't unrealistic.

But even though it was a short distance, it felt like a million years of heaven for Martha.


Sway by Dean Martin began to play, and Martha and Sandy were sitting at a table with some friends, talking; as soon as the first note was heard they looked to each other, both knowing what to do. They stood up, nearly in unison, grasped each others hands, and walked out to the dance floor.

Martha began to lead Sandy, and they danced and owned the floor. They spun and they dipped and they kissed. They were young and in love, and though that sort of lovey-dovey-ness bothered their peers, they weren't embarrassed.

"Martha..." Sandy looked into her eyes as the song slowed and stopped. 

"Yes?" Martha brushed some hair behind Sandy's ear.

"I want us to go somewhere private..."

Martha nodded and immediately understood where Sandy wanted to go.


Martha and Sandy had left the school gym, gone out into the football field, and hidden underneath the big, silver bleachers.

The couple were holding hands and sitting on a blanket. They came here so often that they had a little cardboard box with a picnic blanket all folded up inside of it, just sitting on the ground.

"Martha, you know I love you more than anything, right?" Sandy placed her hands on Martha's soft, blushing cheeks.

"Of course, and I love you." Martha smiled, a bit confused as to where this was going.

"Good...because I have something I want to ask you."

"Okay, shoot." Martha held onto Sandy's wrist, loving the feeling of being held so delicately and lovingly.

"I want to be with you forever, I want to marry you someday...but we're 16, we can't exactly get engaged..." Sandy took her hands away, a bit reluctantly, and fished around for something in her purse. After a few moments she pulled something out. A little black box.

"...I want to ask you if you'll take this promise ring from me, just to promise that we'll get engaged someday." Sandy's eyes glew, clearly hoping desperately that Martha would say yes...

"Oh my gosh-" Martha smiled so much her eyes were nearly closed.

"Yes! Of course I will..." Her eyes began to water, which just prompted Sandy to tear up.

Sandy opened the box and took out a simple silver band, with an engravement on the inside, and slipped it onto Martha's finger.

"What does it say?" Martha asked, looking at the beautiful ring that symbolized so much...

"To love you is to love the sun."

Sandy and Martha just stared into each others eyes, happier than anyone could ever be.
