Chapter 19

"Hello?" I open my eyes and it feels so different. I see a blue sky again. Everything looks perfect. "Hello?" I hear it echo again and again. "Anyone there?" In a white room with that same echo. It's a little girl. "Hello? I am Roslinda and I'll be your friend." I see a little boy crying in a corner and a little girl repeating the same thing. "What's your name?" She asked and I just stared. "Z-Zane." He said and I smiled and picked him up. Someone with the bad mood came in and snatched me away. The doors close and I see the Prince's face. "Let go!" I pleaded. I see Zane chasing after me but he and the Prince vanish.

"Rose, it's time to wake up." I open my eyes to see Zane. I touch his face and it really was Zane. "Zane!" I yell and start crying. He was already crying. "This is where we met Rose." He said and I nodded and just cried and cried. "You're alive!" I felt a sharp pain and shreak. "Get rest you'll need it when you present yourself to your new kingdom." He said and my eyes widen. "I want to see them now." I said and sit up enduring the pain. I stand up with the help of Zane and walk out to see a gorgeous day. Birds were flying and chirping and the sky was as gorgeous as before I passed out. I heard cheering and people laughing for once. When I look upon the kingdom everyone and I mean everyone was there. "My people!" I yell and the cheering grows. "I, your new Queen will lead with loyalty and kindness. I will grow better farms, build better houses and a better life for us!" I hold Zane tight and he makes me look at him. "And I'll make you happy." He kisses me and I kiss back hearing the thundering roars. "Arrow!" I say and he blows air at me. My sores had disappeared and I felt better. "My Queen." He said and he started to glow. He shrunk. He was just like he was as a baby. 
