Chapter 21 - Endlessly

{Tabby's POV}

They're not dating.

Nor is he cheating on me.

Complete, utter bullshit.

But I'm still upset that they didn't even bother ringing me up to tell me that he didn't go on the plane.

I'll get over it.


Hurrying downstairs, I whipped opened the door, & I stumbled back in surprise- ALL MY YOUTUBE FRIENDS WERE HERE!

O2L (besides Trevor), Jenn, Andrea, Ricardo, Jack, Tyler, Josh, Ryan, and Reed-even though he's not REALLY a Youtuber, we met through it.

Automatically, I was squeezed into a group hug.

"WE'RE SO SORRY, BOOBOO!" Jack yelled, I'll probably get complaints about it by the neighbors but.... Tabby's friends are loud.

Sorry's were filled through the whole house, & I just giggled.

"I'm fine guys, it's just a hoax." I rubbed the back of my neck, & their expressions all changed into big-eyed, open-mouthed ones.

"MY BABY NEEDS SOME OAKLEY TIME! MOVE, PEASANTS." He shoved the rest of the group to the side, & I bursted out in laughter. I love gay people, & I support it.

They all came inside, with EACH of their cameras, computers, lenses, etc.

BIG COLLABORATION PROJECT! I flung myself onto the couch, & the rest came tumbling over me.

God I love my friends.

Turning on my camera, we all were in weird poses.


que intro.


{Trevor's POV}

"Are you sure this is going to work?" My hands were in my jeans' pockets, the nerves kicking in.

"Pretty diddlydarn sure. Hey, she isn't hurt from it, since it is fake. But you must tell her WHY you stayed back." She nudged me a bit. "Get your flirt on! Text me what happens, peace out girl scout." And she boarded out.

God, I'm nervous.

Knocking on her door, my forehead was starting to sweat-ew. Why.

The doorknob opened up widely, & to my surprise... it was Jack.

"Why shall this peasant be here?" He crossed his arms, & everyone started looking by me. Oh lord... embarrassment.

"I-I needed to talk to Tabby."

"YOU'RE NOT HURTING MY BABY ANYMORE, MISTER!" Reed screamed, cuddling onto Tabby, as did Tyler, Andrea, & Jenn.

Connor walked up to the door, "We know you didn't cheat but, it's still a sensitive topic-"

"Let me talk to him, guys." To my surprise, Tabby paced up to me, a serious look in her face. "What's up?"

"Could we go on a date tonight?" My cheeks blushed a bit, I felt it.

"What kind of date? I'm not dolling up for a guy." Her eyebrows furrowed down, her arms crossed.

"I was hoping you'd like to go to this new restaraunt with me..." My eyes gazed down at my feet, shuffling around.

"What kind of restaraunt is it?" Her gaze softened up a lot.

"A fancy one, but it's not really expensive. Is that a yes?"

Tabby looked me straight in the eye, a sympathetic look in them. "I'd love to. Sorry for being a douche, I'm just upset that you didn't notify me that you were still, you know, IN THE COUNTRY & ALL, but I'd love to go." A smile appeared on her face, & I couldn't help but beam one back.

"Great! It's at eight, so I'll pick you up around seven fourty-five-ish. Love you." I pecked her cheek, & she stood there in awe.

"L-lesbian you, too..." She closed the door.

She lesbians me.

Oh god.

Was she really that nervous? Damnit.

Kicking some gravel, I got back in my neighbor's car, & we drove back to my house.


{Tabby's POV}

"We MUST give you a make-over! The guys can go help Trev Rev back where he is." Tyler clapped his hands. The boys, Ricardo, & Reed said their goodbyes to us, & went to help Trevor.

Yes, Jack & Tyler are staying back. Why? Because they're relatable to girls. Be jealous that my friends are bombidy.

"Jenn, you straighten her hair. Andrea, you apply her make-up. Tyler, you add accessories to her outfit. And I shall pick that outfit out. GET WORKING!" Jack sassed.

"What should I do?" My eyebrows raised up.

"Be adorable, honey." Tyler poked my cheek gently, & started looking through my stuff.

"Ew, ratchet, too club-like, too summer, too gray.... OH EM GEE GIRL YOU MUST WEAR THIS."

I fixated my eyes on Jack, & he picked out my wine-red sleeveless dress, which actually supports my curves, and it goes a bit above my knees. Also, he paired it with black flats.

"It's perfect!" I grinned huge, & he muttered a victorious 'yes' to himself. "Lemme put it on!" He walked over to me, & I told him to spin around.

"It's not like you're not wearing undergarments, sweetcheeks." He had a boyish smirk on his face, which I just rolled my eyes at, & stripped out of my tank top & shorts. After putting his head up, he handed me my outfit, which I fastly put on.

"It looks beautiful, Tabby." He hugged me from the back, placing his head on my shoulder. "Just be careful tonight. Trevor can be very unpredictable." And he let go, jumping onto my bed, sprawling out. What the hell did he mean by that?!

"Come on, girl!" Tyler picked me up, placing me on my desk chair, & placing the accessories on me. A black bow, Trevor's locket, and two silver bracelets.

I'm actually going to look decent.


{Trevor's POV}

"Thanks, guys. I'll see you in a minute." I bro-hugged all the guys in the car, & nervously walked up to her door. Can I do this? Yes... Do it! No....

My hands took control, & knocked four times. OH GOD I CAN'T DO THIS.

