Chapter 10 Information

We settle for the night and begin eating. I sit under a tree with Alex and Leafena while all the guards were talking with one another. "It must be fun being a guard." I said and Alex only sighed. "Not if your the only girl. I get teased on being the only guard, but I keep my pride and do my job." She said looking up in the sky. "Alex, do you know what this key does?" I asked her and she nodded. "Once your dragon is big enough us this on any door and you will appear in a weapons room full of dragon gear and newly weapons. That's why I said to make sure you always have it." She said and I nodded and stared at it. "So how about you and Oscar, Leafena?" I say and she blushes. "Nothing! I-I mean he only likes you." She said and I patted her head. "I'll talk to him for you okay?" She nods but he was already walking over here. "Hey, Leafena! Do you wanna.... Walk with me?" He asked and Leafena only hid her face and nodded. "Maybe not so far, we still have to stick together." Alex says and Oscar nods. He offers his hand to Leafena and she accepts. I smile seeing them walk away. Me and Alex glance at each other and yell out in unison, "Leafena and Oscar sitting in a tree! K.I.S.S.I.N.G! First comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in the baby carage!" Everyone laughs and when we calm down Zane comes over. "Let's go to sleep now. You need all the rest you can get." He said and me and Alex nodded. "I'll go get Oscar and Leafena." I said and get up. I walk in their direction and see Oscar's arm around Leafena and smile.

"Hey you love birds. Everyone is going to get sleeping. Come on so nothing happens." I said and they turn around. "Sure." Oscar says. We head back and I see Zane sitting up with two pillows and two blankets. When he sees me he smiles. "You don't have to wait for me you know." I told him and he just sits me next to him. "I want to, it gets cold if you're not next to me." He said and I giggle and snuggle against him. He lays us down and I hold him tight. "Zane?" He snakes his arms around me and grabs my butt making me jump. "S-Stop!" I say and he just rubs it. "Zane, I said after." He stops but leaves his hands there and pulls me closer. I smile wide and close my eyes drifting off into sleep.
