
Song Inspiration: This Is Halloween by Marilyn Manson (Obviously bitch. Why would this not be my inspiration?)

Tommy runs in the store, probably hoping I chase him. Sorry to disappoint, again, but I don't want to. I get out of the car and walk in, listening to the chimes as the automatic sliding doors open.

"Come on, Rosalieeeee!!!" Tommy grabs my wrist and drags me to the candy isle. I bite my lip slightly from the pain that's still on my arm from last week. "Okay, what shall we get?" Tommy stands with his hands on his hips and looks at all the sweets. I step forward and grab a bag that mostly consists of different chocolates. Tommy nods in approval and runs off to the back of the store. I follow slowly and see him grabbing an energy drink.

"Isn't that going to make you more hyper and not sleep?"

"Ah, yeah." He puts it back and grabs a soda. I start walking off to the front of the store for checkout. "Wait! Aren't you going to get anything?"

I try to smile slightly, "We have stuff at home. I don't need to get something here." I don't like knowing that Tommy is staring at me. I know he's questioning my choices, but it's fine.

We set the few items we have on the counter and I pull out a little cash I had in my jeans pocket. As I'm about to stick my hand out, Tommy pays quickly. "I'm not having you pay. Not today."


"It's your birthday."

"So? You don't need to do that still."

"Let me be kind to a woman!" He exclaims.

He's only kind because he feels bad for you. He feels bad that Reid forgot you.

I stay silent for the majority of the car ride while Tommy rambles on about scary movies we could watch or rewatch.

"We could watch the Conjuring, although the second one wasn't that good. We could just watch any comedy horror movies too! Like the movie Freaky or something. I'm assuming you've seen that, though."

"We could watch Lights Out...? It's your choice..."

Tommy grins, "Yes!" Then he suddenly let's out a excited sound, "You and I should stop at a store really quick and get matching pajamas!!!"

I shake my head, "Not without Toby."

"Pleasee??" Tommy looks at me with puppy eyes when the car stops. I sigh and nod. Tommy cheers slightly.

"Want me to carry you?" Tommy asks as we both get out of the car again.

"Nah, I'm fine."

"Okay, Rosie-"

"Don't call me Rosie."

"-I demand that you jump on my back and I carry you," Tommy stares me down, forcing me to listen. I swear under my breath and jump on him. I rest my chin on his shoulder as he carries me into the store. "Now I can call you a koala!"

"Please don't..." I jump off of Tommy's back and start looking through the outfits. With excitement, I run off away from Tommy, seeing if they have a matching thing. I run back to the tall blonde, my smile growing as I grab the onesie I want. Jack Skellington.

"That'll be cute on you, I think. Ironic, too, since you're so short and he's so tall like me," Tommy chuckles and I drag him along with me.

"You said you wanted to match, so get this one!!" I jump with excitement and point to a onesie that represents Oogie Boogie.

Tommy chuckles, "No no no. I wouldn't look good in that." I give my best puppy dog eyes. "Fine! You stupid koala. I'm going to wear this only for you."

You're making him mad. He doesn't want it, just listen for once.

I frown slightly, but quickly smile again. "If you really don't want it, I understand."

"I want it! I was just joking when I said I was only doing it for you. It was my idea, anyway," Tommy begins to walk to the front of the store and we buy the two things.

"So, Lights Out is our plan?" I ask.

"Yeah. Maybe after that, if you and I are still wide awake, we watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. It only matches our theme!" I nod happily.

The minute I get to my home, I run to my room and lock it before quickly changing. I walk out and jump on the couch, searching for our planned movie. Tommy walks out and stands I'm front of the TV before posing. "Admit it, I look hot in this."

"Eh. A solid seven."

"Hey! I thought I'd be a 9 at least," Tommy looks me over. "Do a pose," He demands. I stand up reluctantly and do a lazy pose. "Nine." I feel my face heat up and I just sit back down, keeping a silence between us. Tommy sits beside me and I press play on the movie.

Within the first thirty minutes, Tommy and I keep glancing at the hallway and kitchen. A silent debate goes on between ourselves and I stand up. "Rose?" I hum in response. "Grab me a water from the fridge while you're up?" I sigh and nod, helping Tommy out and turning on the light above the stove. It provides a little light to the home and enough for Tommy and I to stop freaking out slightly.

I hand Tommy his water and am about to sit down when Tommy pulls me down partially on him. He wraps his arms around me like I'm some teddy bear and presses play on the movie.

"What the fuck, man?"

"I want something to hug while watching the movie." I blush wildly and lean against Tommy, relaxing my muscles a little.

We stay this way for the rest of the movie, although whenever a jump scare or slightly terrifying part comes up, I'm squeezed almost to the point of death. I'd just grab the boys arm that's around me and dig my nails into it slightly.

"Want to watch another movie or-"

"Another movie." Tommy searches for our second planned movie and plays it. This movie is more peaceful. Tommy's arms lay limply over me after about fifteen minutes, a huge indicator that he's sleeping. I sigh and slowly lift his arms from me.

I run to grab a blanket from the closet and am about to cover him up when Tommy opens his eyes slightly. "What are you... doing...?" He questions, still partially asleep.

"I was just going to bed after covering you up with a blanket." Tommy grabs my sleeve and tugs weakly. "Whats that supposed to mean?"

"Don't leave yet... be my teddy bear for a few more moments..."

"I don't think-" I'm pulled down onto Tommy and he hugs me close to him. He pulls the blanket over us. "Why?"

Tommy doesn't answer. He fell back asleep that quickly? Dang. I watch the movie a little bit more with my back pressed against the boy, but soon feel my eyelids getting heavy.

Before I can force myself to watch more, sleep has made its way to me.
