Cassie and Emily

Cassie giggled as the bottle span wildly on the checkers board on the floor. It was her first time playing spin the bottle, and her first time where she had the opportunity to kiss someone.

"Anddd..." Cassie and everyone in the circle attentively watched as the bottle slowed, and slowed, and stopped.

"Emily! You and Cassie kiss now." Lana announced triumphically. Lana and Cassie were best friends, and since Cassie had a massive crush on Emily, Lana was the most enthusiastic about the pair kissing.

Cassie blushed, and felt overcome with excitement, anxiety, and awkwardness. She looked to Emily who smiled and shrugged, and as Emily's shoulders casually shook, Cassie's nerves brushed off of her own.

"You're good with this?" Cassie asked as all the other 15 yearolds at the sleepover talked to one another, having side coversations, while all keeping one eye each on the pair, waiting to "ooh" and "awe" unanimously.

"Totes." Cassie felt a surge of happiness at Emily's little phrase. Cheesy and like a line from a classic teen flix.

"Okay..." Emily and Cassie both began to lean in to each other, and as Emily closed her eyes softly, looking like an angel, she pressed her soft orange-flavoured lips against Cassie's glossy ones, making Cassie feel as if she were levitating.

"Woah." Cassie felt her internal monologue going pitch-silent. Emily's lips had silenced all of the thoughts that constantly plagued her mind.

"Oooohh-" Lots of juvinile laughs and sounds ensued over the next 5 seconds, and though Cassie desperately wanted to continue touching Emily, she knew that she had to pull away.

"That was good." Cassie pulled away and smiled softely at Emily, trying to read her expression.

"Yeah...really good..." Emily gave a weak smile, pushed herself back to her seat in the circle, and after just a few seconds, stood up and walked to the washroom.

Cassie felt a resounding boom inside, as her heart plummetted to the bottom of her stomach. Did Emily hate her? Their kiss? Did it mean less than nothing?

"Oh...I can go check on her?" Cassie looked around, and though people noticed Emily walk away, they didn't seem concerned or like they thought she was doing anything but using the washroom.

"Sure. Is she on her period or something?" Eva looked to Cassie, seeming a bit confused as to why she would check on her.

"Yeah uh, something like that." Cassie got up and walked to the hall and stopped at the end in front of the bathroom door. Thankfully out of earshot of everyone else.

"Emily, are you okay?" Cassie stood silently at the door, waiting for Emily to say something. After 15 seconds, she did.

"" Her voice was small and sounded as if it were fighting off tears.

"Could I come in?" Cassie asked tentitevily. She knew Emily fairly well, and they shared some classes as well as spent a decent amount of time together, so she knew Emily likely would accept...unless something was badly wrong.

"...yes please." Cassie gave out a small sigh of relief, and slowly walked in, shutting the door behind her. In front of her, she saw Emily with some slightly red eyes that had clearly been rubbed a decent bit, and some crumpled toilet paper in her hand that she seemed to be ripping up over the bin rather than using for her wet face.

"What's wrong Emily?" Cassie asked, and without thinking, she brushed Emily's hair behind her ears.

"I-i..." Emily stammered, and began to fidgit with the toilet paper in her hand.

"I'm sorry, did I do something?"

"No didn't. You're perfect." Emily's face seemed to get even redder than it already was.

Cassie felt herself smiling stupidly.

"Thank you, but if anyone is perfect it's you."

Emily smiled briefly, before having more tears stream down her cheeks.

"That's the problem. You, you saying stuff like that. I don't know why our kiss did..." Emily sat down on the toilet lid and gestured towards herself.

"...this to me, but it just did."

Cassie felt a wall hit her, as she realized what Emily meant. She liked their kiss, and her comliments...and her?

"Oh...Em, do you have feelings for me?"

Emily cautiously looked up to Cassie.

"I think so...maybe? I don't know what else would explain how I feel."

Cassie kneeled down to be in front of Emily at her eye level. She softly placed her hand on Emily's.

Cassie felt her heart pounding so hard that she thought it would explode.

"I like you too Emily...a lot. I've liked you for the past year and a half, ever since I met you." Emily smiled, making Cassie burst into a grin.

"That's...nice to know..." Emily leaned forward to Cassie slowly, stopped, and let Cassie cover the rest of the distance.