"Coming!" I heard Tabby's voice behind the door. A lump formed in the middle of my throat- my nerves hit me like a knuckle in the face.

"Hey." The door swung open, revealing an angelic feature. I can almost see the wings behind her, looking as perfect as ever. The straight hair was a different touch to her, but I still like it. The feminine side is stunning. I literally cannot breathe.

"Hello, beautiful," I twirled her around, "you ready?"

"As I'll ever be! Ching!" She flashed me a toothy smile, like how Connor always does.

"Than let's go!" I beam back, scattering over to the car.

"IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL." Jack & Tyler sniffle, while Jenn & Andrea waved us off.

"Get going, Justin!" Connor poked his cheek, & we all laughed. JC turned on the radio, which 'My Humps' started blaring through. The widest smirk played on my lips, & I started scream-singing along to it.

This is going to be great.

[13 minutes later bc I'm lazy to fill in time]

{Tabby's POV}

As we walk in, hands intwined, I notice that there's other older couples here, but there are some our age, also.

"Reservation name, sir?" The desk lady asked.

"Moran, for 2." He smiled big, & she nodded with a sweet grin.

"Follow me!" She, as I just found out that her name is Erica, was leading us to our table, and stopped at a small table covered with black cloth, & the plates were already out. Trevor pulled out my chair, awww how cute, right? No. He literally stubbed my toe.

"Shiiiiiiiiii-" I realized everyone was staring at me, as I was about to curse in public- but Trevor's eyes were buldging through his head, an apologetic look flowing in them. "-Shucks, Trevor!!!" I squealed a bit from the pain, & sat down to get pushed in. He took the seat right in front of me, & mouthed 'Sorry, beautiful.' so I just nodded, dismissing it.

"What can I get for you two to drink tonight?" Erica questioned.

"I'll take a Dr.Pepper." I gleamed up at her, smiling.

"And I'll do the same." He nervously tapped the table, which made me slightly laugh a little.

"Coming right up. Here's your order menu," she placed two in front of us, "I'll be right back." Erica half-smiled, & headed towards the kitchen.

"I always get the eggplant here, it's my favorite." Trevor blurted, & my eyes met with his.

"I love eggplant." I forced a wink, & he chuckled.

"We're like twins- okay no nevermind no incest."

"Oh my god, Trevor!" My laughter errupted, & I looked like a retarded seal after a couple of seconds.

"Hey, I'll be right back." He squeezed my hand softly, & jogged to the back of me.

Seriously, what the hell am I going to get? There's eggplant, fried ravioli, chicken wings, alfredo- nahhh, I'm going to stick with my eggplant.

A coughing sound came from the stage, so everyone cracked their heads to see.


"Hit it!" The music came rushing in, causing me to grin ear-to-ear.

"She wears a white dress

She sees the light and it's saying 'come back'

She's out the door but she hasn't left yet

And I start believing her when she says that

The city's gonna save her love

Don't leave her I know just what shes looking for

Oh but all she knows is a picture that keeps fading on

But I can't let her go that's why I'm telling her"

Trevor's voice was blaring through the whole place, & I couldn't help but watch with the happiest smile on my face.

"She wears a gold cross

She sheds her skin but it never comes off

She hears the angels out on the streets

Tonight as she walks right by oh they sing so softly

They sing 'oohh whooah, oohh whooah, oohh whooah

Loves right behind you oohh whooah' "

Everyone, including some of the workers, started dancing in the middle of the restaurant.

"I wanna love you more

Than all of the things you wanted

Than all of the things you're not

You want to have it all

But you found it in the city

But the city doesn't talk

Than all of the things you wanted

Than all of the things you've got

But you found it in the city

But the city doesn't talk"

He gave me a wink, & started swaying back & forth with the microphone stand.

"Oohh whooah oohh whooah ohh whooah

Oh she floats off through a crowded room

She remembers the rows and rows of houses

And the street lights going on

That's why I'm telling her

I wanna love you more

Than all of the things you wanted

Than all of the things your not

And you want to have it all

But you found it in the city

But the city doesn't talk

I wanna love you more

Than all of the things you wanted

Than all of the things you've got

And you want to have it all

But you found it in the city

But the city doesn't talk

oohh whooah oohh whooah oohh whooah

Loves right behind you."

He waved to the crowd, which majority of them waved back - so cliche but I love it.

"I'd like to dedicate that song to the most beautiful & amazing girl I've ever met, Tabitha Ellis," the spotlight moved to me, "my girlfriend."

Awww's & Ooo's filled the crowd, followed by claps & whistles.

Yeah.... My face is redder than that eggplant sauce right now.

"Come on up, Tabby!" He enthused in the microphone, which caused my smile to come back. My legs found their way up the stairs, & onto the stage.

"I love you." Trevor picked me up, spinning me in the air gently. Giggles came out of my mouth, & he safely placed me in his arms.

"I love you, too." Our eyes were once again reunited, and his lips smoothly pressed on mine.

This is going to be amazing.



I don't know if this is a long chapter or not so deal with me please 😄 Who knows the name of that song?

it's White Dress by Parachute.

I love Parachute if you can't tell.

Oh & you guys.

My throat's sore wtf is this shiyat

School's starting up in about a week & I'm going to melt.

okay I'll stop being weird now.

There was a dedication promise in the last chapter, & that goes tooooooooo.......

