Chapter 2: Waves & Babes

"Woah, I didn't know you can stay under water that long!" I was shocked by how long Trevor was under the water for.

"Well, I guess it's the lungs of a singer!" He pretended to flip his non-realistic, long hair.

"Wait, you SING!?" I was even more shocked, my mouth opening wider.

"Yeah, haven't you seen The X Factor?" He looked at me with searching eyes, & I just looked down, nodding a no. "Well, let's just start off fresh. Where are you from?"

"Melbourne, Australia...."

"Oooh, that may be why. But, it's cool. You should watch it sometime." He winked at me, & my cheeks started to feel warm.

"Hey, you should spend the night! I just moved here today, & I could really use a friend." I smiled, & he nodded. "Alright, do you want to get going now?"

"Uhh, how about.... YESSS!!" He started moving his hands in the air like crazy, causing me to giggle. We packed up, got changed, & skated our way to my house.

"Alright, so my mum is already at work, so we have the house to ourselves." I opened it up, & we found a place to sit.

"I love your house! It's so big, but comfy." He started complimenting everything around here.

"Ooh, let me show you my room!" I grabbed his hand, & brought him up to my room. "Just let me get my Macbook, & you can show me your audition!" He nodded, & sat down on my bed. I dug out my computer, & lounged right next to him. Signing in to my computer, I found Google Chrome, went on Youtube, typed in my username, & gave the laptop to him.

"Cool, you have a Youtube, too! Anyways, let's find that audition video..." He clacked the words on my keyboard, & suddenly, I was watching him sing Sexy & I Know It. "Ehh, girl look at that body, ehhh!" I started laughing uncontrollably, & the video stopped.

"Did you win?"

"No, I got eliminated, but I'm auditioning again this year."

"Oh, cool! I would love to watch it." I started smiling, & he hugged me. "You alright?"

"Yeah! I just like hugs." He started grinning, & I started feeling warm. "Hey! We should make a Youtube video together on my channel, would you like to?"

"Wait... What's your channel name?"

"Well, every Friday, I post a video on it, because it's a channel we share with 7 people, and we all have our own day. It's called OUR2NDLIFE, or o2l. So, since our theme this week is Music Videos, I still haven't made mine for tomorrow morning. Would you like to be in it?"

"Of course! What song would you like to do?"

"You choose, since you're the guest!"

"Hmm..." I started scrolling through my playlist, "How about Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran?"

"Oh my, we have to do that! Thank God I brought my camera." He took it out, & we started planning the ideas. "Okay, so we start out slow-dancing for the beginning, as a memory, & then we quickly change into something else, showing what is NOW. You start walking, all glum, & I skateboard up, and we look at each other. Anddd that's all I got so far." He started looking at me, & I knew what he was talking about.

"Uhh, since I have green walls, we can greenscreen a fake kiss, but make it look real. If you want..."

"Yeah, there's no need to make it awkward! Now, let's start filming!" We got ready, & started filming.

"Kiss me like you want to be loved...." we were now lipsinging the lyrics by the greenscreen. I made a kissing face, & so did he. We were about 3 feet away, so it's going to be rough to edit it, but I don't care.

"Alright, let me see your Macbook!" I gave him the computer, & we started syncing the videos & music together, putting perfect overlays & overlaps on the clips. About 3 hours later, we were finished, so we saved it as a file, & started to film more for the video.

"Hey guys, it's Trevor. And as you know... This week is MUSIC VIDEO WEEK!!!" he started dancing, "And, I have a special guest..." He nodded his head slightly for me to get in the clip.


"We both made this music video happen, so WATCH IT! Now, here it is!" We stretch our arms, & he stops the film.

Turning it back on, he starts talking again.

"Okay, so that's it guys! I hope you like it! Until next week, I'm Trevor & this is Tabitha," he holds me in a tight hug, "And we'll be back sooner than you think." He winks, & stops the camera. "You did great!"

"Thanks, Trev. I'm excited to see how well it does!" I let go of him, & start editing the whole video again.

"We have to do this another time, Tab!" He helps me edit, & we finished it around 6-ish. "Wanna order some Taco Bell?" I nodded, & we skated downtown to get some tacos. I was feeling so happy, we had an instant connection, just like Miranda & I. Once we got our tacos, we sat down, & just talked... about whatever came into our minds. I checked my phone, & it was already 8:30!

"Holy... We gotta get back!" We threw out our trash, & went back to my house. Hurrying upstairs, we plopped down on my bed, & I turned on my TV. "Uhh, do you need something to wear?"

"I actually brought my sweats, but thanks!" He got up, & put down his shorts right in front of me. I was trying to look the other way, but once he took off his shirt, I couldn't help but look at his toned back. He put on his sweats, & came back up. "You should go change, too." He said with a huge smile on his face, furrowing his eyebrows. Sighing, I got my black booty shorts & a plain white tank top to sleep in.

"C-can you look the other way..." I said, my body still self-consious. He turned around, & I changed as fast as I could, & got into bed. "Goodnight, Trev."

"Goodnight, beautiful."

My cheeks flushed beet red from him calling me beautiful. I forcefully closed my eyes, & fell asleep.

* Trevor's POV: *

Tabitha fell asleep on me, that dang party pooper! I snuck out of the bed, grabbed her laptop, & came back up there. I turned it on, thankfully remembering the password, & went to the webcam. I started talking, not too loud, but a good volume. "It's night time, & Tabitha has fell asleep on me!" I zoomed into her face asleep. "Well, now I'm all alone. But, look at how she sleeps, all spreaded out!" I looked at her for a decent 2 seconds, & started laughing. "She's gonna be pissed when she sees this!" I grabbed one of her bras that was on the dresser, & put it on, impersonating her. I stopped filming, took it off, & edited the films perfectly. Once the FULL video was done for my o2l segment this week, I looked at the time: 4 A.M! I smiled evily, & uploaded it. Thank God, it was a Friday. I placed the Macbook under the pillow, & fell asleep.
