Chapter 12

"Come on everyone! Wake up!" I hear one of the guards yell and Zane picks me up and feeds me some breed. I smile wide as he puts me on my horse. We head out once again and when we were halfway there we stopped for a bathroom break. I wandered the woods with Oscar, Leafena and Zane and we look around this pretty place. I see something gold flash at the corner of my eyes and when I go towards it I notice is a carving of a gold dragon standing tall and proud. I touched it but Zane pushes me and Oscar and Leafena come towards me to. I touch it and it glows bright. I feel Zane embrace me tight and shut my eyes.

Arrow's POV

"I need to break out, they are so close!" I said in my head. I try to move myself so that my head was at the top. I bang my head hard but it didn't budge. I tried and tried and cracks appear. I hit once again and it breaks. I bite some of it and tear it apart. I spit it out. I tip over trying to walk out and fall on my face. "OW!" I yelled. "Help!" I heared right behind me. "It's dark and scary in here!" I walk towards the voice and come across something solid. I bang my head against the hard surface and ut breaks. The dim light reveals a red dragon, its a girl! "Your Zane's dragon! Rose!" I say and she shakes off the slim that splats everywhere. I do the same and it flys everywhere. "You're red, your a fire dragon!" I say and she looks at herself. "No wonder I didn't want to be in the dark." She said and we heard more movement. Two eggs side by side. "They break at the same time to reveal a blue and a baby blue one. "Ice and water." I say and they both shake the goo off. "Rose, huh. Thats my riders name." I say and she nods. "I'm well aware, Zane and Rose are both in love." She smiles showing her already sharp teeth poking out. "Let's play!" The two blue dragon's say. "Wait what are your names?" I asked and they both look at each other. "I'm Aquina. I belong to Leafena." The water dragon says. "And I'm Runt, I belong to Oscar." He says and I smile and tackle Runt. "I win!" I say only to get tackled by Aquina. "I win!" We all started to play with each other and had lots of fun.

Till a glowing light appeared making all of us huddle together.

Back to Rose

When the light disappeared we all fell ontop of one another and I groaned being on the bottom. "Rose!" I hear Zane say and he pushes everyone off me and holds me tight. He examines me and I hold his face. "I'm fine." Rose!" Another voice called out. "Arrow?" I get tackled to the ground by a baby dragon!" Arrow! Your a wind dragon!" I say in excitement. He's barely the size of a small squirrel. "You're so tiny." I say and when I look around Oscar was playing with another dragon and so was Leafena, and Zane. "I'm going to change your name to....... Alec not Alex but Alec." Zane says. "Your dragon is beautiful Zane." i say and she runs to me and licks my face. "This is my Zane's wife!" She says. I laugh but then Arrow tackles her. "My human." He says and they begin to playfully fight. "How do we get out of here?" I asked. Arrow gets off of me and wanders to a little opening. He starts to dig and a big cave opens. "Let's go, Alec." Arrow says. Alec gives a stick to Zane and when Zane grabs it Alec blows fire and the stick lights up. Zane stands up and walks ahead of us and lights the way.

I smile when Zane grabs my hand but keeps looking ahead. Alec and Arrow jump on my shoulders and I walk closer seeing a dim light getting brighter. I run ahead and see the guards there. "There you guys are!" One yells and all the guards cheer. "We must head back quickly and tell the King!" One yells and I smile. We get on our horses and start heading back but this time we don't stop. When we get there the whole village is waiting and cheering. Alec jumps on my head and breaths fire. "They did it!" We walk into the dining room in the castle and the King is there happy and not sad. "Rose! I have wonderful news! I have chosen you to be my new wife!" He said it with no hesitation and no doubts and my eyes widen. "No! I'm already married!" I yell at him and he just keeps laughing. "It was a joke!" He said and my heart raced. "My lord ship please don't like that when I'm here." Zane says bowing and the old cook looks up. "Beautiful dragons." He says and I hold my angered face.

"How do you guys grow by the way?" I asked Arrow. "We eat, we grow fast when we eat heaps on food." He says and the king strokes his beard. "Guards send out a hunting group and bring lots of carcusus." The king said and I yawned falling onto Zane. "He grabs me quickly and I look up at him with heavy eyes. "I feel weak." I say and Zane picks me up and excuses himself and we go back to the tree. He lays me down on the bed and I just smile at him. "I'm okay. Really." I say letting my eye lids fall. "Sleep, you deserve it and I'll be right here." He said and I smiled wider and scooted over. He gets in the bed with me and snuggle against me. I hold him tight and fall asleep in his arms. 
